Harper (Harper cannot tell you his first name. Taboo.)
2002-10-28 20:27:21
And a note I forgot to mention: If the server's ISP threatens to disconnect his service, I'll blame YOU! ^-^ Thanks to you, you've already generated close to a whopping 10 gigs of downloads from ONE DAY'S USAGE!
We'll see what happens.
Have the Fluffy Dinosaur Meet Me at 28th Street.
2002-10-28 18:07:22
Mood: Pretty good.
Currently in:
CD Player- DDR Mix 2 (Megamix)
PSOne- DBZ: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu >or Legends for the noobs<
Gamecube- Bloody Roar: Primal Fury
Xbox- Nothing. BWAA-HAHAHA!
PC- Guilty Gear X
Stomach- Olga's Kitchen. Mmmn! Snackers and Peasant soup!
I ditched classes today due to the fact that I've got WAY too much homework to get finished. Waltzing in without it is a good way to get dead. So I'm taking a short break from class to catch up. Why am I here, you ask? (my hands hurt! ...No, REALLY!)
...Dunno. But my hands DO hurt.
Met up with an old buddy today; he's been in the Marines (somewhere in the vast Californian desert) for a VERY long time and he's back until he gets shipped to Okinawa. Which gives me at least a month to catch up. We met at the mall with his mother (and ate Olga's! Yumm!) and basically looked at all the things we WANTED to buy. Got home and was pleasantly surprised with two packages from the post man: One was DBZ Legends and the other was the 2nd Mix DDR OST, both of which I've very much been looking forward to recieve. Good old Ebay. Got the OST for 15 and DBZ for 21... not bad deals at all, considering they were sealed. ^-^
Guess I'll go back to do some more homework now. >sigh< ...glad to see that a few people are downloading my vids (the DBGT one's gotten about 150 downloads in just the past 24 hours, which I'm actually quite pleased with. Too bad not even half that much are downloading the Spawn and Akira vids; they're much better. Guess it's their loss.
Peace out and such.
Chib chib.
2002-10-27 15:27:42
That's that; all my current videos are up for download now! Go. Get 'em. Do eet now. You know you wanna. :-) Let me know what you think; I LOVE getting comments, even if they're three-paragraph flames.
Well, who said I didn't have fans?
2002-10-27 01:59:58
My MMX4 vid of olde (the only one that actually made it onto the internet...? Yeah, that one) seems to have caught the attention of a very generous person who has approximately 250 megs of space set aside for my videos. Being one to take advantage of such rare occurances, I accepted and will very soon be permiering all the REALLY good vids on the net FINALLY. KUDOS, MEGAMAN X GOLD! I'll inform the journal readers (counts all 6 people who happen to read this) as soon as they're available for download.
2002-10-22 00:32:48
Just gotta ask what this FLCL stuff is, why it's so funny, and why I'm finding it impossible to wait for the next DVDs to come out?
Whoever made this series should be shot... it's WAY too good for its own good. :-D
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 13:59:49