JOURNAL: Harper (Harper cannot tell you his first name. Taboo.)

  • Hey. HEY. Who touched my P2P client? 2002-10-06 10:46:21 Temporary fix for those that want to see stuff I've done; if you have Kazaa (ver. 2), if there's some way to search for the username Harper_l337@Kazaa, I'm keeping that P2P client open pretty much all day with my Cable modem connection for you to download my stuffs. I'm not promising you that you'll LIKE it, but one can only hope. :-) I'll keep my stuff there unti I can get some internet-age up and running. I hope you enjoy the stuff! If you do, feel free to leave some comments and such.

    Hasta la Vuegos! 
  • Alright. 2002-09-24 11:47:29 I got some stuff.

    A. Motivation
    B. Bank Account
    C. Balls
    D. All of the above
    C. All of the above and others not mentioned

    So, as such, I'm getting back into my old hobby, and since free hosts won't help me out, I guess ya just gotta do some things yourself. After I'm done with this project, I'll be typing my SUCK-ASS Webpage in Frontpage 2K2 so you can all be jealous of my suckass WYSIWYG page. Yeah, yo! So I'll finally have my piece of the ass known as the internet to do what I wish with. That makes me feel so good. Kinda like Justin Timberlake solo. Ya know, I used to dream about this when I was a little boy. Never thought it'd end up this way.


  • And now... a script. 2002-09-18 16:01:55 Boy: I'm in my mommie's room, whee, what fun! Can't wait 'till Dad gets home! Maybe we can play some baseball...

    /Door opens and you can hear a woman giggling...

    Boy: Oh, Mommie's home!

    /...and another man.

    Boy: That doesn't sound like Daddy... >hides in bedroom closet<

    /Woman walks into bedroom, as well as other man.

    Man: When's the hubby due back?

    Mom: Not for a long time.

    Man: Then let's ...Do eet.

    Mom: Oh, you pervert! Tee hee... >undresses<

    Boy: o.O; >through closet door hole, watches... stuff happen.<

    /A short time later, door smashes open...

    Dad: Honey, I'm home!

    Mom: >to strange man< Oh, shit! He can't see you here or he'll kill us both! Hide in the closet!

    Man: Shit, shit shit... >grabs pants and dashes into closet<

    Mom: >distracts Hubby< So, honey, how was your day? >voices grow distant...<

    Man: Whew. Close one.

    Boy: Gee, mister, it's dark in here.

    Man: O.O HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD! Where did you come from!?

    Boy: It's real dark in here.

    Man: Sure is. Shut up.

    Boy: Wanna buy my baseball?

    Man: No, I dun wanna buy your baseball!

    Boy: Oh, mister, I think I should get Dad over here so he can see how dark it is.

    Man: No, that's a BAD idea! Bad boy!

    Boy: Well, you wanna buy my baseball or not?

    Man: ...Fine. How much?

    Boy: Ten bucks.

    Man: Ten bucks? Seems steep.

    Boy: Okay, let's go get Dad and see what he thinks.

    Man: FINE, fine. Here ya go. Don't choke on it.


    Mom: Coast is clear, you can leave now. ;-) See la later, hot stuff.

    Man: Sure... >leaves<

    Boy to self: Hmm.

    **next day**

    Boy: Tra-lala la la, Mom's room is cool.

    /Door opens, and those two voices eminate from it AGAIN.

    Boy: Tee hee, I like dark places! >runs into closet.<

    Mom and man: >do eet<

    Boy: Wrestling on a tuesday night... spiffay.

    /Door opens

    Dad: Honey, I'm home!

    Mom: SHIT! Get in the closet, hurry!

    Man: Yep, I'm gettin' there. >runs into closet<

    Boy: Hey mister, it's soooo dark in here."

    Man: Aw, fer...

    Boy: Wanna buy my baseball mit?

    Man: >sigh< How much?

    Boy: A hundred bucks. ^_^


    Boy: Oh, Dad...

    Man: SHHH-HHHH! -.- Here ya go, kid, a hundred.

    Boy: Thanks, Mister.


    Mom: Coast is clear. Hurry on outta here.

    Boy: I like this closet.

    **next day**

    Boy: Tee tee tee da-dum! >looks at clock< Hmm, wonder how dark the closet is today...? >runs into it as he hears his mom and the man again<

    Mom and Man: They R d0inK i3T A good one.

    Boy: Tee hee.

    Dad: >slam< HONEY, I'M HO-OME!!!

    Mom: Not again.. go on into the closet!

    Man: Okie-day! >pulls pants up and runs into closet<

    Boy: ...

    Man: ...

    Boy: Gee, Mister, it sure is dark in here.

    Man: ...

    Boy: Wanna buy my Baseball bat?

    Man: ...o.O;

    Boy: It's a steal at ten thousand.

    Man: ...>forks over dough<

    Boy: Thanks a lot, mister!

    Man: >simply walks out of closet and leaves house, undetected<

    Boy: >gets out of closet< Well, that was really fun.

    Dad: Hey, Son, let's go out and slug a few balls around!

    Boy: Uhm, no can do, Dad. I sold our Baseball stuff.

    Dad: Eh? Oh, well... how much?

    Boy: Uhm, I think it was Ten thousand one hundred and ten, but I lost count...

    Dad: WHA-WHAAAA!?

    Boy: Yup.

    Dad: What you have done is a SIN! You must repent!

    Boy: But, Dad...

    Dad: No buts! You're gonna return the money to whomever gave it to you, but first things first... you'll confess your sin to God this Sunday at church.

    Boy: Aww...

    ***That sunday***

    /Boy walks into confessional and kneels.

    Boy: ...

    Priest: ...

    Boy: ...It sure is dark in here, Mister.

    Priest: Now cut that out, God Damnit! 
  • ...... o.O ; I am now in a strange, foreign territory... Danger, danger, danger. 2002-09-16 02:34:02 Wussup yet again? What, this is only ...two months later, that's all. =) I don't even think anyone remembers me, but I'm that Harper kid that made that one MMX video that was so mediocre, and he sorta disappeared, like Bobby Fisher, but less popular than him. But he's back >back... back<... back again.. >'gain...'gain...< and with good news: I'm comin' online soon! A new project that sparked into my puny lil' mind has drawn me back to my old hang house here, and I'll commemorate what I believe could be my finest work yet with the shittiest Web page you've ever seen. Why shitty?

    ...pfft. Cos I really could give a rat's ass what some DBZ Power-level list freak/fan could think of my page. It's there to host my AMV's and that's it. Maybe some blab periods, a couple mock reviews, but that's pretty much it. And unlike in the past, where I always said I'd do it and never did, I currently have A. A job, B. Motivation, and C. The guts to do it. If my page isn't up by November, or at least something like that >as soon as I get hosted, first thing I'll do is upload my AMV's and link 'em<, I'll leave forever, the ass that I am, and play Mario Sunshine 'till I die. But that ain't happenin, so don't cheer yet. ;)

    Going back to "thing which has wrought the wrath of Harper upon us all once again", I did a complete impulse buy of a series called the Sakura Diaries. Before I go off on a tangent, let me tell you right now: it's not particularly a great show. Entertaining at best, it pales in comparison with the ranks of His and Her Circumstances >there's a Japanese name for it... next post I make, if someone hasn't told me what it was by then, I'll have remembered it< or playing Super Monkey Ball. With yourself. Or playing with yourself. Or just doing nothing, hands in lap by yourself. But I like these calm little moments before the storm >snicker<.

    No, it's the shittiest cartoon ever made.

    ...well, that's exaggerating. It's okay. But I digress, it's a fine show nonetheless. Now that I've contradicted myself enough to last a millenia or so, if you skip the whole near-rape scene, it's actually quite good >the rape scene was ...actually pretty freaky.<, and in the end, you don't know what the hell just happened, and you're pretty sure you don't care, but you've just witnessed a story, and that's for sure. I mean, come on. What's the basic premise for most Japanese Animation these days..? Either a mutated human male pissed off at the world, little schoolgirls getting ensnared in those tricky lil' tentacle aliens >god damn those aliens...< or a mercenary hired to save the universe. Ho-hum. In the same manner, this is the story of a girl who cried a river and drown the who--...wait, that's been done too. Shit.

    Well, y'see, there's this chick who likes this guy cos she saw him like a long time ago and she just caught up with him now and she's all like slutty and shit or that's what it seems and the guy's all like "NO" and shit but she just doesnt get it and he's in a total "I wanna be famous and go to this college" kinda mood but he's a frickin' retard but he sees this OTHER chick who's f'in hot and he's all like, "sup." and she's all like "hey, stud" and they hit it off and he finds out that hey, he can't go to her college and THEN he finds out hey, she only dates people from her college, so he's all like fuckin' lying and shit and like, "hey, I got into your college" and she's all like jumpin his bones, but wait, it's only in his head, nevermind, so he enrolls in this cram college and stays at his uncle's house where lo and behold, the slutty girl from his past lives there! Holy fucking coincidence, eh? So she's all slutty and shit >or is she...?< and he's all like, "Meh" and he does shit with the cool college chick and they get all shit-faced and almost fuck but oh, wait, it was in his mind again cos she fuckin fell asleep on his ass, HAH, FUCKING OWNED, ASSHOLE... so he's all degraded and shit like that and then the slut gets too sluttish after he was RE-jected by cool chick and >skipping the near-rape scene< slut-girl hates him, but wait, she loved him all along and--

    ...sounding odd yet? For some reason, after seeing the first DVD, I felt the compelling pull to finish it off. It's actually quite good (though the ending is still kinda like, "Okay... so what now?" But a good show. I enjoyed it.

    So I hear this song on the radio the other day. I heard it a lot before cos it's practically on a rotation on every station cos she's got one of the best voices in the world, I guess (even though there's another chick that sounds JUST like her). But I heard it AGAIN and it struck me that hey... these two go along. Then I heard Missy Elliot's new track and decided that'll go in a small comedy skit at the end just cos I'm an asshole. ;p

    So, I'm coming back. I'm gonna put my older projects you haven't seen up, then I'll start introducing my new stuff. Be gentle with this new one, though, cos A. I haven't even started it yet, punk. :p B. It's been awhile since I've gone and F'ed things up, just like I always do... and C. I love the little tacos! I love them GOOOooood. Speaking of which, if you don't know what/who a Gir is, go on Imesh or Kazaa or mIRC or WHATEVER you fucking leeches do and get some Invader Zim episodes, as I'm sure there's a million of them out there. Watch and be amazed >or totally stupified! RAAAAH!<

    So now I go to sleep. My schedule is as follows:

    Sunday: 6p-2a : work
    Monday: 2a-3a: Whatever I need to do
    3a-10/11a: sleep
    11a-5.5p: Whatever I need to do
    5.5p-10.5p: college.
    10.5p-1a: whatever I wanna do >YES!<
    Tuesday: 1a-11a/12p: sleep
    Repeat Tuesday schedule.
    Wednesday: Repeat Monday Schedule.
    Thursday: Repeat Tuesday schedule.
    Friday: Repeat Monday schedule.
    Saturday: Repeat Tuesday schedule.

    I've got exactly one half hour before sleep period begins. Must squeeze some Unreal Tournament 2003 and Mario Sunshine in before sleep period begins... O.O; Bookin' it now! See y'all later. Write me and call me a hoover. I like that. >;p

    I...'m gonna soak up the su-u-un.... ^-^ zzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • 2002-07-25 17:19:02 OH MY GOD, KIDS! I'm ALIVE!

    Yeah, I've been gone for-EVER, eh? It's kinda annoying to belong to a site
    that you can't give anything to, because I think people just look at me, look at my page and think, "M-kay, this dude's got an account, half a dozen music videos and none of 'em are available for download... What the hell's up with THAT!?". And I know some of you do. Well, that's me in a nutshell; too poor to set up my own site, and too lazy to look for another "free" host (the last one I set up with, I took the time to upload all 400-something megabytes of my stuff, only to have him vanish of the face of the earth, thank you very >expleditive deleted<ing much... these kids think I've got a 56K dialup to waste an entire day to upload stuff, I guess. =) Ah, but enough with the complaining, cos I'm back (Cue Batman Track: Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na!) and, even though I STILL have no way for you to see all the groovy-keen stuff I've been up to since my absence, I thought I'd let you know what's going on in my half of the world.

    It's getting pretty close to College time, actually... and I don't know wether I should be ultra-happy and glad to be getting out of this godforsaken town... or to be scared shitless. Here's the rest of my life, sitting about 60 miles South of me... the next two years will be spent preparing the skills I'll need to put food on the table and clothes on the kids. Not that I have my own table to fill or kids to clothe yet, but I'm sure that at SOME point I'll have a house and a family. One can hope. =) Lotsa temptations out in the big city (the town I come from has a population of ...gad, I don't think it's above 10,000. Pretty puny.), but I'll be sure NOT to spend all my paychecks on what any man wants to spend it on: toys! That's a good way to get a one-way ticket BACK home, scrounging from my parents for the rest of my life... >NOOOOOOOOH!<
    So, I'll get it right the first time and save myself the embarassment.

    Where exactly have I been the past few months? Well, really busy. Getting a car, a job, KEEPING THEM BOTH... takes up time. But most of my other time has been spent hanging around a videogame trade center called GameTZ ( where everyone's immature and the only thing better than talking to 80% of the population there is shooting yourself in the foot. But then again, I've done quite a few worthwhile swaps (for instance, Harper is getting annoyed that he has to wait until February to get Zelda, even though every other game for the GC system is either shit, or been played so much that even the sight of them sends me into convulsions.. so I traded my Gamecube for 12 PS2 games and my Nintendo for a single Dreamcast game. These, my friends, are the good ol' days. ^-^)

    And you're probably gonna shoot me for this... but I found a new favorite
    Anime, and it doesn't involve Aliens, madmen (well, not in the sense everyone thinks of) or Fire-Jubei Kame-hameha's. It involves a girl, a boy, and the hate-which-inevitably-turns-to-love that they share. And it's probably one of the funniest and most original shows I've seen in YEARS. Excluding the hate-turning-into-love part. That happens a lot, I'm sure, but I don't watch romance shows as a rule... but this one's different. And it's FUNNY! I can't help but giggle nonstop when I watch it, which makes me question my sexuality a bit, but I can assure you, ladies... you're still #1. ^-^ It's called "His and Her Circumstances", and a rapidly-accepted six-per-DVD episode roster just adds to the overal value. I can't wait to get more of it. Really. The dub's fantastic, and the translation is top-notch (this is one of dem freaky japanese-typing-in-the-cartoon shows; they translate every one of 'em for you. It's really neat!)... if you haven't even heard of it, buy the first DVD. It's

    So attracted to the storyline... @,@ I may never go back. For now, though, I'll leave you to your normal AMV-viewing schedule, as I obviously will not be able to please you until I reach college and get to manage my own money (did I mention to you that no matter how much money I make a week, I only get to keep $20 of it, 15 of which instantly goes into my Gas tank? Doesn't leave much room for hobbies, I'm afraid...). But fret not, eventually you and I shall be satisfied.



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