Rebus_Valstay (Kenneth McQueen)
2001-12-19 22:04:48
Looks like I'm going to drive up to Norfolk tomorrow with my folks. life is weird. I take a break from anime, grab a Canadian beer (that's exotic around here), and sit by one of my parents' cats (which thinks its a dog) that is chewing a pig ear...ARGH! I've been making a couple of final changes to Lament before I send it off to a convention so I haven't been able to work on my new project. Christmas is a lot closer than I had previously thought...maybe I need to find some stores in Norfolk and get some gifts for people. When I get back from there I've gotta drive all the way back to Cartersville. DAH!
One of my lady friends is trying to get me to date one of her friends that lives around here (Gastonia)'ll never happen. No lady in her right would go out with I've been told at least. ...when was the last time I had a girlfriend again...oh...yeah...freshman year of high school and I'm a third year university student. I think I need to get out more.
2001-12-18 22:56:30
Gastonia sucks...I can't even get a good imported beer here. That's what I get for making a surprise visit on my parents (it works both ways, Pop). Anyway...I've had a lot of time to work on my new video which will take forever but I've also corrected some timing and video issues with Saltwa...errr...Lament. Hopefully when I get cable modem access I can host again. I watched all of Lain today...damn does that show have a lot of power lines. Anyway, me thinks I need to get back to work.
Glug glug glug, I'm a fish
2001-12-13 15:38:16
I'm packing my stuff and am currently finishing up some last minute downloads for some videos I want to review during the break. I just killed my only download link for my video 'cuz I'm changing schools thus my IP won't be the same anyway. I don't know how much time I'll spend online during this break although I do know that I'll be working on a couple of projects. Anyway, take care until next year everyone.
<expletive deleted>
2001-12-12 22:13:14
Good point, D. Shimare. The problem is that popular culture allows for such behavior. Younger people have the problem of trying to prove something they simply can't yet all they actually prove is that they are immature AND sexist. Unfortunately such behavior is widely accepting in the gaming community thus is a major problem.
On related news...I cannot get motivated to study...not like my credits for this semester will transfer anyway. Mmmm...wonder if anyone around here sells Jolt Cola.
Final Stretch
2001-12-12 16:40:40
Caffeine!!! Anyway, I'm moving out tomorrow afternoon thus my server will be down for AT least a month as I will try to obtain cable-based internet service when I get back for a trip to North Carolina. Anyone wanting to download my music movie should do so now but bear in mind that I will attempt to iron out some issues in it during the break...additional opinions would be nice but I have a good idea what I'm going to change now.
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 18:58:07