Rebus_Valstay (Kenneth McQueen)
The burning sensation lets you know it's working
2001-12-03 12:16:04
I personally can't wait until this Harry Potter dies out...then again I've been saying the same thing about DBZ for years now. I'm not out to judge the abilities of author but the ethics I do question. I remember in an interview a while back (I can't remember any sources, sorry) that she (Rowling) said that she was concerned about children spending too much time in front of the TV or playing games. Oddly enough there is now a movie and a game. Perhaps this is the same in any case where something becomes so popular that idealism is dropped and the whole issue becomes about commercial endorsements. My $0.02.
2001-12-03 10:52:42
"Rebus, this is Windows talking. I don't feel like working today so please use your Linux machine."
But my other machine doesn't have a sound card
/me kicks Windows box.
Oh well, I need to go to class anyway.
2001-12-02 23:24:48 While working on a video and talking on the phone one of my idiot roommates kept getting calls every 2-3 minutes. If they need to talk to him THAT badly his lame friends need to just come and see him. /me sighs. Anyway I need to start looking at downloading some video filters for premiere.
2001-12-02 20:30:25
Where is this winter everybody has been talking about? Oh, yeah, other states.
Am I the only one...
2001-12-02 19:56:19
that manages to render to video in Premiere just to find out I rendered to wrong video channels? While working on a video I managed to just waste nearly a half hour when I saw my 'unused clips' video channels were the ones visible. Damn I'm angry.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:11:35