Rebus_Valstay (Kenneth McQueen)
*sneeze**cough**cough**cough**sneeze**sneeze*...*sneeze* awww crap!
2002-01-03 09:45:52
ugh...Rebus doesn't feel too well...must drag self back to bed.
010001000100001001011010 0111001101110101011000110110101101110011
2001-12-29 12:48:26
:) It does I tell ya!
What was I going to say? Oh, I have today freed up so I'm trying to finish those last minute corrections and redistribute it...then if/when I'm done I'll work on the current project. YAR!
More Rebus-isms.
2001-12-29 00:50:26
Being alone. Often people associate the holidays with family and getting together and enjoying each other. I can't help but feel that this is just a load of <explitive deleted>. Christmas Day in my family consists of sitting with five people you hate that are chain smokers as they talk about how much they hate other social groups and having them asking my opinion then getting in a huge arguement about politics and always getting pissed off. After the ritual dinner I left to a hiking trail close to the nearby dam and just sitting alone for a couple hours pondering on everything.
What do we even live for? Is it to be happy or to make those around us better; this I highly doubt. Is it for some religious purpose; being an atheist I deny this. Is it to fall in love and to have ump-teen kids? That isn't going to happen to me any time soon...if ever (I'm voting on never). So if there is no religion meaning there is nothing after death and if a person doesn't reproduce then what is the point of living if not to just consume valuable resources. Yes...this is what I always think about and this is why I'm chronically depressed. parents went back up to Gastonia so I won't see them for some time now. The only person I have to see all the time is my brother whom I detest thus I'll probably stay home for the rest of the break as there is nothing to do outside of working on an AMV project which will probably suck. For right now though...I'll sip some beer and watch a few AMVs and then go to sleep.
Mmm...Cable fresh
2001-12-28 17:31:53
Yar! Rebus has just got a cable connection. Expect to see Lament back up in several days after making a couple of changes and re-encode the mofo.
Giant Beer Glass
2001-12-23 22:31:49
I'm back from my trip to Gastonia and Norfolk and am I glad to be back. I'm supposed to have a cable modem installed this coming week plus I have inspiration to work on my video big time. When my main computer gets online I'll try to upload some reviews that I wrote when I was in Gastonia. Anyway...I think I'll go and have a couple BoilerMakers before sawing some logs.
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 09:53:40