• Ok! 2004-12-01 03:13:45 SO! I entered my banners, and I mean actually entered them, (they worked this time, and weren't rejected). My Yuna, Kenshin, and Kingdom Hearts one's were uploaded.

    You know, each time I put one in I get a higher voting score? It was 60 last time *ouch* (just imagine what my last ones were if they're getting "better"). These ones are good though, they might just make it. I like the kingdom hearts one the best, as it took me the longest to make (I got the image by getting a screen shot of a movie welcome from an official page, then cut bits out of it).

    *sigh* I have been forced to go to school tomorrow, even though no one's going to school. Cassie has to, so she wants me to, too. I hesitantly obliged... what have I gotten myself into??? Great, while the rest of Year 9 go to a theme park, Cassie and I will be at school doing Literacy and Numeracy (the teachers don't let up, even on the last day [not official, mind you]).

    Which reminds me that I need to hand in a signed permission note for me not to be at school from Friday onwards (we have another week after that). *have to remember that*.

    Well, enough of my rambling. If anyone wants to speak to me, please do so ( [default email, easier to reach] please title the email "from the org" or something). I'm bored, and want new friends, seeing as friends is not a word in my dictionary. They all seem to run away after the first hour... 
  • Gross! 2004-11-29 00:54:41 My dog ate horse poo on one of our walks. Yum, yum! Very nutritional! A big, huge mouthful... urg... I know, it's just like blended grass... but I can't really see it that way...

    Activities at school today. *sarcastic whoop* Well, we planted trees next to the creek, Cassie and I helped our Drama teacher stocktake (never again), and we did Harry Potter quizes. Oh, and we ate.

    Nothing more to write, my life is quite boring at the moment. 
  • Also... 2004-11-27 22:41:10 My 'only hope' banner should go up in the next 2 weeks... it's better than the previous one, but I have to say, they're only getting better by a tiny little bit each time...  
  • woohoo! 2004-11-27 18:09:22 My Sad Tale banner got through! Woohoo! Everybody vote! I know, it's definitely not the best banner there... but feh! 
  • yoohoo! 2004-11-26 00:33:30 A! I got an A! And that makes up the whole mark for this term... this is Math...

    Ha! Cassie and I got our Sose marks back... we did a website together about Indonesia... to our suprise we got an A, A, A+ Huh!? The A+ part was the part I think we did worst. So many parts I was putting onto the website the night before...

    Heehee... I can't wait! I've decided that I'll rely on Santa to get the third boxset of Kenshin for me, and that I'd rather get a Yuna T-Shirt. Snazzy eh? Mum would much rather I spent my reward on clothes!! ^-^ 
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