IWUVANIME (Briar Francis)
2004-11-24 17:19:11
Ok, so Dad isn't quite finished with setting up broadband, a couple of days should do... then I can download amvs until I run out of disk space, or Dad catches me using his disk space... whichever one comes first...
Going to school, just a quick note really...
2004-11-23 22:16:47
wai! wai! ADSL is active... now all I have to do is wait for Dad to come home to set it up... *drools* I can't believe I'm not allowed to do it myself!
*waits* yup, only 6 hours to go... *waits* now only 5 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds...
You get the point...
Asessment Over!
2004-11-23 18:18:23
*points at spelling* Is that wrong?
Anyway, we did the drama performance (B+, best in the class so far [ouch!]), and the Japanese test was abolished because the LOTE department thought we had too much on (how understanding), and I did the Maths test I was dreading (Trigonometry, Time and Distance, Equations, and Solids and Volumes all in one, [a whole term of work in one test]). I think i did OK, it wasn't that hard, but the problem with me is not how I get the answer or anything like that, it's how I write it down. You see, I often add a zero or something by accident... mou...
I guess I'll find out tomorrow how 'well' I did. I went through it with Cassie afterwards, and we seem to have gotten the same answers... it was strange, cause she's usually so much better than me at Maths. And I said "Well, great minds think alike, lets just hope we're great minds!" Cassie went "huh!?"
To celebrate the end of assesment, Mum let me have a day off (yay!). Except, it's not much of a celebration seeing as I'm at home... on my own... no one else... just me...
FEH! At least it beats watching Finding Nemo for the 5th time in science (apparently it's scientific, and get this, we have to take notes!) or doing god knows what in English. And to finish the day off, walking to the swimming pool for sport, then walking back to school. You see, I can't go swimming... at... this... time...
Ahem... well! Yas and Cassie will be angry at me for not going to school, but what the heck... all I'll be doing is wallowing over ep. 60 of Rurouni Kenshin... watching it again... and again... and again...
Hehe... If I have anything else to say, I'll come back and type it, but at the moment I don't want the phone line connection to drop...
*no broadband yet*
2004-11-21 01:26:21
I made another banner, titled 'sad story'. If you ever get to see it, you'll know how I feel about downloading music videos... I have dial-up, except it's extremely slow... unforgivably... so if it ever makes it through, you'll see it... I'm downloading one now, and it'll take another 13 hours (40 MB)...
Life as I know it is about to change however. We are getting broadband, like I said. 1 MB speed... finally...
*points at spelling mistakes and errors in previous entry*
2004-11-20 18:45:07
Sorry, I wasn't with it. I actually got the 2nd, not the third. And I'm contemplating getting the third. Man, that was confusing...
*sigh* why is it that every time I attempt finding a way of making an AMV, something is always in the way. I got my friend Abby (3x3eyesfan, she made this account) to send me a movie making program from New Zealand, and it doesn't work. Why? Because my Windows 98 killed itself. And it's only compatible with that and 2000, and I'm not getting 2000 on the new computer.
So I'm getting Dad to hunt down a 98 boot disk (that is what you call it, right?). He's not too happy about it, but...
This is pathetic... we have only 2 weeks of school left and they're still expecting assignments to be done and tests to be completed. Leaving it a little late, I think. We have a drama performance to do on Tuesday, and 2 tests (Japanese and Maths) on Monday... yare yare...
Well, by the end of this month, I'm going to aim for 150 hits... *shudders* that's a big goal, seeing as I'm not that interesting.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:45:42