JOURNAL: Rankel (Michael Willis)

  • In and up and frustrated! 2002-01-15 22:49:48 Well, I've moved. What a pain of a weekend though: Moving on Friday (and some Saturday), having to put my car in the shop due to a failing clutch, doing inventory at work on Sunday night, Going BACK into work the next morning, getting the car back, going to school this morning... whew... fun!

    And now I'm sittn' here tring to find some good gif animation software for my Goldenboy vid tweaks and everything I get is either crap, or makes my computer crash for some reason! >( DAMNIT!!! I will now leave the animation part to my roomie, who wanted to help on this vid... in the begining at least. :P

    Well, all that's left for me right now is to finish unpacking and putting up my toys... but I think I'll leave that till tomorrow. It's late and I wanna go see my girl now that she's getting off of work.

    UN-P.S. My Kenshin vid is ALMOST at the 500 mark for D/Ls... still no comments... Well, most of my stuff doesn't get commented on. And since I've only made like 2 or 3 comments to other's stuff I can't go getting pissy. That'd be a crate full o' hippos there!

    Eat yer skettios!!!

  • Moving... ...Finally?? 2002-01-10 15:23:00 Well, I should be moving this weekend. I hope. Finally I should be able to get all my crap outta the boxes that all of it is in and get back to making with the creative stuff. It's been too long... I NEED AN OUTLET, DAMNIT!!!! (HUff.. PUff) Mmmm... combos!

    My digital media class looks like it's gonna be oh-so-much-fun (Sarcasm, yes) We get to "learn" about binary and hex, and get to make web pages from scratch... wee... Some times I really hate pre-reqs. >P

    Ahh.. well, untill I arrive in the new domicile then. The 'puter becomes dissasimbled tomorrow. *sigh*

    G'Night World,

  • Happy new assortment of 365 days! 2001-12-31 17:04:27 happy new years and stuff to all!

    And how is it I can have over 450 d/ls of my Kenshin vid and have yet to have a single comment?! Is it that good, or that bad... or both?!?
    Eh, no news is good news I suppose.

  • Moving 2001-12-26 13:45:43 Looks like stuff is gonna be on hold fer a bit. I be moving this weekend! I just hope to be setteled in quickly, don't think I can get much of my projects done with stuff all over the place.

    On a extreemly happy note: X-MASS IS OVER!!! For the most part anyway. Work will be a much happier place, all I have to deal with now is the massive amount of returns and exchanges that people will have (Wee...) But I'm sure it won't be nearly as hecktic as it was last week.

    What I got for X-mass:
    Some Lord of the Rings stuff (Books, Tolkin Beastiary, small toys)
    Clothes n' such
    An Evil Devil Rubber Ducky and Misfortune cookies (From my older sis. She rocks! =) )
    6 DVDs of Rurouni Kenshin (From my Girl. She also rocks!)
    And some CA$H! Good for more DVDs, New shoes, etc...

    Peace and Grits for the new year!
  • Bad day 2001-12-21 14:34:04 Man... aside from finding the music I wanted, yesterday sucked! My Captn' Tylor OAV set didn't come in yesterday when I was told it would, work sucked a little more than usual as I try to do a dozen things at once while constantly being hounded by customers and rookie employees alike. And on top of all that, when I thought my day wasn't gonna get any worse and I could start to relax.. My Ex walks into the store, right up to me and starts talking.
    So here I am, frustrated, busy, and the one person whom I'd probably never want to see again due to emotional scarring comes up to me and tries to start some nice and useless holiday chit-chat! GAWD!! sometimes I just hate people!

    There... I vented, I feel better now. On to the more important things in life: Food, Anime, Music.

    Happy whatever,
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