Rankel (Michael Willis)
I got it
2001-12-20 15:19:57
Ok found my music for the new vid idea. Daft punk - harder, better, faster, stronger. Gonna do a cyborg theme here, probably use GiTS, Battle Angel, Armitage... maybe some others of that nature. The music seems good for a various vid, lots of beats to work with. I hope this one turns out as well as I'm visualizing it!
On another bright note, I managed to get my x-mas shopping done yeasterday! YIPPIE!!! Now I've got a whole 5 days to wrap the stuff, 4 of which I work but... eh, I'm sure I'll find time.... Wait... isn't that what I said last year??
Peace, love, and chicken grease,
2001-12-19 12:35:26
Well, I think I remembered the idea I had for a video. Either that or I just came up with a whole new one. It should keep me busy for a little while reguardless. Only problem now is that I don't know what the name of that damn song is! I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough though.
But for now... I must find munchies for lunch!
Mmmm.... sinthetic food substitute...
2001-12-16 15:55:07
Well, I had an idea for a new vid... but I lost it. Guess it wasn't really THAT great then... It seemed good at the time, but I guess that's what happens when you get inspiration in passing while listening to winamp and then stay up till 4:30 am without making a note of it... it'll come to me I'm sure.
Gas prices actually got below a buck here! I'm sure that will pass too, Florida relies too much on tourism and people who visit here gotta buy gas. And that means we just GOTTA jack up the prices... right?
... I hate capitalism.
2001-12-13 22:29:54
Well, just saw my first 2 eps of FLCL. And, yes, it is rather WACK! Extreamly entertaining, but WACK nonetheless.
Too much damn work and not enough fun! I REALLY need to get out of retail by the time x-mas comes around again. errg... arrg... Doesn't make shopping for peoples any easier either... ah well.
Life sucks, enjoy whatcha get while it lasts!!!
P.S. Sqeee!
2001-12-04 22:48:51
Took me long enough, but I now have a working draft of my Goldenboy Vid. Probably not my best as a stand alone video (YET), but it has great potential for what I have in store!!!
Insert evil laughter here:
Hope to talk my coconspiratores into letting me post this beauty when it's been through the refinement process.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:57:00