JOURNAL: Rankel (Michael Willis)

  • Video project advancing at a slugs pace... 2001-12-02 23:11:19 Well, at least I'm making SOME progress.

    Adobe crashed on me for the 2nd time today as I started switching some old subbed footage with new, shiny, dubbed footage. I didn't let it get me down though.

    Although I seem to be getting most of what I want out of this so far, the refrains keep giving me trouble. Really pisses me off! I will prevail however... OR ELSE!!!

    Should have the time to finish this sucker on Tuesday... I think.

    Peace, love, and Taco-Dip!

  • Brain freeze 2001-12-01 12:23:10 I feel like I've hit a bit of writers block. Finished half of my new vid, but the rest is just being a pain. That, and I don't have enough free time to mess with it for hours on end. On the bright side I have 4 out of 6 of the episodes I need in a non-subtitled format now (SQUEEE!!!) So, when I get the time, I can re-edit the parts I've already done with the new footage. Maybe then I'll rekindle my inspiration.

    Yes.. this entry WAS boring wasn't it.

  • BLACK FRIDAY!!! 2001-11-23 21:57:28 OK... I work at a KB toy store in a little mall on the space coast of Florida... Today was hell, or a close second. I've been trying to upgrade my windows from 98 to either 2k or XP for a day or 2 now and everytime I try to, it locks on install. Apparently, derived from experimentation, these versions of win don't like my HDD. Errrg!!! A project put on hold for NOTHING!!!!!

    Ok... back to my bad day. Well, since I was working on my computer untill late hours in the night and had to be at work at 4am... I got very little sleep. To add to the wonderful time that I was already having from the previous couple of days, I get to work until 8:30pm. WEEEE!!!!

    People bitch too much when they shop for toys...

    Well, my Tequila is kicking in nicely now... gotta go..
    More progress updates to come on my master plan as I get to it.

    Peace... Awww screw peace,

    GO TO HELL!!!!
    =) R* 
  • Inspiration!!! 2001-11-21 22:11:57 I HAVE IT!! MUHAHAHAHAH!!!

    Finally I have the answer I was looking for for so long! I have begun my latest project... you want to know what it is don't you? Well, I'd tell you... but my colaborators want to keep it our little secret until next AWA.

    Day one is complete anyway. Few problems, amazingly Adobe only crashed ONCE! (Yayyy ME!) Things are looking up....

    More next time.. (whenever that is)  
  • What's this Journal thang? 2001-11-13 12:49:39 OOOOOH lookie! I get to type!

    Dear Die-ary,
    I updated my silly little profile today. There are a lot more words there now. Still searching for some new inspiration for a new vid... that and the meaning of life... and food! (I'm hungry) Mmmmm... Sketios. Perhaps I should just go buy some random anime I haven't even heard of on DVD and force myself to make a vid of it... no, wait. Need money for food. Besides, that would probably be bad... very bad.

    Here's to all of yall that thought reading this might be interesting!

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