JOURNAL: afleetinghope (John )

  • Whoo hoo! 2002-01-13 17:15:10 Got to Best Buy today and was able to return the card and got a ATI Radeon 7000 (32mb). Not the best card ever but it's a definate step up from my old 8mb one, just wish I had more then $85 to spend or I would of gotten a 64mb card.

    I'm also having lots and LOTS of fun with Mega Man Battle Network. Best RPG EVER! ^_^ 
  • Hmph 2002-01-09 14:06:05 Got a GeForce2 card, surprised I did because that's more then my parents really had to spend. Well open my case and install it and guess what? My POS monitor doesn't work with the damn, and I also found out when I was trying to see if there was anyway to make it work that it also makes my hard drive freeze after a few minutes.

    So hopefully sometime soon I'll get Best Buy and return it so I can get something that works with this old clunker.... 
  • Whoo 2002-01-08 23:55:15 Got new copies of the X TV eps so I'll be working on cranking out a better version of Torn Apart, atleast this time I know not to use Indelo...

    And in 4 minutes I turn 19, yay. ,_, 
  • Been a few days 2002-01-04 17:04:31 Upto almost 500 profile views and 966 journal views, guess that's going decently with that.

    And that SW holiday special looks about as bad as my copy of Hardware Wars or maybe worse then the SW hentai I saw an ad for. o_O; 
  • Xanthrax 2001-12-30 15:41:14 Dear god, think he said I love you enough? lmao

    Hmm, I bought AFI's 'All Hollow's' E.P. today, very short (4 songs) but I love it, and it was only $6. ^^; 
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 15:08:35