Redplague (Steve Schallock)
Where Has Originality gone?
2001-12-03 19:59:03
Recently I got into a discussion about originality , directly original Ideas, I tseems as hough people have become so absorbed in everything around them that theier own Ideas are no longer their own but just memories of something that affected them positively in some way and they can't remember where they got the Idea so they use it as their own, other times it maybe completely innocent like if they thought it up on their own ,unknowing that it exists somewhere else, not quite as often though.
My thoughts are that alot of people just want to do something with an Idea that comes to them instantly.
My personal experience,as far as vid's go is this, My first Idea was based on the resources available to me, I checked to see if it was done, it was'nt then Idid it I was a newbie to the system of things then I wanted to do another vid,I spent about a month looking for the right combination of vid and song,character and message,looking for something I wanted to do and would fit together well,A MONTH,granted Ideas may not take this long to come up with all the time and sometimes they will
Point no. 2, Research your Idea, not only as ar as song length and video clips to use, But FIND OUT IF IT HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY, I repeat FIND OUT IF IT HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY, that is one of the few things about making vids or writnig songs or any similar type of work, for example Konami didn't make Silent hill be cause they wanted to makeanother game just like Res Evil, they wanted to take the Idea and make it better,Belive me they did, on the same line If you think you can make a vid better than one that someone already did go for it , But you better make Damn well surwe it's better than the first cuz if it ain't it's gonna make you look that much worse in the long run,
ALl in all my point is
people need to think more about an Idea, a good Idea takes time to develop,if your saying to yourself , That's the best I can come up with , then just wait and give it some time, because the more thought you put into it the more you'll get out of it
Yes I ranted and yes I mispelled alot of carp so nah,
at least it was original
Ps. yes I do notice an original Idea when I see one and I give much credit to those of you, so please , keep them coming I love em
Red fuckin' Plague
CREATOR'S BLOCK or Writer's Apostrophe?
2001-11-24 12:03:09
Well after working for acouple days on my FF vid I decided to scrap it, it just hasn't kept my attention like the other vids i've done
On a very cool note I started writing the storyline for a comic book I'm going to try writing,
I've only been writing for about 4 days and I've come up with about 7 pages of really good story, I've got plenty of Ideas to build off of,
and I have support from some very knowledgable comic enthusiasts,
I'm not really sure what's pushed me to do this but at the rate it's going it may turn out very good
Ithink I have enough story for a first issue but I would like to have about four issues worth of story before I start drawing up the actual comic,I wasn't too suree about the story line, but a few select friends of mine were chosen to read what I have so far and let me know how I'm doing I've been told that they haven't seen any thing done like it before and they can't wait to see what happens,
So, I plan on writing the rest of the weekend, and by sometime next weekend I should be putting the storyboards together,
I'm not sure If this will remain a solo project or not but knowing who is interested in getting involved it would probbly turn out better that way
So I leave you all with one of two thought's
1. Who give's a fuck?!
2. Hmmm, what's it about?
either way thanks for listening,
and if anyone is interested, I'm sure I'll post when I finish the first issue
thanksgiving was great didn't see anyone I haven't seen in awhile but I still can barely move, that reminds me, time for leftovers
I cant keep away
2001-11-18 19:21:33
OK, I figured it's been awhile since I wrote something in here.
First I'm having creators block with my new vid,
second I started MGS2 and have become completely caught up in it,
yes it's that good, The story, The gameplay, the little things that konami always manages to throw in.
And the continuity thru-out the series is unblemished
well hopefully I can start thinmking of what to do with this vid cause If I can't figure out what I'm gonna do soon I'm gonna scrap it
ah well, maybe I'm not ready for that particular project.
Sat. night grocery golfing was a major success, next week, The cabbage open, details to come
the road to video satisfaction
2001-11-05 20:05:47
Well before i start my next video, I want to get a small personalized intro trailer for all my future vids together, unfortunately I'm having a hard time finding the footage I want, my next video Idea has come to me, tonight I am going to get me Ideas together, a ff movie vid, I came up with the concept trying to help a friend with some Ideas and now I'm completely intrigued with it,
in other mind static, I've done some reviews that past few days and Ihope everyone that I reviewed feels I was just, I'm starting to get the hang of this, my own personal style of reviewing I guess you could say,
today i leave with an interesting news clip I heard I laughed when this was told to me.
Afgahnistan has announced that radios will be reintroduced to the country, due to the fact that a large % of the populous has become addicted to a BBC soap opera,
I spose it's a good a reason as any.
My apologies
2001-11-03 17:49:32
it seems in the forum I seem to have upset some people with my request for opinions
Iwould just like to say no hard feelng's, and that I didn't mean to touch a nerve, I'm just excited that Ihave a video available for every one to check out and I've only been around the site for a short time
so once again I apologize
My offer to review any vids is still extended to all as I enjoy watching everyones vid's graned i know my opinionating skills need improvement I'm sure this will come along with time ,
for review requests, email me or post it nder my opinions please topic in the general forum
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