Kusoyaro (Hsien Lee)
2003-03-26 13:12:15
EK is a huge dork...but she could probably lift me over her head, so I'll stop now ^_^
2003-03-25 11:29:50
Maybe I should try making my DDR3 video on my old machine with the DV500...but that would mean capturing, which I hate doing. And the computer's's an old PII450. I made Sappy Self-Indulgence on it, but the machine couldn't handle the whole video at once, so I had to split the timeline into three separate project files. It was a giant pain in the ass.
2003-03-24 12:59:28
Woah, I've gotten 10 reviews on various videos since I uploaded a bunch of videos to the Carrot O_O
Also: editing computer dead, dunno when any new AMVs will be coming :(
2003-03-18 10:18:55
I'm slowly filling in the holes in my video catalog, now that the Carrot is up and running. Keep checking my profile in the coming week as I add more videos. I'm adding them at the rate of about 5 a night (I have a LOT of old videos O_O).
2003-03-14 11:52:55
FINALLY fixed my video download that the only videos that are actually online (all 5 or 6 or so of them) have download links. I removed all the dead links and verified all the links that I kept up.
Get Sappy Self-Indulgence and Self-Titled while you can, because at this rate, I don't think I'll be able to keep them online long :(
Current server time: Jan 04, 2025 06:25:39