Kusoyaro (Hsien Lee)
2003-03-12 09:02:19
Thankee-sai for the VCA, despite the fact that most of you couldn't download the video.
Erm, that's all I have to say right now, too tired.
2003-03-06 12:56:12
I just thought of a video idea! First one in months! One I actually really want to do! One that is really silly, makes little to no sense, and is only 2 minutes long.
Now, who wants to lend me the GTO DVDs? ;)
2003-03-03 08:57:29
Well, I finally sent out my $150 Donut donation...60 days late. Which means that I'll have to cough up another $150 in about a month in order to maintain my Supporter status. Somehow, $50 a month doesn't seem so bad, but shelling out $150 at a time sort of hurts ^^;; But seeing as how I haven't had reliable hosting in almost 2 years, it'll be well worth it.
2003-02-27 10:39:21
Hrm. I only have very limited hosting for Sappy Self-Indulgence, so if you want the download link for VCA voting, email me at
Other than that, I have no real AMV news. Well, I intend to gather the statuses of all the DDR3 editors, but I've been intending to do that for about a month, so we'll see what happens. Will the DDR Nazi ever return?
2003-02-24 22:55:30
First journal entry in almost 3 months...o_O
Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone for the VCA nominations...I'm doubly surprised, since 2 of the 3 videos that got nominated haven't been available for download for over 2 months.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:08:22