JOURNAL: Kusoyaro (Hsien Lee)

  • once there was a way to get back home... 2002-08-13 12:58:40 I rendered an 85% complete version of Self-Titled right before I went to bed last night and watched it this morning before I left for work.

    Eh, I don't know. I can't seem to tell when it's working and when it's not, which basically means that the video as a whole doesn't work. There's one section of the video which interprets and portrays the lyrics in an excruciatingly literal way, but I can't think of anything else to do with that part of the song. Oh well. It'll be shown once at the AWA Expo, it'll get a smattering of applause from hardcore fans of the sources, and that'll be the end of it. Still plan to finish it this upcoming weekend.

    I just had my bi-weekly status meeting. HoooooBOY I just got a lot of work dumped on me. I now have a lot of hardware to design in addition to all the software I'm responsible for.

    I just read a news article with the title, "TVs in steering wheels raise safety concerns" Gee, ya THINK? How can that even be legal?

    Tonight: Warcraft and editing. Business as usual.

    My question is...what happens when the "daughter" grows up? When she's 17, the "father" is going to look at her and discover that she's a nubile, gorgeous, hot-bodied, 17-year-old version of the wife that he originally fell in love/lust with all those years ago! And she won't just look like it, she'll actually BE it! Uck! 
  • while you make pretty speeches.... 2002-08-12 10:27:19 Warcraftwarcraftwarcraftwarcraftwarcraftwarcraftwarcraftwarcraft


    Hear that? That's the sound of my time being pissed away. I woke up at about noon yesterday and went out to get some lunch. Got back around 1 PM and sat down to start editing.

    The actual editing didn't start until 9 PM. The time in between was spent playing Warcraft and contemplating whether or not I could get one more game in before starting the editing. And once I finally DID get into the editing, I was, of course, assaulted with tempting pleas and offers to play. I was only able to hold them off until I had completed a minimally acceptable amount of editing for the night. Yes, it was actually a fairly productive 2 hours of editing I got in yesterday :P I did manage to completely and (fairly) bloodlessly excise a source from the video that I had previously thought was necessary, but had always been problematically disruptive to the flow and continuity of the video. I also started and completed, with reasonable finality, the final 30-second ending sequence (with the exception of one slight edit to a clip that I suddenly thought of while driving to work today). I'd say that was probably the most productive two hours of editing I've had in months...maybe because I was editing under pressure ("Okay, just let me edit until 11 and then I'll play!) ^_^

    Now that I've cut out a particular source from the video, I can give it a more meaningful title than "Self-Titled"...but the name has sort of grown on me, so I'm going to keep it :D

    There are just a few sketchy spots left in the middle that I need to play around with. Barring excessive interference from Warcraft, I should have all of that filled in during the week. Then after that there's just a gaping 10-second hole that I have NO idea what to do with, and the opening scene, which really should require After Effects, but I'm going to try and pull it off with Photoshop. All that will be slaved over next weekend, and by 11 PM Sunday night I want to be watching my finished video on my TV screen :P Sigh...this video has gone from a Masters-hopeful to a mere completion-hopeful over the span of a year.

    I am unspeakably, unreasonably tired today. I finally retired from Warcraft around 1 AM last night and went to bed. Then I tossed and turned for reasons unknown and watched the clock tick by until about...5:50 AM. My alarm clock woke me up at 6 AM because I had to pick up Paizuri at the airport at 6:30.
    At least I got into work early today, which means I get to leave earlier. But I'm dizzy and my head hurts from sleep deprivation right now. I feel so shitty that even if I somehow managed to crawl into a bed and close my eyes, I would just lie there with my head spinning for at least an hour.
    Gah. I'm going to skip my 2nd to last kendo class tonight. No way I'll be able to handle jijenko in the state I'm in.

    BTW, if anyone out there wants to play Warcraft some time, I'm Nwarsopodia on ;) I usually hang out on the east server in a semi-private channel.

    I miss Leandra :( 
  • speak to me in a language i can hear.... 2002-08-11 18:46:34 Warcraft 3 is MURDERING any chance I have of finishing Self-Titled and Sappy Self-Indulgence for AWA Expo. Murdering murdering murdering. Coldly and efficiently.

    I watched the editing I did on Self-Titled last night, and it's total crap. I've already accepted that the video is not going to be very strong editing-wise, thematically, dramatically, or really in any other way. I just want to get it done. It's just music set to footage that (hopefully) matches from moment to moment. Random scenes from largely unrelated different sources.

    I don't even remember what Sappy Self-Indulgence is, it's been so long since I've even THOUGHT about it.

    And my plans for this week have been completely fucked out of the water.

    I had the most fucked up dreams last night, too. Suicide, AWA, and condoms. That's all I'm going to say.
  • 2002-08-09 14:34:50 I suck suck suck suck suck at Warcraft III. I finally bit the bullet yesterday and installed it on my slow internet computer. I had to run it at minimum resolution and low quality graphics -- it looked awful, so bad that I couldn't even read most of the text. But I never lagged, surprisingly.

    So I got on and jumped into a random 1v1. The guy pulverized me pretty effortlessly in about 5 minutes. So then I scared up some of the MTT folk for a 3v3 against some random players. Well, being the Warcraft virtuoso I am, I got confused when Akimbo had his base near mine and ended up killing his hero and damaging his main base. We would have lost anyway, but I certainly didn't help things any. Then we played a 2v2, me and Kwasek vs. Akimbo and Super Sapien. Kwasek basically won the match with me occasionally helping him kill a wisp or something. Then we did a 6-way free for all which was basically a complete train wreck on my part. I found an opponent's base and built an army to go attack them but got intercepted and decimated by some of Akimbo's wandering troops. Then a pack of wolves randomly came charging into my base and killed everything in sight. So then I had one peasant, no town hall, and about 200 gold left. I wandered to a random spot on the map and built a tower to make those bastards find me, and then went into the kitchen to get some soda. That was basically the game for me.

    Got no editing done yesterday. Damn Warcraft.

    I feel extremely ill today, and I don't know why. I just want to go home and sleep.  
  • tell me do you know about the 7, the 7.... 2002-08-08 14:49:54 Oops. Got to work over 2 hours late today. That's what I get for going to bed 4 hours later than I had originally planned. At least I got some editing done last night. I managed to throw together about 5 seconds of a 40-second guitar solo. The video seems to be mutating into something completely different than what I had envisioned, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    I think the title of the video is going to be "Self-Titled." It doesn't really mean anything, but I think it's more original than calling the video "Untitled." Paizuri suggested it as a joke, I think, but I ended up liking it. I know a lot of people think giving a video a title is stupid, but in this case, there are multiple songs involved so I can't just use the song title (and none of the song titles are related thematically).

    I also played several hours of Warcraft III last night. My fast computer (the one that can actually handle the game) doesn't like the internet, so I've been playing against the computer. So far, I don't see any significant improvements over Starcraft or even Warcraft II, aside from the exquisite graphics. It's mainly because I haven't yet grasped/accepted the concept of "heroes" yet. I pretty much completely avoid using them. I build the Altar simply because I try to build at least one of everything, and usually I summon the hero because it's basically a free unit the first time. Then I just ignore the hero and treat him/her like a common foot soldier. To me, it just seems silly to spend time building up a character for a 30-minute skirmish. I'm sure I'll come around, though. Just too much residual Starcraft burned into my brain from those insane marathons during sophomore year. I really really really suck at Warcraft III right now. I basically build a ton of basic foot soldiers, and then two or three apiece of the more expensive units...and research/use pretty much NONE of the special abilities because I don't know what most of them do yet. I've managed to beat the computer a few times, but usually I get assaulted within the first 10 minutes of the game and die a horrible death.

    SHIT. I just realized that I forgot to return the DVDs that I had rented when Leandra was here. More money senselessly pissed away ;_;

    Damn incessant DDR music stuck in head. 
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