Kusoyaro (Hsien Lee)
i don't care about no wheelchair...
2002-08-06 10:51:22
I just answered about 30 "How do I get a copy of the DDR project?" emails. Great to see that the Otakon screenings were such a success. Heh, I'll likely be spending all weekend burning VCD copies to mail out.
Whew. I just FEEL lighter from having all those unanswered emails out of the way.
In other news, STRAIGHT ta fuckin' hell! Bring it on! Woo-ha!
Yeah. Losing it.
"Unbeknownst to him, his mind was rapidly becoming unhinged. He picked up the [blast-severed] legs and shook them about like maracas, singing "Jumpin', Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child. Bits of charred flesh and bone swirled around him, and deranged as he was, he stuck his tongue out to catch them like snowflakes.
100 feet away, hiding behind a burnt tree trunk, a beautiful young woman sat watching [his] macabre display. She had no name and no memory. All she knew was that watching [him] prance around (now grinding on one of the legs and singing "Unbreak My Heart") was making her feel quite nauseous. The grisly scene shocked her to the core of her being, yet at the same time, it was strangely compelling and she just had to watch. This must be Love At First Sight, she thought."
little things that kill...
2002-08-05 13:13:42
Wow. Over a week without using the internet. I IMed and checked my email on occasion, but I almost completely avoided all of my usual internet haunts. I can't say I really missed it all that much, but now I have a ton of news, comics, forums, etc. to waste time catching up on :D
Anyway...what a week. Took the week off work, spent it with the lady.
S'pose I might as well start with a belated Otakon report.
Leandra and the Duke crew arrived very late Thursday night. It was the first time Charlene had seen her sister and I together as a couple...she conveniently avoided any awkwardness by immediately pitching a sleeping bag in the middle of my living room floor and going right to sleep.
Friday morning, the Duke people woke up at 6 am so they could gopher at Otakon. I woke up along with them and trekked off to work. Came into work, did nothing for 4 hours, and then went back to my apartment just as Leandra was waking up and getting ready. Sushi for lunch, and then off to Otakon! I don't think we really did anything interesting at the con on Friday. We checked out the dealer's room, where I spent a total of $80 on the DDR 4th and 5th Mix soundtracks (;_;) while Leandra prowled the manga tables. We hit the tail end of the AMV contest screening just in time to catch a group of AMVers huddled right outside. I can't really remember doing anything else that day except for hitting the Harbor food court for dinner with AMVers, the Corbo crew, and the Duke crew. Some of our friends decided to gopher until 3 am, so Leandra, paizuri and I hung out at Corbo's and had a few drinks. Got home around 4 am.
Saturday: Woke up at 7 am. Urgh. Panel at 9. I was too exhausted to really say anything, and around 11 I was forced to ditch the panel for reasons I don't feel like going into. I handed the stack of 50+ DDR VCDs to Jason Salce to hand out...I heard he had quite a blast with it :) Lunch, and then Leandra and I retreated to one of the convention center couches to take a 3-hour nap. Woke up feeling infinitely better, then hit the dealer room again because we couldn't think of anything better to do. Caught the DDR project/documentary screening, and ran into some girls from my kendo class there. After that, it was Corbo Bash preparation time, which basically meant EATING. Leandra and I wandered out to the harbor, got some bad food, and sat down to watch a Beatles cover band perform for about half an hour. Then I got a call from Corbo begging me to buy soda because someone else had forgotten. Well, all the drug stores were closed, so we went to the Sheraton gift shop and spent $15 on 20 oz bottles of Pepsi and Sprite. Then we trekked 15 minutes to the Wyndham hotel, me carrying 200 ounces of soda in a backpack, and Leandra hauling my DDR pads. We arrived to find that about 10 2-liters of soda had magically appeared in the bathtub. Bastards.
Corbo Bash was in full swing by the time we got there. I don't even know who all was there. I remember seeing Tim Park, Patrick Bohnet, Alan Chaess, Will Milberry, Nathan Bezner, Jeff Heller, Paizuri (haha, no name for him!), Vlad Pohnert, Jason Salce, Scott Melzer, the full Corbo and Duke crews, and of course, John Thacker himself (who??). I'm sure I left someone out. At one point, a drunken Nathan was hunkered on the sofa, at which point Leandra asked him if I could sit on his lap so *she* could sit on *my* lap. This set him off on quite a fit of giggling. The room was quite crowded, much too crowded for DDR, but at the mere mention of the game to Nathan, he managed (while not quite able to walk) to clear out enough space for us to play. What a guy, can't wait to hang out with him some more at AWA, and in September, when a bunch of us are going to see Mr. Show in DC.
Leandra and I left as the party started to wind down (or did it? I'm sure there was much more drunken tomfoolery after we left), drove back to my apartment, and basically passed out there because we were EXHAUSTED. Apparently, paizuri, who was promised crash space by our Duke cronies, was left sprawled out drunkenly on the floor in the Corbo suite. Oops.
On Sunday, we did NOTHING, on an epic scale. Leandra and I sat in the middle of the convention lobby with Paizuri, Tim Park and Pat Bohnet, throwing spare Doki Doki AMV CDs onto the floor to see who would pick them up. I even threw one onto the ground floor from above. Then we went to the dealer room 20 minutes before it closed. Then we hunted down our friends and left the con. Yay.
Hmm. The rest of the week was spent with Leandra, at Duke, and around Baltimore. Spent exorbitant amounts of money, ate exorbitant amounts of food, and watched an exorbitant number of movies. We saw Road to Perdition and (I got dragged into) Powerpuff Girls in the theater. Leandra thought Road to Perdition was absolute crap; I thought it was immaculately directed, filmed, and acted, but the story was predictable and had been told a hundred times already. Having never seen the Powerpuff Girls cartoon, I was confused by which parts of the movie were supposed to be backstory/inside jokes, but it was reasonably amusing.
We also played mega craploads of DDR. I played about 4 hours of 4th Mix Plus in one day, and I hurt like hell the next day. It was basically like this:
::Hsien and Leandra play 3 songs on the machine. Both limp exhausted towards the table to rest::
Charlene: Hsien, where do you think you're going? Paranoia. NOW.
Hsien: ::broken sigh, steps back towards the machine::
I'm in love with the DDR 5th Mix soundtrack, BTW.
I'm inspired to edit lately, but I'm not sure why. Not that I've had a chance to do anything about it yet, but I plan to do a lot of editing before AWA. I need to just sit down and edit my brains out on some kind of energetic drama/action piece...all of my dismal failures this year have been the result of trying to do something different. I need to start simple again.
Oh, and I've made a decision not to do a single bit of work today.
i love the colorful clothes you wear...
2002-07-25 14:40:05
Heh. I ditched the last 4 hours of my class because it was WORTHLESS. Now I'm at my desk reading the textbook from the class because I need to know this stuff, but I didn't get anything out of the class. Woo.
A 3-year ongoing fiasco with my friends got VERY interesting yesterday. Still waiting on the outcome, but things are going to get extremely ugly. Like bloodshed at Otakon ugly. Okay, maybe not *quite* that bad, but I will probably be somewhat uncomfortable and nervous this coming weekend.
EK: *sniff* I haven't had pho in a couple of weeks now. Withdrawl! I'm going to force Leandra to ride down with me to College Park to get some. Bwahaha!
Work was surreal today. One of the secretaries in my department has been missing since she went out to run some errands on Monday. Her body was found this morning. Still no word on what exactly happened.
Two more hours til I can go home and impatiently wait for Leandra and my friends to arrive. This'll likely be my last journal entry until Leandra leaves, unless something mind-blowing happens at Otakon and I just HAVE to share it.
Stop by the Otakon panel Saturday morning! 9 am to noon. I'll also be giving out free DDR Project 1 VCDs throughout the con, so hunt me down if you want one (might be difficult, since I'll be spending a good deal of time exploring the Harbor and nearby city during the con).
I hope those miners get out okay.
stay out all night and get high with your friends...
2002-07-24 09:52:56
Ouch. Too much Goldschlager last night...
Well, the Otakon guests starting trickling in last night, and I basically pissed away any chance of getting something done for Pro by spending the evening sipping booze and talking Star Wars with them. Ah well. I've been remarkably good at pissing away time lately anyway.
The class I've been taking this week is excruciatingly boring. Basically, we listen to lectures for a while, which isn't any worse than normal lectures...but then we do exercise problems at the end of each chapter. This consists of completing the exercise in 5 or 10 minutes and then waiting an hour to two hours (no exaggerating) while the instructor tries to figure out why the various other people can't get it to work yet. So I surf the web incessantly to kill the time. Gur.
Leandra arrives tomorrow!! And uh...on a sidenote, Warcraft III arrives along with her :D
2002-07-22 08:04:45
Class for 8 hours every day this week.
But at least at the end of it all is Otakon and, more importantly, Leandra.
Getting current done for AWA Pro is all but impossible now. Unless I edit 10 hours a day while Leandra is visiting, which I'm not about to do.
Best of luck to Phade and Mrs. Phade...had a great time yesterday, hope all goes well for you in Charlotte.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:20:50