JOURNAL: Quickshot14 (James Greenwood)

  • Quickshot's Video Report #6 2005-04-01 03:15:31 Hey all, you may have noticed all my GMV's are gone, this is due to the new system put in place by the admins. I did emal them asking to re-add these files and they refused. This is unfourntante and I think ridciouls but thats what it is. So in order to find my GMV's or any future GMV's you will need to go to my website at

    Hopefully when I get my new harddrive and am able to start making music videos again I'll get some AMV's in here. In the meantime if your looking for my GMV's again check my website. (starcraft voodoo remastred can only be found on fileplanet) My aplogies all, thanks. 
  • Quickshot's Video Report #5 2003-06-02 16:02:31 Hey all a update for you. Good news War 3 TFT has gone gold and should be out july 1st so you can expect my new war3 MV around that time, it won't be just the expansion cut scenese but will also be from the first war 3 but dont expect to see any scense from the orignal war3 opening, i figure it's used enough. Anywayz in other news untill the golden doughnut goes live, has made it clear they don't want any/anymore non AMV's up on the dangling carrot. So untill the golden dougnut starts I won't be able to put it up on the dangling carrot. This means for now fileplanet for my war 3 and new war3 video will be the only option, my applogies about this. Also I have been considering to finnaly start work on a AMV if that happens i don't belive i will begin work on it untill AFTER the new war3 mv. All for now, thanks for your support and intrest take care! :) 
  • Quickshot's Video Report #4 2003-04-19 19:51:04 Happy to report that Stacraft Voddoo is back up for download thanks to the dangling carrot. If you have access and are able to download local files, I suggest you do so and get this classic!!! For thoese of you who can't don't fret, I have submited the video to fileplanet, hopefully the vid will be hosted there. If/when it does I will add an indirect link to it on the vid itself! I may add my war 3 mv to the dangling carrot soon, we will see. 
  • Quickshot's Video Report #3 2003-03-07 22:16:13 Well i have found a temporary solution and posted my war3 music video back up for download it's not always reliable and can be a pain but for now it's the best I can do. Also since the annoucment of warcraft 3: the frozone throne you can of course expect a new music video for that, it will not be a rework of the war3 one it will be a brand new one using video from both war3 and the expansion. More then likely it will be released when i have finshed the expansion and found a sutible song, so in other words no idea :) As to how it will be released I will try to find a more sutiable temporary place to release it at since i expect heavy traffic to it from people in the war3 community. Hopefully I will find something. Other then that not much to really report at the moment, i will let you know when i start working on that new vid and of course when it is released. Untill latter, laterz :) 
  • Quickshot's Video Report #2 2003-01-26 06:50:55 Ok i just have to write this cause i'm a lil dispointed and somewhat distraut about the catagoryes for the next view choice awards. Why oh why has game mv been overlooked/rejected as a catagory again? I don't ask this just because that the videos i mainly/specilaize in but because it has come to my attention that many anime conventions *nas deu kan *here in colorado** has an award for gmv's? I'm just a little confused about it, and just don't understand why not? Is it a personal reason? Out of all the catgoryes rejected the best game music video award seems like it just should be in the view choice awards. *shurgs* unfourntate to say the least. But everything does have a reason.

    All for now. :) 
Current server time: Jan 14, 2025 18:44:29