JOURNAL: Otaku13 (Joshua )

  • yoyo desu... 2003-03-10 00:28:33 things sure have been up and down. I lost my job at school, but i proposed to my girlfreind at katsucon (anyone at the AMV contest, I was that bald guy in the koi ukata down on one knee :) ive found a lot of good leads on, but no replies so far. surprisingly, future girls is still drawing in the praise, i love that vid.. cant wait to start workiing on some new vids after my 6 month hiatus, not like any one missed me. 
  • a modest proposal... 2003-02-20 12:51:08 hey everyone! for those of you at the amv contest at katsucon, that was me proposing to my girlfreind on friday! (piro proposed to his on sat) I want to thank everyone who congradulated us, and hope to see more of you amv creators at otakon! btw, was that really kevin caldwell? 
  • at lasst! ::kaboom:: 2002-11-29 18:47:13 all righht, the second kare kanno dvd came out, now i can finally work on this idea thats been in my head for months now but i wantted dvd qual footage.  
  • i disagree, dennis leary 2002-08-21 10:42:25 i dont think lifes gonna suck. in fact, its goin pretty damn well right now, my pessimistic side is kicking in and making me a little paranoid. My boss at school told me to apply for an opening on real school staff, she basically dropped the hint that it was mine, but I had to go through the normal app process anyway. rock! with the extra hours and pay, id double my current income, and maybe finally get out of debt. i cant remember the last dvd i got outside of a con. 
  • uguuuu~~~~~ 2002-08-18 10:31:21 got inventory at radio shack today. besides being exagusted from this new work scedule (morning is usually my sleepy time) this will give me a headache and put me in a really bad mood. New video is crawling along, have good ideas but no time or energy to implement it. 
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