Erin_Lightning (Erin Lightning)
Still not out of pointless rants yet
2004-05-11 17:38:32
21 hits. 2 emails. People!!!! Comments are my lifeblood. Can't you spare just a second to email me and tell me what you think of all my pointless ranting?
Day 6: On idiots, squirming, vicious guinea pigs, dragons, Spirited Away, and Edward the 4th.
Today's entry is long. I guess first I'll tell you all about my school. It's an ordinary high school: foolish teenagers running rampant and wracking their brains for useless information to jot down on papers that determine, in a sense, what lies in store for us.
My school however, should be named Idiot High. My teacher asked me to grade papers today (our last vocabulary test) and so I did. I don't believe there was a single score in 4 of the 6 periods that was above a 65 percent. Half of the morons didn't even know what a hilt was, or a rapier, or words like sentimental and profound. I'm surrounded by idiots.
Next subject. The school dance is coming up soon. I've been asked to go by six people, and several others are TRYING to ask me. They're too shy to actually be able to, and all they can seem to do is leave hints and try to get me to ask them. I prefer watching them squirm. :P
Moving on: vicious guinea pigs. My sister's evil little guinea pig, whom, since I've already put her in this journal once, should at least have a name by now. Her name is Jinei. No lie. She's named because of the way my five year old sister used to pronounce "guinea", but somehow, when we tried to spell it, it ended up Jinei, just like that evil guy from rurouni Kenshin. In my sense, she's just as evil as him. Today, just a few minutes ago, she came running across the house, straight for me, to bite me. I think she's out to get me.
Back to paranoia. I saw a blue swirl in the sky today. Maybe it was a dragon!
More paranoia. Has anyone ever seen the site that is the origin for Miyazaki's Spirited Away? I can't remember the name, but, according to that site, all the events in Spirited Away actually happened. You think?
Lastly, my fanfiction is going well. Jamming with Jet (the next episode/session) will be up later this evening or early tomorrow morning. :)
Like I said, comments are my lifeblood! Please email me with thoughts, comments or questions on my journal!
My email:
2004-05-10 21:09:39
Well there's a big change: 14 hits, 2 emails. Are you people dead? My journal isn't really that boring, is it?
Day (what is it?) 5?: On Multiplication Madness, Coffee Houses, and (what else?) Cowboy Bebop:
Multiplication Madness. I suppose I should start this journal off at an okay point... I got to school. My teacher hands me a piece of paper with 100 multiplication problems on it (problems like 31 x 4 and 53 x 6) and says, "You have one minute to complete the test" Needless to say, one minute later, my brain hurt like heck.
Coffee Houses. Today I also went to my first coffee house to read an anime-related poem. There was no coffee. And it wasn't a house.
Cowboy Bebop goes well. Session (Episode) 27 is complete. As well as a little extra I cooked up for the readers. A Vicious songfic. I love Vicious.
My email:
2004-05-09 13:45:01
Ohkay: 13 hits, 2 emails. You people! Come on, i only ask for a quick comment or so on my journal. Is it so hard to send a person an email these days?
Day 4: On Spike Ressurected and Guitar Hitting.
I'm done with my fanfic. I feel so very proud of myself. Well, actually, I'm done with the first half of the first episode. I have a looooong ways to go. Anyways, you want to read it? Do ya? Go here:
Oh yes, and, Cowboy Bebop fans will love this, go here to download ANY cowboy bebop song for free:
I got hit with a guitar today. Needless to say, unlike Naota, I did not go flying. Too bad.
Jeez that was a short entry. Ohkay, here's the deal, PLEASE email me and tell me what you think of my journal. I'm begging you!
My email (in case you forgot):
yeah yeah yeah I know I wrote earlier
2004-05-08 21:13:47
Yes, I know I wrote in this thing earlier, but there isn't much else for me to do at the moment, and some pretty odd things have happened since this morning...moving on...I got two emails, yay! A BIG thank you to the people who sent them, though I won't divulge names. I respect privacy.
Anywho, Day 3: On the randomness of Faye and Spike actually being together, and the cosplay that wasn't, as well as adobe premieres revenge.
Like I said in my last entry, I am writing a fanfic where Spike doesn't die. I'll let you all in on a little of the first one, "Session 27: Syndicate Solo" Anyways, Spike "dies" like in the show, only, at the second he hits the ground, Faye has fought her way into the room and runs over to his side (seeing as how he is her comrade). Somehow Faye saves Spike (don't ask me, like I said, this fanfiction has taken a mind of its own) and realizes she might like him a bit more then she thought. (No, it is not a dark fic for those thinking that Spike and Faye might do 'something' You people have such dirty minds!)
The cosplay. Yes, I suppose I should get to that. Okay, so i went to get new glasses today. Those new sort of glasses with the clip on shades. I have sort of blonde-brown hair, middle length, ordinary. My new shades, once I put them on, according to every single person I know, make me look oddly like Julia herself. The next person to call me Julia, I swear, is going to get it. Or perhaps, like my first entry, this is just another one of those "signs". Oh great. I'm gonna get shot. Lovely. lol
And finally, Adobe Premiere. I made the greatest vid on there, my Shinsengumi one, and for some reason, no matter how hard i try to make it work, it hasn't loaded for a single person on here! -_- That banner, Adobe Premiere hates you, was correct...*sigh* So don't bother trying to download either of my vids yet, I have to fix them up. Sorry.
Day 2: Random
2004-05-08 11:03:21
No one bothered to email me. *sigh* I ask you all for your thoughts, and you can't spare a moment to email. Oh well. Life goes on. Today's entry isn't so...weird..
Anyways, as usual, all of this is 100% true.
Day 2: On the second (or is it third?) season of Cowboy Bebop; the return of Alucard, and evil monster guinea pigs that wish to rule the world.
After my little...incident with the first journal entry, a strange thought popped into my head. What would have happened if Spike had lived? So I pulled out my trusty laptop and started typing out a new season for Cowboy Bebop.
Yesterday, I realized that once you start writing a story, or a fanfic, it's not really yours anymore. Half of the stuff I wrote, I didn't even know I had wirtten until after the fact. It's seeming like my characters are taking on minds of their own.
Oh well.
Last night, I went to the store to buy the second Hellsing manga (finally, I had enough money to do so!) and instead I found a copy of the first three episodes of Hellsing.
It was the first time I actually saw the anime, and now I'm hooked.
At school, my friends and I are HUGE fans of the manga. We've even taken up nicknames from it for ourselves. (Try to guess who I am)
Alucard is so hot.
This morning my little sisters guinea pig bit me. X.x Blood tastes good.
Thats all for now. Like I said before, email me if you have comments.
My email:
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