PROTOCOL, type Message. Subject: AMV ads go boink.
2004-08-07 15:11:01
Message, type Read:
Well, those two I mentioned didn't receive enough worthy votes. The most recent one (y'know, the one with the "it brightens your day" message) also did not make it, which really saddened me. It is the best to date of my creations.
Error, type Huge Warning:
MeSsagE, tyPe RaNt:
I woRKed very hard to create a pLEasing picture and text meSSage that captures how AMV-ers feel about this place and anIme mUsic vIdeos. C'mon, You say, hoW hard could you hAve worked? WEll, I worked on it for a cuMUlative of half a day -- that is 12 hours -- when mY monitor wasn't dIsPlaying the color Red and everyThing had a bLue Tinge. EverytHiNg. Which makes fOr a fun time of decIPheRing what color Is wHat. Then, I haD to wait a Few days bEfOre the monItor flickered back to Normal so I couLd seE if THE ad looked great enouGH to submit. The first tiMe round I saw that I had used GrEEn instead of the variant Yellow I desirEd. I almoSt broke down riGht then and there. BACk to the drawing board (or rather, the Base image). I very carEFully estimated what was the SHade of yellow I desired, then aDded in text anD parts of the background. It was a waiting game again. Finally, a Couple daYs later, I got colOr back long enoUgh to see that, yes, it looked right. What a huge relief it Was to be able to suBmit it. I anxiously awaited its aPPearance. Yay, it made it! Of course I voted it worthy. :) Alas, 'tWAS not mEant to bE. It did Not show uP as A WinNer. ;_;
Note, type Notification:
Message, type Read:
It is the breaks, but it is still a valuable lesson. I won't blame people for having their own opinions and tastes. It just means I need to take things up another notch. :)
Message, type End:
Challenges make us better, and this is a challenge I will not pass by. I WILL create a worthy AMV ad. Just watch. *big grin* ^_~
Message, type Post-Script:
Ah, my family was cleaning near the computer and the monitor received a huge knock. It now displays Red again! ^_^ Don't understand why, but I will not look this gift horse in the mouth!!
Creation of AMV ads + MS Paint = hair-pulling frustration
2004-06-17 03:31:13
I finally created two ads which I have good reason to believe will pass muster. I am not going to speak of the previous one I have tried to enter about three times, as I do not want to expend energy ranting at life.
As a piece of advice to those beginning to create ads: If you only have Microsoft Paint, abort plans to create ads until you have a true graphic editor. Why? MS Paint will cause you to sell your soul, just so that it will cooperate and not mess up the logo _again_. :(
Heed my warning and you will be a happy, still-have-a-soul person.
She didn't drown?
2004-03-22 04:55:12
Wow, it is great to be back; I swear school is some sort of undercurrent which claws your body and soul down to its black maw.
Anyways, my eyes bugged out when I saw the amount of contest banner-ads there were. I enjoy seeing and judging them much more (about a 1000%) than Calculus. :) Especially the funny ones.
Here is some stuff on my list. (not necessarily in order)
1) Take over the worl- oops, you weren't suppose to see that.
2) Kill Hasbro executives & writers for making Transformers: Energon suck worse than- oops, you weren't suppose to see that, either. ^^;;
3) Finish leaving opinions and ratings.
4) Buy (good!) video editing software so I can make AMVs and stop being a wanna-be.
5) Buy some anime! I'll need GOOD source...
6) Buy the music CDs so I can legally have those MP3s...
7) Finish creating my banner-ads.
Thank goodness for Spring Break.
Just a note: Make sure to ALWAYS have your files backed up. (Had a wakeup call recently)
2004-02-04 23:34:22
I have made a dent in the number of videos needing an opinion and rating. My apologies to those I downloaded a while back and didn't receive these.
I have somewhat of a dilemma, though. I have to rate those which, after only a few seconds of watching, I deleted as fast as humanly possible. Can I give a fair rating? And how can I give a true critique of the AMV, considering I did not watch two or three minutes of it? However, I know I do not want to EVER not leave a review. "A rock and a hard place"... yeesh.
Sorry 'bout the whining. I just needed to get it off my chest.
My Conciousness Goes... "Boink"?!
2004-01-17 20:09:04
I wonder if anyone reads this. Ah, well.
I feel like a dork. Why? I still haven't given my opinion to two amvs, so Nagger is getting on my case. Not to mention Guilt. I could stand to have fewer muses, I really could. *sigh* I feel so out of it. I attribute it to the fact my computer's speakers were broken {>_<} by a to-remain-unnamed sibling. Life isn't the same without hearing at least ONE amv a day. T_T
My deepest thanks go to Phade for creating this site. In a world that is increasingly unfunny, this place - with its vid creators - keeps me smiling and laughing; and all because of Phade created this place.
Does all this sound pathetic? Perhaps. However, it comes straight from the heart.
Ja mata.
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 02:26:55