2004-09-28 13:18:42
I have a question to pose to all of you out there. It is a very serious question, one not to ever be taken lightly.
What would you do if there was someone out there who hated you. Hated you with such fervor that they wanted to kill you. And you knew that this person was out there. And you knew, with the certainty that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, that one day that person would come into your home and slaughter you family, you pets, raze your home to the ground and then kill you. They would make certain that there was not even a memory of you or your family left on this planet. What would you do? Would you fight? Or would you do nothing?
This is so far beyond democrats or republicans, or America or the Middle East or Europe. this is a question of weather you love your home enough to protect it, with you life if necessary.
I don't want just Americans to answer this question, but all people. Can you say, and truly mean it, I love my country.
I know I can. And I know what I would do in that situation. Do you know? Do you ever wonder?
I hope someone answers this question.
I am American. And I love my country.
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