JOURNAL: tbritt (Timothy Britt)

  • I'm not to be taken seriously 2006-01-14 01:44:38 Ok I know some of you read this dribble that spews forth from my fingertips, but don't take it seriously. the title of this section is "my journal" and I don't care if you want to read it but understand I'm really only writing notes to myself here. (I am CRAZY) and sometimes I have to talk to myself. Tim 
  • The Management 2005-11-25 03:04:20 Sorry to see that the law dogs have found us out but I'll have to take the side of Management on the copyright issue. It's easy to yell about how it sucks that the big bad money grubbing record lables have it in for the little guy. Instead of bitching in the forums we should all be kissing Phades ass for keeping the lawyers off of the general population of AMV creators at large. And from doing the nasty things that come to those who disregard FBI warnings and copyright laws (myself included) to bring you the AMV viewing public our creations. Let’s face the cold hard truth, our editing ideas and video/song combinations may be our own but the videos and songs are the work of others. They did the hard part and have every right to say how there work is used be it the original artist or the super conglomerate that owns the rights to that work. All we do is to rearrange their work to express our ideas (I fell kinda dirty now but I'm on a roll). So all you doom and gloomers and boycotters just take two steps back and look at what we really do when you break it down to the nuts and bolts all of us are in the wrong and good intent doesn’t make it right. Does this mean I'll stop making AMV's? Not hardly, but I will respect the wishes of the copyright holders when asked directly not to use their work. Tim  
  • Anime South 2005-11-21 14:08:07 Went to my first con (Anime South in Destin,Fl) not realy what I expted but not a wast of time either. No AMV contest but the AMV panel hosted by Anime Bell was nice enough to play "Everone's Crazy", "A guy in a Dress", and "Cold Hard Naga" even though I showed up late. "A Guy in a Dress" got a big laugh, but "Cold Hard Naga" on the big screen made me want to crawl under my chair. Nothing like extra large size to bring out all the faults. Anyway it was fun to see all the AMV's from this area, I just wish there would have been a creators forum after the pannel. I think it would have been nice to talk with some of other creators attending. Maybe next year. One other thing I guess I need to put a PG stamp on my AMV's as I overherd some "age appropriate" remarks in the hallways after the AMV screenings. I guess there are even tight asses at anime cons. My guess is it was someone who has never seen unedited anime, only the edited crap they show on TV before 10pm. Tim  
  • Initial results 2005-03-10 01:09:26 Well it seems that the initial results from my 2 new AMV's are about what I expected. Neither AMV contains any of the elements that seem popular at the moment, but I'm determined to stick to what I like. If no one else likes it then so be it. I will not make some kind of dark depressing AMV with "I hate the world" music just because it's popular. You kids just need to lighten up and try to enjoy life and quit taking yourselves so seriously. The world was here before you were and will be here long after you are gone, so let yourself smile. If you don’t you’ll die before you have lived.  
  • And here it is 2005-03-06 22:39:14 I told myself to get back to work and finish some of my projects in the works, so I have. First is a remake of Cold hard Naga. I wanted to enter AMV contests at at some of the Cons comming up and I didn't really have anything contest worthy. So I started to doctor up "Cold Hard Naga" and ended up changint more than 80% of the video...the trouble is that I like it so it will no doubt be hated. Screw it I sent it out anyway. And now I am uploading it to this site as "Cold Hard Naga Again" not an original title but it's a remake. The next project compleated this week is Tenchi's Playhouse I don't know if I like it as much, but that may be because I've deleted and restarted it 3 times since Christmas. I hung on to the main idea but put it to three diffrent songs, The Idea is Playboy Tenchi comes clean with his exploits to Ayake. First try was to "Lord of Thighs" by Aerosmith total disaster, then "Love Removal Machine" by The Cult a little better but I dumped it becaust the song is a deep cut and never got alot of airplay so it isn't very well known. Ended up with "Honkey Tonk Woman" by thre Stones...I guess it's in the hands of the viewers as to how well it turned out. It may be "What Ted Said" all over again. I guess that is to be expected when you use old music and old anime to make AMV's But at the very least it's not another DBZ-LP fight AMV.  
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