tbritt (Timothy Britt)
Back to work
2005-02-26 23:47:45
OK self I'll get back to work now. Now that I know there are creators out there in the AMV world who will cheat to get into the VCA Finals it kinda makes the contest loose some of its appeal. Sat to say I've been sulking because I have good AMV's that deserve recognition and didn't get it. But now I'm OK because I didn't have to stoop to cheating to get the recognition I thought my creations worthy of. I viewed the finalist and cast my vote and now as far as I’m concerned the VCA’s are over congrats to the winners. I'm working for next year.
Talking to myself again
2005-02-02 01:47:12
Popularity Contest?
Well self I guess the AMV viewing public has spoken and with 6 qualified AMV’s in 9 of the 24 categories you only managed to get ZERO AMV’s into the semifinals. So quit writing in this journal and get back to work on one of those new AMV’s for next years contest. Apparently your AMV’s are just not popular no matter how good you think they are…
This year
2005-01-28 02:32:50
O.K I must be going crazy because now I feel the need to talk to myself, no one ever reads this crap anyway right? Anyway I have an ambitious year planed and I hope I can at least do ½ of the things I want to as far as AMV’s go. One of the first things I wanted to do was to get into a few AMV contests so I looked at the stats and you the AMV viewing public seem to like “Cold Hard Naga” the best out of all my creations…why I don’t know, it’s low on my list, but the publics’ opinions must not be overlooked. So project one was to get 2 or 3 AMV’s into contest form. I picked “What Ted Said” and “A Guy in a Dress is Always Funny” for Action and Comedy and reworked “Cold Hard Naga” trying to fix the obvious editing blunders and repackaged it as “Cold Hard Naga Again” for a back-up. I liked the new look and ended up sending it out as my first to Anime Boston and MTAC but I think I’ll wait a while before I put it on this site. What I like doesn’t seem to be what the AMV viewing public wants to see, but I’m sticking firm to my guns no DBZ AMV’s. With 200+ anime titles in my ever growing collection I can proudly say I don’t own even 1 episode of DBZ. I do think my kids have some Linkin Park CD’s but I won’t be using those either.
On to project 2 Get some new AMV’s up…this one is a little more difficult but I wanted to follow up “A Guy in a Dress is Always Funny” with something along the same lines done to “Lola” by The Kinks maybe “A Girl in a Dress isn’t Always a Girl” with all the cross dressing in anime I think I can come up with something. I also want to do something with Takahashi’s 4 prime perverts (Ataru, Yotsuya, Hopposai and Miroku) maybe to “Walk this Way” or “Lord of Thighs” by Aerosmith. That should keep me busy.
Then next on my list is to comment on all the AMV’s I’ve downloaded. That could take some time but now I know how important feedback is from a creator’s point of view. I guess I could be writing comments now instead of talking to myself but if I don’t get these thoughts into print I’ll forget (remember kids if you kill all the good brain cells now you have to learn to live with short term memory loss forever).
Well enough of this I’m off to editing hell for another hour or so before bed, it’s my love-hate relationship with Studio 9+ that keeps me going…maybe I’ll make a real effort to learn use that very expensive copy of Premier Pro 1.5 I got off of Ebay, or not.
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 13:50:19