Ankomaru (Iris )
2006-06-12 16:53:14
too bad Boys can make you feel so bad...
A friend of mine told me I could better be a lesbian.. but I didn't fall for girls, after a while it seemed it was a hint: she was a lesbian herself O_o!
It was kind of creepy when I heard it, but I can laugh about it now :p
to kikai_saigono
2006-06-12 16:39:08
*huggles back* thnx for the sympathie...!! *Snif* .^_^.
But it's so confusing, and it hurts.. :(
Atleast my ex-boyfriend from 4 years ago tries to help me with it, though ge's his best friend.
He tries to figure about what is really going on between those two... but I don't know if I want to know.. :(
He's much sweeter than he was 4 years ago.. and my love for him didn't really fade away...*sigh* relations are difficult @_@
2006-06-12 16:33:01
I'm such a weakling...
On my way to school I had to stop because of a bus passing me by, but for 1 second I was thinking not to stop...
At the rehersal of the musical, my classmates saw my boyfriend, saying he had tears in his eyes. The baka I am, I ran as fast as I could towards him.
He wasn't crying, but I couldn't help wanting to hug him..
I love him more than any words can discribe..
I'm still confused... what if he only keeps me dumb saying nothing happens...
Tomorrow we are together for 2 years and 4 months... I'm happy, but also not..
Love can really tear you up, and it can break you down...
2006-06-11 15:39:32
I feel like shit..
It feels like my love isn't reflecting..
My boyfriend met this girl weeks ago at Lineage ll, I trust him with every girl, that's not the problem...
But friday he told me she was coming to visit him.... ( to get laid she ment, while knowing I'm his girlfriend.. )
She's saying she is going to die, a well known way to get what you want.
He told me things she said a lot about her dissease and they talked a lot.
But to me, he's almost dead on msn. That hurts, eh?
But op top, he made a new mailadres... for HER!
He told me "It's for lineage, my current list is to big for the game"
The first one he added was her, but I'm not added...
like I'm not important anymore.
like hell I'll let her, stupid bitch..
2006-06-09 13:24:19
this fucking sucks!!
I was too late for diner.. and when I come home, they didn't wait for me and top: that asshole made it impossible for me to eat SOMETHING!!
"Eat some strawberries or something like that"
LIKE I WANT TO EAT THAT!!! I want DINNER, not snacks/fruit!!
Gawd I'm so fucking pissed off.... vuile klootzak...
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