JOURNAL: Ankomaru (Iris )

  • 2006-05-05 06:35:39 ... I swore never to copy banner text.
    But the text I had with the previous logo fits better with a banner I made now.
    It's a girl with wings who has closed her eyes, saying
    "You're not Dreaming, This is Reality" But I already used the text.
    Should I upload it anyway? 
  • 2006-05-05 05:47:17 W-W-WORTHY??? MY GOD!!
    I've uploaded my last two banner though I wasn't satisfied with them.
    I thought they woudn't become worthy ( one almost did) but they both became worthy... O_o!

    3 more banners are comming.... someday ^^;;
    When I'm getting inspiration again, instead of making crappy banners.. 
  • to yumi+chan (Melissa Boertlein) 2006-05-03 14:15:32 I totally agree with you there!!
    I didn't want to become 18 Years OLD too.. :(
    I'm short, thin and childish. People know me only childish, but I'm 18/5 years old now.. but you can be immature forever :p 
  • 2006-05-03 13:30:46 I know, I know... You've all probably seen it, but this is the first time I've seen Naruto! ^_^

    I'm downloading Eps 1/50 right now, and I saw already 3 episodes.
    I like Sakura, but now I see how obsessed she is, I like Naruto himself better.
    He's funny and cute, why doesn't Sukura fall for him... O_o! 
  • 2006-05-03 05:27:16 I'm getting sick of the kanji banners.. --_--
    It's always the same, I don't get it why they are worthy each time..
    Some kanji + words have nothing to do with the ORG :S 
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