Voices_Of_Ryan (Jacob Lawler)
2004-06-30 22:54:05
Right now... i wanna stab a clown.
So my pc is working =o yay it didnt blow up... tried to set up windows, worked fine, got into windows...
Didnt read that i had a cdrom attached.
Looked at connections reset.
Same thing.
Did that 5 times.
The bio's reads the cdrom, the cdrom works, it spins, it installed windows.
But WINDOWS doesnt read the cdrom.
So then, my computer tiped over, thought it was ok... WRONG, now the harddrive doesnt read, at ALL, rechecked everything 4 times. NOTHING.
And the only other drive I have is either this 5,200 RPM ide drive, or my SATA drive which incidently windows 98 wont read as a drive to install it on.
So i'm stuck, life sucks. and I can either go buy Xp which isnt gurannted to fix the fsckin' problem.
Or I can shoot myself =o which will fix it =o but... I'm a wuss so... no.
Life ...
2004-06-27 20:10:54
I'm at a bad time in my life, summer always sucks, but this one seems like the worst, nobody is ever here, it seems like i'm always alone, whenever I go somewhere no one wants to be around me.
Maybe I just have one of those personalities that pisses people off... I dunno.
It just drives me insane, and I have no clue what to do.
I'm constantly wondering if everyone hates me, all my friends are either on vacation or just not talking to me. And it's really starting to bum me out, I try to be as optimistic as possible when it comes to life and friends, but I really sometimes wonder if it's worth it... I mean, friendship is so fleeting... one day you can be best friends, and the next never be talking again.
*Sighs* I really miss when I was 6... Playing in the sandbox made it all so much easier.
2004-06-26 23:59:07
Mom's birthday today, yay and stuff..
Had it , it was okay, fireworks and stuff.
2004-06-26 00:06:29
People are fun.
Should be getting my server back by next week :)
Why we do stupid things.
2004-06-24 01:21:54
I belive in a perfect world, we'd all be happy and perhaps a bit tipsy (read: drunk). But since we live far from a perfect world, it's a sobbering silence that we live in.
While scrolling threw the news sites today I found it rather odd that in most of the sites, right above where "KOREN MAN BEHEADED" was... Ashley olsens anorexia was a headline. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good olsen bashing as much as the next guy.
I just don't see how it compares to someone getting beheaded. Creepy if you ask me. Tells you quite a bit about culture.
Anyway. No gf... few friends are off doing summer vacation crap, left here alone... well...
Least I can edit.
I'll be at awa btw :P
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 02:51:30