Voices_Of_Ryan (Jacob Lawler)
2004-06-14 20:21:38
new video :P
2004-06-14 08:53:54
Shouldn't be too long till my new video comes around =).
2004-06-04 09:04:36
Member Sanosuke6988 (Super HaX0r) Date Updated Jun 04, 2004
Rankings Orig. Capture Sound Action Lip Effects Effort Re-view Overall
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Good There were no good parts
Bad The bad thing about this was that it was actually created
General Dude, I can't believe you actually added your name in the list of people who made LP/DBZ vids and went on to become good creators. YOU FUCKING SUCK. YOU'RE AN EXACT EXAMPLE OF A FUCKIGN LINKIN BALL Z HOMOSEXUAL. AND BY THE WAY, I'M STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO IM ME YOU FUCKING PANSIE.
You really need to stop trying to force your opinions on people and get pissed off when it doesnt go your way.
You're acting like a 3 yearold.
God I need to grow up..
2004-05-30 01:30:48
I probably Need to, I don't want to though.
Oh well...
I've been editing for the last two weeks straight, got one project done (waiting for the other editors to get their parts done now). And now I'm working on another (way bigger) project.
And it's takin' it straight outta me, I have barely enough energy to see straight, I know I need sleep sometime in all this but to be honest,I'm having so much fun that really don't wanna sleep.
Though I guess I should go to bed, I can always get up tommrow and edit (afterall I don't have to go back to work till monday)... So yeah.
Sleep... Good... Editing... Good...
So torn.
And I'm Supposed to be Surprised?
2004-05-29 23:15:43
"Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities"
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 19:38:27