dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )
Four hundred seventy first entry - milestone
2011-05-08 01:26:25
Time - 11:54, Noise - Cowboy Bebop OST - "Blue"
Woohoo! 2000 videos down; 6000 to go!
Well, the actual amount that I downloaded so far is 632 videos.
For those following the story of this trainwreck - ha, like that's really anyone - I am trying to replace my entire video collection that I lost when the external HDD went kaboom. Of course, not all of those videos are ones that I kept. Some are just videos of which I took note and filed away for later reference in a document. Eventually, when I'm finished with the other six thousand, I'll have to watch all of them and make that judgment call again for what stays in my collection. I figured it was just easier to do a Super Search and download anything and everything that tripped a familiar neuron in my head. My memory is pretty good that way - at recognition, I mean - so I'm not too worried about missing a video that I used to have.
But hey, applause for being 25% of the way finished with this nightmare retrieval! :D
My methodology is basically just to Super Search the videos, arranged from my oldest download to the newest one, one hundred at a time, tabbing open the ones that seem familiar, and then bookmarking the page that I'm on. Time-consuming? Like you wouldn't believe. Worth it to re-establish my digital packrat-ism? You bet.
It's a wonder, though. If I have the patience for this, then why don't I have the patience for rotoscoping, masking, and just editing in general? Sometimes my thoughts are beyond even me. : /
See you, folks.
- Jen
PS: on the topic of the "honest feedback" thing... it's funny. A long time back, I made a similar journal entry, saying that I was growing irritated with the exact opposite: everyone doing nothing but ripping on the videos. I got sick of the LACK of praise, and that's why I tried to always mention what I liked in addition to potential improvements and suggestions for the future.
I don't think that we've gone too far in the other direction by any means. You still have your folks who nitpick the videos, but then there are some people who are just in it for the fun, and you should consider that some viewers only bother to comment at all if they liked something. They may not be offering critique simply because they don't care that much. I mean, if Hollywood has taught us anything, it's that people will digest any garbage you give them as long as it meets the lowest common denominator of pleasure stimulation. They don't dig too deeply into the details when the viewing is casual. Really, we just need to encourage more people to speak up in general. Quality of feedback would resolve itself if we could get more vocal viewers.
I'm not saying that we haven't been beaten into submission sometimes. Yeah, something like Ayumix 2 gets released, people rip it apart, and then they're treated like horrible humans beings because it wasn't that great and they were honest and pointed that out. This results in a lot of people getting the idea that critical comments and complaints aren't welcome and hence less critical feedback results. However, in my time here, I don't think events like that have been too common.
Er, anyway, that was a really looooong aside. I hope that logic made sense.
Four hundred seventieth entry - sistren
2011-05-05 16:17:10
Time - 3:01, Noise - Blue October - "The End"
Feelin' ya there. Since I'm in between projects (due to my massive external harddrive failure way back when), I got all excited about installing the new AMVapp. DVDfab was a huge disappointment. I mean, it's for ripping DVDs, but did not recognize the fact that a PS2 game is, in fact, a DVD. Maybe I just didn't set it up right or give it enough of a chance, but in any case, I went back to Decrypter. Never had issues with that before. For what little I rip anime, I may as well cater more to what works for videogames.
Also, I'm not really seeing how the VDub included in that set is better than VDubMod. I mean, VDub failed at recognizing a .vob. WTF. Dealbreaker.
I have no idea whether or not any of the other stuff is helpful. Haven't actually used it. I did have to re-install some of the stuff I use for games, though. I sort of forgot which ones were included in the previous AMVapp and which ones I had to get separately.
Erm, that's all. Just a random thought.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty ninth entry - Epiphany
2011-05-03 01:26:48
Time - 12:25, Noise - Andy Hunter album
I don't exist.
That explains so much.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty eighth entry - I wonder...
2011-04-24 18:04:15
Time - 4:55, Noise - nothing
Let me just make sure that I'm interpreting you correctly here with a recap of what you said (and also to make it clear what part I'm responding to, since I'll be the first to admit that I don't know enough about the industry to comment on the rest of it)...
Fans: if you don't make a dub for 'x' anime, we won't buy it.
Kazemon15: you should support the industry by buying whatever version they release.
That's it, right? Okay, well that just got me to thinking... what about the voice acting industry? Although the fans might be saying their bit for petty reasons, they are also unconsciously supporting that industry, aren't they? A lot of people in that profession would lose their jobs if the companies only released in Japanese. Furthermore, many other people involved in the non-Japanese language exports of the anime would also be losing work.
I understand where you're coming from, but as with any part of export culture, once it leaves the original country, it has to pass into others' hands, meaning that money is also being transferred and jobs are being created. If you stop, limit, or streamline the export, you remove that transfer and those jobs.
Just something to think about, and like I said, I won't comment on the other stuff, because I'm too ignorant on the subject matter.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty seventh entry - not even close
2011-04-22 20:11:30
Time - 7:03, Noise - Bjork - "Triumph of a Heart"
First of all, : (
Seriously. : (((((
You all know why.
Secondly, and having nothing to do with the first thing... @Dranzerstorm
"If you've seen one special effects AMV you've seen them all and your standards increase to the point where a simple action AMV about Dragonballz or Naruto to Linkin Park is more enjoyable. "
Not true AT ALL. Eidolon. The Wedding Rings. Watch them before you make any more judgments on what is or is not original as effects AMVs are concerned.
Plenty of unexplored territory with all genres of videos, but just as only a handful of good, aspiring writers among the countless masses will ever become world-famous, not every good effects AMV editor is going to be a recognized creative genius.
That's all. I'm going to go play videogames to hopefully take my mind off of more depressing things. : (
See you, folks.
- Jen
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 05:33:23