dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )
Four hundred sixty sixth entry - oh, ha ha
2011-04-11 21:58:40
Time - 8:55, Noise - Jonsi - "Tornado"
I just realized that I haven't received an opinion in over two years. (Valentine's of 2009, to be exact.) Epic lulz.
Should probably get on that "releasing a video" thing, huh?
Wait, I think that starts with... what's that called? "E...di...ting..."? I have to investigate this strange activity further.
It's all love, .org-ers. <3
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty fifth entry - what'd I tell you?
2011-04-09 15:41:39
Time, 2:01, Noise - fan-arranged game music
Ha, so I told you so. Rather, I told me so. Here we are, a week before the ACen deadline, and I haven't even started the video I was wanting to do for the convention. It's not going to get done, probably for a long time, because there is something that I have to wait to do until I get home, which means after graduation... which means I'm not entirely sure how much free time I will have. In the meantime, I think I have come up with a different video to work on.
School... is kicking my ass. Okay, so that's maybe not quite the way to explain it. The ass-kicking is localized. I am almost definitely going to fail one class, but I honestly can't bring myself to care that much because it's just one credit and not for my major or minor. It's like this: I'm taking Piano Techniques 3, and the silly bastards who make up the class descriptions failed to mention that if you are going to take this level of P-Tech that you really ought to be in (or have already been in) Music Theory 1. That said, I'm at a point where I just don't understand the material anymore, and it's too late to go back and try to re-learn all of it. Now, I've been doing music for years before piano, but theory is a whole beast of its own. This class is no longer a matter of just "play what we give you"; now it's "figure it out first and then play it." A longer process, to be sure... and I'm just not sure that I care enough to put in the effort. I have other crap that requires more attention - like my minor.
On that subject, my in-class French course is going pretty well, because it's easy, but independent study is another story. I'm not failing or anything, but I'm definitely hovering in the B-/C+ range. Let me tell you, you don't really appreciate your professor giving you notes until you have to figure out things yourself. I wouldn't be taking independent study at all were it not necessary, but it's a graduation requirement. I have to buckle down for the next exam if I want to get a B for sure. There's also a final paper, but I'm not really worried about that. I'm good at that kind of stuff.
Besides that, I'm also taking saxophone lessons, which has been great fun. My professor is an awesome guy that I get along with very well, and as an added plus, he's a gamer. We get off topic a lot, and we made the determination that we must play games sometime. Don't know how we're going to do it or when - not really a possibility as long as I'm a student, after all - but we'll make it happen somehow. He was trying to figure out good music for me/us to play, and so I took to transcribing the Final Fantasy Piano Collections stuff into simplified versions for alto saxophone duets. (I also did one for Kingdom Hearts, which was tough.) It worked out pretty well, actually. It's challenging enough that I don't breeze through it, but interesting enough that I want to keep working at it. Sadly, I have probably spent more time working on those pieces than I have any of my other homework this semester, and that's really just extra credit, considering that I get an A just for showing up. This is probably the one class that I look forward to every week.
Oh! Also, check this shit out. I got him a birthday present (BioShock), but that's not the awesome part. I was more proud of the wrapping paper:
All made from scraps I had laying around the dorm! I also got him cupcakes and liquor - truly, a combo that can't fail.
I had more to say, but I'm going to leave it on this happy note. No more emo Jen for today. I haven't watched AMVs in a while, so I'm going to get on that now. Maybe some footage processing for later today...? : )
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty fourth entry - Sadface Ulty is Sadface.
2011-03-03 17:44:46
Time - 4:35, Noise - Imogen Heap - "Swoon"
Depressing. The only video that I voted for at all in the semifinals didn't make it into the finals. I was really hoping to see godix's schizophrenia video for originality, but oh well.
I did put my vote down in two other categories, though: The Cyrus Virus for comedy and (Extended) Advent Sword of the Complete Stranger's Children for action. I prefer the latter's original version, but whatever. It's still fantastic action editing in either one. I don't know enough of last year's videos to vote for any other category, so I'll leave them alone.
Yeah, that's it. I really just wanted to comment on my sadness about the schizo video.
Been too busy freaking out about school to do much recreation lately, so nothing to report there. Speaking of rec, though, I'm off to a French/German club carnival now, and then I get to buckle down on some homework after I get back. : (
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty third entry - now playing in theaters... er...
2011-02-11 01:11:56
Time - 12:07, Noise - watching a speedrun, actually
Hey, in a few minutes, Project FMV will be on Local. This isn't a new video. It's just the MEP that I never uploaded before. Regrettably, because of my epic external hard drive failure, I was not able to re-render this project as I wanted (since I lost all the files), and so you get the original version that was on Direct.
Anyway, my gratitude to doki for being awesome and taking care of the large upload request. Thank you very much.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred sixty second entry - disgruntled
2011-02-07 01:47:11
Time - 12:26, Noise - some stuff my saxophone teacher gave me
Really, higher-ups? Have I really waited a month for you to click a "yes," or "confirm," or something that couldn't possibly be that difficult?
Yep, still waiting to be granted large upload permission. Listen, I know you guys have the .org redesign going on, not to mention the VCAs, but have you considered that if you can't keep up with simple tasks like this that maybe trying to overhaul the site is going to be a miserable failure?
You are not inspiring confidence in me right now. If you don't have people to spare for these basic things, then get more people. I find it difficult to believe that there are only ~20 people on the entire .org that can be trusted to look after the needs of its 845,008 members.
In short, I'm peeved. This shouldn't have been a big deal. It should have been a simple matter that was attended to within a few days. Get on your collective game already, would you?
- Jen
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:16:35