dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )
Four hundred sixty first entry - suddenly, games, everywhere
2011-01-30 15:40:42
Time - 1:33, Noise - The 3rd Birthday OST
Now starting my FOURTH week of waiting for my large upload request to be confirmed. Seriously, what the hell are you guys doing? It says that the process usually takes a few days, not a goddamned month.
In other news, I just began my final semester of college. As I've mentioned before, it's an even split of six credits French and six credits fun stuff (because I finished all of my gen eds a year and a half ago). I still don't really know what I'm going to do after I graduate. I know things that I want to do, but they're looking less and less practical all the time.
On the editing front, I think I have a new video idea a-brewin'. I know the song and the source, but there's some stuff that I want to do that will get pretty technical (for me, anyway; I'm sure the AE buffs here could do it in their sleep). I'm not an effects editor by any means, so we'll have to see if I can pull it off. I would like to submit it to ACen, but I doubt I would finish in time. I'm a notoriously slow editor, especially if I'm attempting effects of any kind. It looks like the deadline is April 15th, so I have about three months... and believe it or not, that's probably not enough. There's a reason I only release about one video per year.
What else? Oh, I finished Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Fun game. Although I like Ventus the best as a character, each of the scenarios have their own merit, so I can't really pick a favorite.
I think that combat was the easiest with Terra early on the game, but better with Aqua in later parts. She starts off pretty weak, but I actually found her cartwheels to be easier to manage than Terra and Ven's big slides/rolls, which often covered a little too much ground. (That's weird coming from me, because I'm usually all about the moves that fling you from one end of the screen to the other.) Also, I became somewhat of a blocking queen with Aqua. Seriously, I was never big on it with the other games, but I got almost obsessive in this game, probably because it often sets you up for a great counter, and so many attacks can be reflected back at enemies for good damage. I beat half of the bosses just be bouncing their own shit back at them.
For special moves, Ven's were unfairly awesome. He really kind of mopped the floor with everything. I found Terra's stuff a little too hard to control because of how slow it was, and so I often ended up using more generic skills/magic with him. I used a lot of magic with Aqua, and I found the most powerful versions of elemental magic to be her strongest assets. (You'll notice that I'm not actually naming anything for spoiler purposes.)
I'm sure that I missed some special abilities for each of them, but I only had a limited time to play the game. My brother loaned me his PSP over winter break, but I only got it for the last two weeks, so I was just trying to beat the game in that time. He had already beat it on Proud Mode, and so I was able to sneak a peak at the secret movie. It's a thirteen-ish minute beast, so it's worth getting if you haven't or weren't sure about it. I'm thinking that it might just be easier to beat the game on Proud than to acquire all of the extraneous stuff on Standard, though. That's just my suggestion.
Anyway, we're dragging, as usual. I'm gonna go back to scanning over my (potential) video source.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred sixtieth entry - triplicates... just to make sure...?
2011-01-11 22:53:27
Time - 9:19, Noise - forget noise, I have a delicious pie baking
Er, I think I just requested a large file upload three times in a row. Sorry admins, my bad! It really needs to, like, take you to a different page or something after you click the button so that you know the request went through.
Anyway, I never uploaded Project FMV to Local, so I figured I would stop being a failure and do that. I had to get it from another user since my external hard drive gave up on life and took every digital thing I have ever known and loved with it. Bastard. There goes my AMV collection. Most of them came from this site, so it's not like I can't get the majority back, but let's see, what does Local Downloads say?
Ah yes, 8232 videos. It's going to take some time to sift through all of that in order to regain my collection... but then, if I have the patience to sift through 25,000 screencaps, then I think I can do this.
So what's the damage? From losing the external hard drive, I mean. Well, once I suspected something going awry, I made sure to copy over all of my irreplaceable photographs and all of my written works. There are some documents that didn't make it over before it refused to transfer any more, but anything that wasn't in my personal folder was an acceptable loss.
That means that my writing and photos were rescued. Everything else was lost. It wouldn't bother me so much if I could get most of it back, but the majority of the data is from years of transferring from old to new computers, all the way back to the Windows '95 that had a meager 400 MB of hard drive space. Most of it is just too old to ever find again.
My best friend can likely supply a lot of my old picture collection. We used to trade stuff all the time, and I slowed down greatly from art-hunting some years ago, so what she has is probably still much the same as what I had before the crash. She also will have much of my music, anime, doujinshi, manga, etc. What she can't supply, my brother and sister may have.
There are, however, some things that just can't be replaced. There are some things that only I liked and therefore only I had. I was panicking on the first days that I realized I probably couldn't save the drive. (The folks in General Discussion are giving good ideas and advice, but what they essentially break down to are 1) pay out the ass for drive recovery or 2) try a Final Solution which will probably ruin the drive permanently and might not even work. I'm reluctant to try anything with it.) I'm calming down now, though. A lot of my stuff I actually can get back, although it will be a pain. What was lost permanently will just have to be forgotten. It's not like it's stuff I can't live without. I just won't live as happily without it. : /
Longest entry I've done in a while, I think. I should shut up now.
Oh, but one more thing... if you were wondering why I never uploaded FMV to Local, it's because I had some complaints about the timing. I'm thinking that this has something to do with exporting it in segments, because the waveforms matched up perfectly before I rendered. I was always planning to try and fix that error before I put up the permanent copy, but I never got around to it. Less-than-amusingly, I has planned to finally do it once I cleared off enough space on the external hard drive, but it died before I could do that, taking with it all of the lossless segments, the music, the project files, and so on. Thus, that's no longer an option. So I'm uploading the not-as-awesome version because it's all I have to put up, and I had better put it up somewhere that I can re-obtain it should this catastrophe happen again.
That's the story. Not a good one, and not a happy one, but hey, at least some interested member is getting a video out of it, right?
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred fifty ninth entry - o noes!!!!
2010-12-19 02:47:31
Time - 1:43, Noise - Jonathan Coulton - "Mandelbrot Set"
My external hard drive is gonna diiiiieeeee! Hold on, little guy! You just need to last me a few more days and I can get you home and transfer all of your stuff (sheesh, I HOPE) and then, finally then, you can collapse and go to HDD Heaven. Just stick with it! I know you can!
The whole of my digital memories/life is on this thing. If it dies before I can transfer the stuff, I may very well commit ritual suicide. Anyone want to offer their services in lobbing off my head?
- Jen
Four hundred fifty eighth entry - every time I post, someone corrects me, but...
2010-10-10 00:10:08
Time - 10:58, Noise - Pendulum - "The Fountain"
Okay, so I'm not the most tech-savvy person at times, but for the life of me, I can't understand what is so hard for people about Direct and Indirect links. Even some veteran members of this site seem to mistake them constantly, so here's the crash course...
Direct: I can right click and "Save As..." on the word Direct and it'll save your video. It probably comes straight from your own server/hosting.
Indirect: any temporary upload site like Megaupload, Sendspace, Mediafire, etc. I cannot right click and "Save As...". For this site, it is seen commonly for videos with explicit sexual content or excessive gore as an indirect link to separate hosting.
YouTube does not fit either of these categories. If you must, it is Indirect, but since it's not really a download link, I don't consider streaming links to be appropriate. You should really just put them independently on the video info page - or not at all, since this is an AMV hosting site. Kind of like asking for SPAM when you could have steak.
Who knows, though. Maybe I'm totally crazy and senseless, but it seems to be a consistent issue on this site.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred fifty seventh entry - karma?
2010-09-21 01:04:17
Time - 11:44, Noise - Tomb Raider Underworld OST
So, I get two quick comments for the first time in eons and then I automatically give out two opinions shortly thereafter, also for the first time in eons. Karma, anyone? o_O
Anyway... news... oh, I actually added a few clips to the timeline of a video that has kind of been sitting on my hard drive for the last two years. I'll finish it... one of these days...
I finished Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. While not my favorite KH, it's great if you have small chunks of time to kill. It's one of the better handhelds out there, so if you're into KH, it's worth playing, I think. I'm putzing around in Mission Mode now - so far just with Roxas, because I love that emo little Nobody to pieces. Just can't bring myself to use anyone else yet.
My brother already finished Birth By Sleep and will apparently loan it to me when I come home for winter break in December. I'm not terribly excited to play it, but since it's Kingdom Hearts, I know I'll enjoy it regardless. Those games have an incurable charm to them, but man do I ever miss Sora, Goofy, and Donald.
I'm not sure how I managed to pull off this semester's schedule. For one, I thought it would be full of easy classes, but somehow my poetry class has eight billion parts to the homework, I had to drop my history class because it was like being assigned a novel in Greek every day, and the Intro to Gay Studies course that I put in its place doesn't seem to be much less work (although it comes easily to me). Even innocent little piano tech is requiring a lot more practice time than anticipated. Sheesh, this was supposed to be the awesomely fun and easy semester, and it's kind of kicking my ass. I've beaten it into manageable submission more or less, but I'm still not terribly enthusiastic about it all.
Still debating saxophone lessons next semester with Allen. I adore the man, but I hate lessons because they feel just as awkward as auditions and it's not like he can do anything to improve my playing anyhow. Too far gone into suckage for that. He thinks he's going to mold me into something great(er), but I think he's got delusions.
Well, I'm tl;dr-ing, so I'll sign off now.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 13:09:23