JOURNAL: dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )

  • Four hundred fifty sixth entry - Jen's Got (a Lack of) Talent 2010-09-18 00:34:53 Time - 11:28, Noise - hum of the lappy

    So. This is the first time that my star ratings menu has been empty since the end of 2007. Just thought you would all like to know that. Guess who the lucky person was who got the opinion after three years. C'mon, guess!

    Okay, okay, it was -Fa- on her Fatal Frame video, 'To Photograph a Sin' - and it was her 100th opinion! We should both feel special right now, except that my special is of the mental failure persuasion.

    Now I don't have to have a staring contest with that video in my stars menu anymore. Yaaaaay.

    See you, folks.

    - Jen 
  • Four hundred fifty fifth entry - huh, odd 2010-09-13 01:20:34 Time - 11:54, Noise - 30 Seconds to Mars - "Hurricane"

    Hm... weird. I'm a little confused. I was just Googling myself in order to see if my real name and username had any association with each other in a search. (It's a Donator's Forum thing - a thread I started got me curious.)

    I ran across a thread for Tekkoshocon...

    ...which I only know of by name, where a video of mine was listed as having been on some playlist roster in April of 2010. 'Abandoned,' to be exact. I've barely been active in the AMV world since I made that video, so I know I didn't submit it to them. It wasn't a competition thing anyway, I know, so I don't really care... it's just... nobody asked me. I realize that once I put it online it more or less becomes public property, but it would have been nice to know.

    And even then, I'm not sure that they even played it. Next to the entry it says [ACEN2008-CUT], which seems strange. Why bother mentioning that if this is Tekkoshocon? Yes, my AMV was cut from the ACen contest, but I don't see how that has anything to do with this other con. The only other thing I could think is that the tag is there to denote that it premiered at ACen '08, but T-con didn't get around to playing it either.

    Again, I'm not angry or even irritated. Just a little confused.

    Oh, although I am annoyed that they listed it under horror. It's not a scary video. Just using Fatal Frame doesn't make it horror. It's a drama video - it says as much in the video description here on the .org, which is the only place anybody could have obtained it. I didn't tag it as horror. I mean, 'The Chosen Two'? Sure, that's a little more scary (pssh, barely). I can see someone seeing it as such and that's why I marked it, but 'Abandoned' is all heart-wrenching drama, albeit on the very dark side.

    Now if anybody marks SAWWWWWWMthing's Wrong...? as horror, I'll shit bricks. And then I'll laugh. Or maybe both at the same time.

    Anyway, that was a long rant for a curious issue.

    Oh, and my username and real (full) name have no association in a search as far as I can tell.

    See you, folks.

    - Jen 
  • Four hundred fifty fourth entry - another anniversary down 2010-09-03 16:46:06 Time - 3:34, Noise - dormdwellers going about their day

    Two years ago today, I started my study abroad experience in Seville, Spain. Happy anniversary! Two years down and one to go 'til I graduate and hopefully send myself back there again. : )

    Oh, and AMVs and stuff. School started, so I haven't had much time to think about anything but that. So, no editing, no speedruns, no TV, etc. I have, however, been playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, courtesy of my brother. I'm almost to the end. It's been an okay game, especially if you liked Roxas and want to know more about him. It's great if you're the type who likes to play your game in small chunks, because it doesn't require the multiple-hour commitment of most RPG-type games. You do everything in short missions, which is doubly great given that it's on a handheld, because not only is it good for killing bits of time, but it's portable, too.

    I will complain, however, that my poor thumb is dying on the d-pad. I'm so used to the ease of analog sticks that it hurts my thumb to play for more than an hour or so.

    Anyway, that's neither here nor there for an AMV journal (as if that ever stops me from posting it), so I'll end this. Take care, .org-ers.

    See you, folks.

    - Jen 
  • Four hundred fifty third entry - spectacular year number six 2010-08-29 17:16:16 Time - 3:38, Noise - Pendulum - "Witchcraft"






    Seriously, this is Spectacular Year Number Six; it's about time I blow this popsicle stand.

    It was bad planning on my part. I probably would have had to stay at least five years for my major/minor, but I could have prevented this time-massacre had I known from the start what I needed to do. I did finish my Spanish major in four years, but the French minor holds me here through six. Speaking of which... this semester is going to be sadly easy. I have not one, not five, but TEN credits of fun classes and only two for my minor (which will also be easy). That sounds crazy, but I finished all of my required courses, and only the one French class is offered this semester, so how else was I supposed to round out a twelve credit schedule?

    On a related note, today was move-in day. I enlisted some help and got my things upstairs in one trip, thankfully. It's hotter than hell today, so I wouldn't have wanted to make too many trips. Now I'm exhausted and still fighting off an almost-hangover, courtesy of my best friend choosing last night for her birthday celebration. I knew I would feel like crap if I drank, but come on, I only drink maybe once a YEAR. Ill-timed though it may be, I think I can allow myself that much.

    I've been trying to limit the complaints on my part, though, because this was self-inflicted, so I have no right to bitch about it. When you think about it, people shouldn't get sympathy for knowingly indulging their own stupidity.

    Oh! Oh! I almost forgot! Guess who has a DVD recorder now~? :3

    All videogame footage is now at my mercy. Mwahahaha. Although it won't be anytime soon, expect a remake of The Chosen Two someday, now that I can finally get at those unrippable scenes I've been wanting.

    So far, I've just been using it to get my speedrun of Fatal Frame II recorded, but it has infinite future applications for me. Happiness~!

    Time to go. Wish me luck on my final year. : ) 
  • Four hundred fifty second entry - generic entry #452 2010-08-25 21:23:37 Time: 8:18, Noise: Dido - "Here With Me"

    Either I suck at reading fonts, or this banner actually says "Grab Your Ileia."

    I'll admit, I'm not entirely sure where to locate and grab my local source of Ileia, but I hear it can be found near gratuitous fields of violets. That could just be an urban legend, though.

    - Jen 
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 04:13:23