dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )
Four hundred twenty sixth entry - you gotta be kidding me
2008-04-21 19:35:56
Time - 6:33, Noise - the screaming in my own head
I swear, AMV contest runners purposely give strict submission guidelines just to frustrate those of us who rarely submit to cons and never bother with that kind of encoding.
Help, anyone? I kind of need to submit this tonight. ;_;
- Jen
Four hundred twenty fifth entry - DJ Ultima: helping the .org one member at a time
2008-04-14 15:21:24
Time - 2:10, Noise - Jonathan Coulton - "Still Alive"
I feel like I've done my good deed for the day. I went through the most recent Devil May Cry videos, downloaded all of the Local ones that I hadn't got first and left the Direct and Indirect ones for later, as usual. This time, however, I went through all of the people who put a Direct link to an indirect site and PM'd all of them telling them to fix it. Time to sit back and see how many responses I get of, "You could have at least commented on the video."
Really, that's depressing. I even put the smiley emoticon and everything. : (
Quite frankly, I'm not gonna comment on the video if they're not gonna take the time to link it properly - and shame on half of 'em for using streaming sites anyway. The .org is here for a reason. Anyway, I did my act of kindness for the day. Now I need to make up for it with bitchiness for the remainder. <3
I'm out, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred twenty fourth entry - the trouble with MEPs...
2008-04-13 23:59:17
Time - 10:46, Noise - Russian Drum 'n Bass
I don't know why this didn't occur to me before, but I think I know the problem with many MEPs these days.
No passion!
Seriously, I mean it! Everyone is so concerned about...
1. Is a n00b trying to head this project?
2. Does it conflict with ANYthing else, no matter how small, in my life?
3. What are the damn tech specs!?
...that it seems like nobody just sits down and considers if they *like* the idea. I see so many people just joining projects because they happen to be friends with coordinator, or because it fits an anime they know, et cetera, but then half of them drop out when they get "editor's block." Really, how many times have you seen that? Forum, journals, PMs... it's a pretty common thing to have happen.
I have a song just waiting in the wings that I would love to make a MEP to, but with FMV2 going and Spain closing in, there's no way I could run the project yet. I'm thinking of doing it by invite-only and giving NO tech specs or deadlines until people actually say that they want to work with a track. A little unfair? Yeah, a bit - but it'll help weed out some of the uninterested people who would only be joining on a whim or an obligation to edit just because they know me.
I really do think that's the reason so many MEPs are failing, though. I tried to stifle that with FMV2 as much as possible, and have had to suffer open spots that seem like they're going to remain that way because of it. Speaking of which, join my project. I'm a little screwed if I don't get those spots filled, y'know:
Anyway, it's something to think about. Maybe when I get back from Spain I'll consider starting up that project.
And since I haven't said it in ages, Happy AMV-ing, folks. <3
- Jen
Four hundred twenty third entry - analytical fun
2008-04-04 23:09:36
Time - 10:02, Noise - The Echoing Green - "Suffer"
Second season of xxxHolic is starting. Must wait patiently for subtitles now. Really, Holic just gives me way too much to fangirl over.
On a different note, we have a trend in the forums. It's pretty obvious, but I thought I'd chronicle it anyway, as I usually do.
When someone announces a new video, the first person to comment is almost always what makes or breaks the following commentary. If the first person hates it, you tend to see lots of harsh critique, but if the first person says lots of nice things, people will look for the good in a video. Now, I'm not saying everyone is influenced by this. Some people saw the video before the announcement, so unless they're the initial poster, they don't really count. Some folks don't read the other comments before they download, so they also don't count. But for people who scan the thread comments before they see the video, I think they more often than not go into the viewing with a skewed mindset. Take Ayumix 2, for example. I know people don't like hearing about the bad stuff anymore, but this isn't about that. This is about the posts and the style of them. Once one person started critiquing segment-by-segment, many other followed. One person put a list of basically nothing but bad stuff, and many others started doing it as well, some going so far as to sound like they were digging for bad critique.
So that raises the question... does that make many .org-ers sheeple? Nah, I don't think so. There are always leaders and followers, of course, but I think lots of folks just go into a video expecting something close to whatever they read - and they try to look for that "whatever" if it's not readily there, mentally crafting and inserting it if they have to sometimes. I don't think of that as going with the crowd necessarily, though if you watch a video several times and just can NOT agree with what's been said but put similar comments anyway... now that IS being a sheep.
Moral(s) of the story?
If everybody says it's good, chances are it is.
If everybody says it's bad, chances are it is.
If you see something nobody else is saying, whether good or bad, *speak up*. Don't follow the flock!
Nighty night, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred twenty second entry - what time is it?
2008-04-01 22:13:43
Time - 9:39, Noise - Russian drum 'n bass mix
I kind of want to make a MEP to that music - I even made an edit of it - but it would be really long and I don't think I'd be able to scrounge up that many people that would want me to head it. I posted my edit in my LJ and nobody commented. It was a sad day. I'd post it here, but I'm not really sure that that's allowed outside of the MEP forum. Better to be safe than sorry.
If I had thought about it ahead of time, I'd have made an April Fool's video. Y'know, like something completely outside of my style... with noisecore or speedcore or something to hentai. Alternatively, I could have made a xxxHolic video, since the first is Watanuki's birthday (which ends up being the butt of several jokes in the series). Ah, but I didn't think of it soon enough, and there's no way I could pop out something before bedtime. Oh well.
My pocket watch went dead. ;_; I really liked that watch, too. I suppose I shouldn't let out the teary face yet, though, since I haven't checked if the battery can be replaced. My RA is supposed to take me sometime this week, and it's my responsibility to keep asking politely until she does. If I can't get that, I'll just buy a new cheap-y one. This one was only ten dollars in the first place - but it lit up! @_@
Y'know, cuffing my pants up twice was one thing. It's a fact of nature that they don't make pants short enough for people of my proportions, but when I hit that third cuff-up, that was my snapping point. I decided to take action! Some scissors, needles, and thread later, my pants are a nice just-above-the-rubber-on-the-back-of-the-shoe length - if hemmed humorously bad. But you have to cut me slack. I wasn't being real particular about aesthetics, I was going through layers of denim, and it's the first time in my life that I've sewn by hand. My mommy had to teach me how to start and stop the stitch. >_> Still, I picked pretty inconspicuous thread colors, so you can't even see my stitches for the most part. Anyway, it got the job done and that's what's important. I no longer feel like a dwarf in ogre's trousers.
Next thing you know, I'll be decorating the house and cooking pot roasts. : |
So... I think I'm getting addicted to coffee. You may recall me mentioning that caffeine seems to have absolutely no effect on me. Well, it still doesn't - as far as I know - but for some reason, I have been gravitating towards coffee products multiple times a day now. This morning was a mocha "Creamice." At lunch it was a half-glass of coffee with almond toffee creamer and no sugar, the remaining portion of which got dumped in the cinnamon ice cream I took out of the eating establishment. Rinse and repeat the half-glass at dinner.
And that's just today. I've been keeping about the same routine every day since I got back from Spring Break - that makes for about three glasses of coffee or coffee-related drinks every day for more than a week. It might be time to start buying juice o_O
Band concert in 23 days. <3
Anywho, happy April Fool's to everyone. Lovin' the forum changes.
"Never gonna give you up..."
- Jen
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:36:31