dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )
Four hundred sixteenth entry - MEP and random news
2008-02-15 20:56:37
Time - 7:00, Noise - Devil May Cry 4 OST - "The Time Has Come"
FMV2 News:
- auditions and placements are now finished. There are still four spots open, but they are a first come, first serve idea. You still have to offer up a few reference videos, but now I'll get back to you within a day or two.
- we've started the editing portion of the project. First betas are due March 1st, but I'll gladly accept anything prior to that date.
- Fall_Child42 wants death scenes from games. While scenes from the games being used in the project are probably preferable, any death scene from any game would be awesome. Anything will help him put together the outro.
Personal News...
As many of you may already know, Valentine's Day is my second favorite holiday, being beaten out only by Halloween. This is because I like to see people get dumped or rejected on said holiday. Cruel, yes, but I'm not going to lie about it. Last year I had the peculiar honor/misfortune of rejecting someone myself. I think he took it personal, despite how I repeatedly say that I never want a relationship with anyone. Ever. It had nothing to do with him. Naturally, then, I always make sure to wear a real gold wedding band on my left hand. Just to throw people off. Okay, okay, so that last part WAS a lie. I DO wear a band, but not to fuck with people (that's just a bonus side effect). I wear it because I like it, and I wear it on the left hand because I'm right-handed and it gets in the way with how I hold my pencil. Simple as that. More or less.
Well, back on subject, I was sadly disappointed to realize that not a single person got dumped on the fourteenth; however, one of the girls on my wing is dumping her boyfriend today instead. Post-coital break up. Now *that's* strategy. :up:
I don't know why I didn't think to do this before, but in order to better learn my katakana, which I just can't seem to get a grasp on, I started writing down gobs of English names and locations and translating them into said writing. It was working nicely last night, though I'll have to keep it up for at least another week if I want to get the katakana under my belt for good.
Now how the hell am I supposed to learn kanji? They're not so easy to put into practice. I mean, what do I do? Keep writing 'hito' over and over 'til it sticks? Not likely. I need *context* to learn things, and that's tough with kanji, because they're only associated with certain nouns and meanings. I guess the only way to practice them would be to translate full sentences. Maybe I can find something like that in my textbook. Well, I'm sure I can - the question is whether or not it'll be enough.
Kanji quiz next week. Bleh.
Took a women's psych test and a French test on Thursday. The French one was easy, as always. Maybe a few mess ups, but nothing major, I'm sure. The psych test was considerably harder. It was forty multiple choice and two essay questions. I tried my best to use common sense for the multiple choice, since that's what a lot of this is so far. As for the essays... well, let's put it this way. If I even have an inkling of how to answer the question, I can become Bullshitter Extraordinaire - and I'll even earn full points for my answers most of the time. Nyuk, nyuk.
Oh yeah. My memory card finally showed up in the mail. Go figure. It came in a generic post office plastic bag with five paragraphs of jargon on it that more or less translated to, "Oops. Sorry. Some dumbass dropped this and we lost it for a while. When we found it, we thought it might be broken, but here it is anyway. We hope you're not too pissed."
Well, I checked the sucker straight away - played through an entire level of Tomb Raider Legend, that is - and it seems to be just fine. Hooray. Now I'm pretty sure my mother will never agree to send me anything again. : /
Still, it came before I got too far into anything. I did play all the way though Lego Star Wars II again, but... whatever. It's not like that game is long. I had started the first level of Tomb Raider Legend, but didn't get beyond that. Thank Cod I didn't start TR Anniversary. That was the game save that I was nearly ripping my hair out about losing. But it's all good now. So saves lost and I can get back to my regularly scheduled gaming... whatever that is.
Oh, sheesh. This entry's getting pretty long, isn't it? I should go.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred fifteenth entry - FMV2
2008-02-08 14:49:57
Time - 12:24, Noise - Final Fantasy VII - "Heart's Anxiety (OC Remix)"
How sad is this: I dreamed last night that IcyCloud joined FMV2. I believe this is the point when we smack Ulty and tell her what a dummy she is for dreaming about her MEP. Yeah.
On that note, though, today is the last day to officially audition for the project. After today, if there are open tracks, and given the track choices in most of the auditions, I'm guessing there will be, it will then become a first come, first serve kind of thing. I'll simply note how many tracks are open in the title of the thread and most likely at the top of the page.
The only song I'm not willing to pick up a track in myself is the Sunchase one. It's too far out of my style and we've already proven that I can't edit action with the last project. "Take a Picture" is probably the easiest for me to do, but I'd be fairly comfortable with any of the others. I have enough games that I could easily find one to fit any of the tracks as well. Well, I take that back. I do have a lot of games, but fairly few of them here at college. Still not a problem, as I have enough to do the job, but yeah. Just saying.
Stupid fuckers at my local anime club are being assholes. I was counting on them to loan me the DVDs I needed to make my video for ACen, and they pulled the whole "illegal" thing out on me. As if making AMVs wasn't illegal anyway. But honestly, I wonder if they still would have wigged out if I had just said I wanted to borrow them to watch them. People loan each other DVDs all the time, but it suddenly becomes an issue if I want to use ten seconds in a music video? And you know what? That's not even the reason they were freaking out. Despite me giving a long, specific list of anime - and *specific girls in them* - and saying repeatedly that I was intending on using the footage for an AMV, they still had the nerve to accuse me of wanting the DVDs just so I could copy them. Seriously. It's annoying. I mean, it's not even a matter of money anymore. I'm sure I could find a way to rent the various series online somehow, but the problem is that I just don't have the time to *wait* for that many DVDs to be shipped back and forth. ACen would have come and gone by then.
So I guess I'm shit out of luck for my ACen video. I'll have to think of something else - and soon, if I want to finish it by the deadline. Think, think, think...
I'm gonna go now. I should get to work on my current video, really.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred fourteenth entry - oshi-woah-eh?
2008-02-07 21:56:31
Time - 8:44, Noise - Silent Hill 2 - "There Was a Hole Here (OC Remix)"
Now Featuring:
Project FMV 2: Polygonal Rapture! Laugh! Love! Audition! For a limited time only!
warning: offeronlyvalidontracksthathaven'tbeenauditionedfortodeath, suchasthatoneSuncahsesongoneandthatTakeaPicturesong.
This Friday Only! Don't miss your chance to be a part of the only multi-editor project to include the terms project, fmv, two, polygonal, and rapture in it~~~~!
*cue the supa-cheezy gameshow muzack*
FMV2 broke 100 replies. :O
My face is hot. ;_;
I need to work on my video. It's not that I haven't wanted to. I've just been distracted. Hmm...
MAH KITTEHS! <33333333333333333333
Er... I'm gonna go now.
- Jen
Four hundred thirteenth entry - dot dot dot...
2008-02-02 15:57:23
Time - 12:55, Noise - Intelligent Qube OST - "Courage and Hope"
It occurred to me that I should probably clean out my forum inbox, seeing as how it was at a strained 98% - and the sendbox was at 100. >_>
I hacked it down to 41% on both of them, but I'm too lazy to go over the rest right now. Just as long as I have enough for the start of FMV2, I'm good. I was being a packrat during FMV1, because you never know when you might need to consult an old PM during a MEP. Anyway, today I should get around to responding to the PMs that were sent lately. I've read them all, and watched the respective videos contained within - I just haven't responded.
On a sad note, I realized that I left some stuff on the compy at home - things I wasn't even thinking that I would have left on it, nor did I consider that I might want them. Namely, I left the lossless version of The Chosen Two at home. It's not that I would particularly need it, but I wanted it. I was thinking of encoding an .mp4 and comparing it to the XviD I have - which, I gotta admit, is pretty slick-looking anyway, so I don't know that I would have been terribly tempted to replace the Local. How the heck the XviD came out looking so good is beyond me, but it does.
I have almost a minute of my video edited now, which is cool. Three-and-a-half minutes to go! I also managed kind of a neat effect for the last clip I laid down. It took some finagling with the filters, but I more or less duplicated the way the footage looks occasionally on a clip that didn't have that filter originally. It's neat. I just hope I'm happy with it when I finish the video. I have a tendency to throw in an effect and then hate it after the video's release.
On a related topic, I've resorted to keeping the clips for the video on my external hard drive. I wanted to have them right on the lappy, but that would leave me with... well... negative nine gigabytes of space. >_> Frickin' clips take up fifty gigs. It would have been thirty except for Lagarith not being agreeable and giving those little glitches when I feed the footage into Magix. I rendered to Lagarith at first, intending to just replace the clips I had actually used with Huffyuv versions when I finished the video, but I changed my mind after getting the external HD. After that, I just re-rendered everything to Huffyuv. No post-video hassle, and no worrying that one of the replacements might fail and thus screw up the whole video. If I have the space, I may as well use it.
Editing from the external HD isn't as slow as I thought it would be. Really no slower than editing from the lappy's HD directly. Rendering, however, takes quite a while. I had to wait ten minutes for the first thirty seconds of video. I suspect it will be an hour or more when I do the final render.
Note: I know that some of you are looking at an hour and thinking, "Wow, I *wish* my rendering was that quick," but keep in mind that I usually have a very simple timeline with few effects, so there isn't much to render, really. It takes twenty minutes to a half hour usually for any of my videos to render. For some reason, I can't remember how long FMV1 took.
I really just want to do a fun video after this. Don't get me wrong - I could easily and happily edit drama videos from now until the sun novas, but I could use a change. That's why I'm hoping for this multi-anime video to work out. It would be perfect for a change.
*sigh* I feel tired today. My roommate has had odd sleeping habits lately, and it's throwing me off. We had this fun little incident yesterday morning...
*Sarina's alarm goes off... and it's Friday... and she has no classes*
*alarm keeps ringing*
Me: Sarina...
*Sarina turns off alarm finally*
*ten minutes later*
*alarm goes off*
*Sarina sleeps through it*
Me: Sarina...!
*turns off alarm again*
*ten minutes later*
*alarm goes off AGAIN*
*Sarina sleeps through it AGAIN*
Me: turn it OFF!
*turns off alarm*
*ten minutes later*
Me: *burying my head under the blanket now*
The alarm went off three more times, and she delayed-ly shut it off each time. Why keep hitting the snooze? Apparently, when I asked her about it the next morning, she didn't even realize she was doing it. She thought she was asleep! In her dream, she said she had to keep hitting an oblong button, which was obviously the snooze out here in the waking world. I laughed about it when she mentioned it, and she got giggly and embarrassed.
My roommate... is clearly odd. But she does a lot of stuff in her sleep, so I'm getting used to it.
With that, I'm out of here.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred twelfth entry - JOIN
2008-01-31 22:29:31
Time - 9:26, Noise - FMV2 Mix
- Jen
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 22:16:35