dj_ultima_the_great (Jen )
Four hundred eighty first entry - Updated for the Chic Modern Editor
2011-10-17 17:35:45
Time - 4:16, Noise - Bayonetta OST
So I was reorganizing my profile, as I hadn't done that in about a year. I removed most of the information about myself, since in the eight-ish years that I have been a member, it hasn't really seemed to affect anything.
My favorite videos list wasn't touched. I'm loathe to actually go near that thing. What I had been doing was just putting "11" in the slot for "favorites" for every video to which I had given an opinion, so most of what's on there aren't really my favorite videos, or they were quite a few years ago and may not be now.
I am curious why the favorite anime section doesn't just use a little auto-complete search type of thing like the Super Search does. Scrolling through those long lists of anime is kind of ridiculous (and unnecessary; if it's your favorite, then you should know the name), and forget trying to load up the "All" listing. That froze my computer for twenty minutes before it fixed itself. (And then it froze for another twenty minutes when I clicked to update the list. I should have clicked onto a letter before doing that. Oops.)
I decided to eliminate most of the anime and put in videogames instead. I mean, let's face it, I have never liked anime more than gaming, and that list certainly does not reflect what I have edited in the past.
Anyway, that's all. Boring entry, sorry. (Aren't they all?)
See you, folks
- Jen
Four hundred eightieth entry - Editing of the Fuuuuuture!
2011-10-13 14:25:06
Time - 1:14, Noise - Final Fantasy XIII OST
Somebody process these damn clips for me so that I'll be slightly motivated to edit. Anybody? No?
The really sad part is that if I don't start it before the end of the year, I won't have it ready in time for ACen. Yes, I actually edit that slowly. Well, I'll retract that statement. It does take me a very long time to edit, but the problem is moreso that I'll edit for eight hours one day and then not touch the video for a month. I've tried pacing myself to only go an hour at a time, but to do it every day, but then I only get a few clips laid down, and I lose interest anyway because I don't feel like I'm making any progress.
Can we just invent an editing system that hooks up to our brains and lets us edit that way? I would probably get more done like that. Hell, we all would. I shudder to think of all the Linkin Ball Z that would come to pass.
While we're talking about fantastical editing programs, let's invent one that creates clips that don't actually exist in our sources. I could sure use that.
In the meantime, I guess I need to stop being lazy and start processing. Or I could go play a game. >_>
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred seventy ninth entry - assorted fruity journal snacks
2011-09-18 00:10:04
Time - 10:37, Noise - Sevendust - "Seasons"
So I didn't see The Lion King on Friday because... well, I don't know why exactly. The friend who was going to take me never even sent me a message that day. It's sort of a chronic problem of hers - gets some horribly debilitating illness for exactly one day and doesn't mention that this was why she ditched me until several days later. Whatever. I hope I can see it next week instead.
Also, I think my heart melted. I discovered my very first YouTube AMV theft today! Aww~! Nobody has ever stolen from me before. I'm almost flattered! <3
Anyway, it was the only video on the person's account, and they didn't say anything about ownership. I just said that I had created the video, and while I am flattered that they like it enough to upload it, I did not appreciate that they removed my intro/outro credits and uploaded it without my permission. Then, I politely asked the person to remove it. Who knows what'll come of it.
I recorded all of Bayonetta over the last few days. Processing it will be an adventure, considering that some of what I want to use has junk on the borders (in-battle stuff). I think I know how I can handle it, though, and it'll even keep in the style with the game. Of course, this processing stuff is going to take a while.
Also, I went to the library for the first time in more than ten years. Backstory: I live in a town of 3200 people. The library used to be one block from my house, and I used to frequent it constantly for Star Wars books. After reading most of them, I got into manga, which was not overly popular in libraries at the time. So I stopped going. Then, because it was such a small building, they made a deal with the city. However much money they could raise for a new library would be matched and they could build one out by the schools. They raised over one million dollars, which means the new place is a two million dollar building! That may not be overly impressive to those of you in bigger cities, but once again, allow me to mention that the population here is 3200. Our library is bigger than some cities ten times our size.
So, I went to apply for a job (no luck; last day of interviews was the same day I learned of it), but I figured that as long as I was there, I could at least get a new card and check out some books. A Series of Unfortunate Events came recommended from an old friend of mine, and so I picked up the first two. They're... interesting. I can't call them "cute," because they're a bit dark for kids' books, but they're not bad. They will definitely teach kids some new vocabulary, if nothing else. I think I'll keep up with it.
I used to be an avid reader, but ever since I started manga, I sort of drifted away from written works, except for the occasional fanfiction (and anybody who reads that stuff knows how much crap you have to sift through to find the gold). That was an insecurity of mine when I took my creative writing and poetry courses during my last year of college. I was sorely under-read compared to a number of my classmates, but I think I managed okay.
Anyway, this is veering away from AMVs, so I'll shut up.
See you, folks.
- Jen
PS: after I had her crochet/knit a large Wheatley for my best friend's birthday, my Mom took an hour out of her day today to make a small, less-detailed, baby version of him for me. He's a cutie. Fits right in with the nanobots now, right?
Four hundred seventy eighth entry - I want my donator's status back : /
2011-09-12 22:40:09
Time - 9:17, Noise - OC Remixes
Fuck. I can't find the power cord to my PS2. I'm positive that I packed everything when I left college, but I seem to have misplaced that. It should have been in the same box with the rest of my electronic stuff. We've owned more than one PS2, though, so maybe I can track down a replacement cord if I can't find the original.
*sigh* This house really needs to be cleaned top to bottom. My brother and sister moved out a long time ago, and I plan to be out within about a year, but before I leave, this place needs to be cleared out. Maybe if Mom has an empty house, she'll finally get the hint that it's too much space and she'll move.
Or not. She does a fine job of screwing up her life and dragging down those around her, so why not fail here too?
I'm sorry. I'm in a really pissy mood.
To balance it out, I'll share with you my extreme excitement to see The Lion King on Friday.
See you, folks.
- Jen
Four hundred seventy seventh entry - DAMN IT
2011-09-06 13:36:29
Time -12:09, Noise - Pendulum - "The Fountain"
Fucking fuckity fuck fuck FUCK. There goes my donator status. Naturally, this would happen when I'm broke as a bloke. ($31.85 in my account, to be exact.)
Time to go put in another bazillion job applications. AGAIN.
Oh, and as long as this is an .org journal, I'll slip this in: I think I came up with a really great idea for a Bayonetta music video. Something that's both action-oriented, sexy, and silly, much like the game itself. Now I have to see about capturing the footage. I figured I would do my next two playthroughs and then go back to Very Easy and capture it that way. I should be able to plow through the game pretty quickly by that point.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I have at least five other videos that I want to work on, and so this one will probably just have to get in line and wait.
Anyway, looks like I'm back to the bottom of the barrel on this site. Oh well! : (
- Jen
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:17:19