Shadow_Leaper (Kaley )
2006-08-18 21:44:03
Well it seems im having ALOT of problems.... home problems are tearing me to peices...and my judges are backing out im wokring on it mostly by myself right now... hoping my last judge wont back out...
yeah home problems are a mess.... its too much ot eleborate on...its just literally killing me...
Inuyasha movei 3
2006-08-13 01:15:08
Well Just finished watching it on Adult Swim...and I dont know what it is about the inuyasha mvies..they bore me now..-shrugs- Though i still loved it.
I heard alot of rumors that people didnt like how Kagome acted all pitiful and weak in it...and i really didnt see that.... i saw the same girl thats been portrayed in the first two movies (maybe not series but definatly movies)
ehh well i cant think too much right now, too tired...ill update 2morrow....
To the great creators: When giving opinions....
2006-08-11 14:26:43
I just have a bit of an ipifinny (i know i spelt that wrong but oh well-its my journal) when people give you think they go by how good THEY can make videos/ how good the people THEY know can make videos? To judge something not exactly at that level...?
This is what I mean...
Someone that is REALLY good at making videos. And is friends with REALLY good creators- when giving "mediocre" creaters you think they give semi-bad/harsh reviews to them just because they can't make the really good ones that the person is used to...?
and infact saying that "I felt you didn't put much effort in this at all" or something to that effect. or "I just don't sense any real planning behind this video" to someone who- without their knowledge could have spent days-weeks-months planning/working on this video.
Yes I recieved a opinion like this- its why Im wondering how many other "Mediocre" creators get this kind of thing. Im not flaming, im rambling at most- yes it hurt but what bothers me even more is if other creators who may be "under" me get worse opinion.
Another thing that just didn't make me go "Oh well, they should know more than me" Is the opinion WASN'T constructive AT ALL!
All Im trying to say is, if your a great creator, with alot of followers and the such. Make it a point that if you give a "mediocre" creator an opinion... if you have to be harsh..try to atleast be constructive about it. Dont just sit there and say "I didn't like it", "It didnt feel like there was much effort", and "There was no planning behind this that i can see" Because you were once "not" the best creator here-
would you have liked it if someone you admired for their talent gave u a harsh comment with NO constructiveness in it at all? Some people don't have confidence as is..things like that can make people stop editing and think they aren't good enough to even try and be great creators like you.
All Im trying to say is: Try and remember what it was like being at their stage (or close by it) before you leave a harsh comment, to someone, whos peopably a fan of yours.
2006-08-10 18:52:54
hey guys, ive started to do opinion exchanges, just wish i had a faster connection..heh..takes me awhile about half a day depending on how big the files are.
And ive begun downloading the videos for the contest, got abunch already downloaded. Im going over th other judges house sometime soon to review all the entries, so that will be a blast ^_^
2006-08-06 16:42:56
geez... Holding a AMV contest is stressful...especially when ppl DONT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!! and then COMPLAIN about how they made it EASIER for ME when I tell them I can't get their videos b/c they 1. didnt do it how I asked, and then 2. I have a DIAL-UP connection right now!!! So getting a 500mb folder JUST to see their submission form right now is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! and 3. IM NOT DOWNLOADING VIDOES RIGHT NOW!!!! Im downloading them when I get to a faster computer.
Really how difficult is that to understand? especially when ive posted everywhere im not getting them right now??
And geez, ppl putting them on sites that only hold it for a certain amount of days, when ive repeated and repeated im not downloading videos right they complain again about how "Cant you just get it now??" -.-;;
and last but not least people who get mad and say the whole contest is a failure b/c im not getting their video right now, and i have a dial-up connection at this very moment...-.-;;;
yes Im complaining...but im allowed to....GEEZ...haha. I have many entries who have completly follwed directions,
Im terribly sorry that you didn't, but Im going to be fair with everyone. Im not downloading videos early b/c you want me to- b/c you chose to host them on a site that only holds them for a certain amount of time. That's not my fault. There are at least two sites, that are free that hosts them forever- this one and youtube. It will take u alot shorter time to get a FREE account and upload them then it will take me to download them with my slow connection.
Im sorry if you think Im bein gmean about this- but you really need to follow the rules- bigger contests would probably dissqualify you until it was fixed. Im just saying fix it and ill be happy to keep u in the contest.
well enough of my rambling...
Current server time: Mar 19, 2025 19:43:06