JOURNAL: Shadow_Leaper (Kaley )

  • hey guys! 2006-08-04 22:53:09 hey all just figured id dropa line and say im gunna be at Ozzfest all day 2morrow.

    but please still send in entries:

    there is the information ^_^

    well i guess thats about it!! see ya! 
  • -sigh- 2006-08-03 15:25:12 Finally I make a decent non Sailor Moon vid, and it gets NO attention at all...:( and I really like well for those of u who may be interested in seeing a sentimental vid of Angel Sanctuary: 
  • AMV contest!! 2006-07-29 21:28:07 A couple people and myself are begining to hold a monthly AMV contest for Amateur(people who have never won an AMV contest in the past) creators! Because I've realized that the Majority of Amateur creators can't win many contest when faced against the Pro's. So this is completly for Amateur's!!

    So just letting everyone know, Submissions will begin to be taken August 1st!

    Hope we have alot of entrants!!
  • BRAND NEW!!! ATTENTION!!! 2006-07-26 15:13:50 A couple people and myself are begining to hold a monthly AMV contest for Amateur(people who have never won an AMV contest in the past) creators! Because I've realized that the Majority of Amateur creators can't win many contest when faced against the Pro's. So this is completly for Amateur's!!

    So just letting everyone know, Submissions will begin to be taken August 1st!

    Hope we have alot of entrants!!
  • new vid 2006-07-26 15:12:38 New video up!
    Finally got my newest video up, and its NOT sailor moon for once!! so please check it out! i worked oh so very hard for it, and im going to submit it to AWA, so please any help you can give me would be great!!!

    Its called
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