JOURNAL: ninjagoalie_39 ( )

  • and update regarding updates..... 2005-03-30 23:12:24 Current Music:"Sweetness"-Jimmy Eat World

    Well. This whole "update" thing didn't exactly work out last time, so now I'm stepping up to the plate a 2nd time.

    For those of you that don't know, I type fast. Very fast. After roughly 20 minutes of this high speed typing, I had a pretty good sized update going. My grandmother then asks to use the computer. I have no quarrels with this. I figure I'll simply minimize my window, and continue upon her completion. No problem. What I should have done, was just cut the entry there and make it a two-parter. I return to the helm only to find that my window is closed. "How peculiar" I think to myself. It was here when I left it; logic states that it still should be. I even ctrl+alt+del to check all programs the system is currently running. Since you've just read this long-winded complaint, I see no need to tell you what wasn't on that list. To be honest, not much will change from that entry to this one, except you may miss out on a few insights that happened to cross my mind during that time frame. But that's okay...I'm sure there will be some here as well. Moving right along...

    Friday. Friday was the day that we (we=Rocco, Norman, Allison, Sarah, and myself) were all to chill at Allie's house. Of course, since this was not to occur until later in the course of said day, so I jetted over to Rocco's for much of the morning/afternoon time. After some DDR, some Clerks, and a very lage bottle of orange soda, I called it a day, and headed home. Approximately 10 minutes after I've walked through my door, Norman calls. The plan is advancing ahead of schedule, so I've got less than 30 minutes to get ready. I had alotted for an hour, so I hadn't done anything at all in the way of preperation. Long story short, I made it within the alotted time limit.

    We arrive at Allie's at 7, and hang out in her room for a while. Before long, food is served, which draws us all into the living room. After the basketball really got to game time. We were to play a movie trivia game. For those of you that know me and my circle, you know that this means our team has won already. Between Rocco and myself, there are probably 4 questions in that box that we couldnt answer. But Sarah knew one of them, so it was ok. Yet another long story short, we won the game, and shortly afterwards we had to depart, due to the early arrival of our ride back (our=Norm, Rocco, and me) So Norm and me went back to Allie's room to get our stuff and say goodbye to the girls (slight understatement )About 20 minutes later, I got home.

    I was originaly planning on putting Saturday's excursion into this post, but I'll save that for another day.

    Also, I'd like to say this. My infrequent posts have probably been an indication, but I'm leaving this journal behind. Not entirely, as I still visit the site regularly, It's simply a matter that I have a site that I use soley as a journal, and this site, which I use for AMV's. (which only makes sense) This doesn't mean I'm finished posting here, but don't expect to be up to date on whatever is happening with me. Not that I expect you to lose any sleep over such a thing, I just wanted to let you know.
    Should you want to maintain a regular reading schedule, use this link:

    I bid you farewell, and may good fortune follow your paths.

  • The trials and tribulations of relationship help 2005-03-02 18:19:58 Current Music:"The Boy That Blocked His Own Shot"-Brand New

    We had a 2 hour delay today. The day went by rather quickly, but I'm going to attribute that to the fact that the day was 2 hrs shorter.

    You know what I hate? When other people try to make decisions for you. I love my friends, but sweet jesus they can be annoying sometimes. So I failed a few classes, and I'm not graduating til summer. I'm okay with that, and I've been pushing other things aside with the intent to make room for me to study/make up classes that I need, so that I don't need to come back to high school for another year. I'm already pissed that I'm in this situation, because I'm really smart, and I lost my credits on a technicality.(I've gone over this issue repeatedly, so if you don't know it yet, IM me or mail me if you really want to know) So now everybody decides that something's wrong with Doc, because he doesn't have a girlfriend. Apparently, they've grown so accustomed to me being accompanied by a member of the female persuasion, that when it stops, the cosmos themselves must be falling. While this is a bit of an exaggeration to their response, I felt hyperbole was necessary to get my point across. Maybe Doc is too busy to have a girlfriend? Maybe he's worried that if he was dating somebody, he wouldn't have time for them because of everything else he's doing? Of course not. Doc has a penis, and that means all he thinks about is sex and women. While a few of them have taken heed and shown consideration towards this(thank you, Ashley)others are a little slow, if not stopped, on the uptake.

    Just thought I'd get that out there...I don't have anything to post about anyway

  • part 3! 2005-03-01 18:34:06 Current music:"A Walk Through Hell"-Say Anything

    Well, I'm gonna hurry and finish up the weekend, and catch up on all my belated updates.

    Friday not much and Bren went to a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament, where we were kicking ass until our last fight, where I killed myself twice in one battle(it was a 2 on 2 team battle thing) which left us in a fairly fucked position. So we lost, and ended up in third place. Saturday was much more eventful.

    So, Casey and myself enter a Halo 2 tournament. After the brutal slaying we layed down at Scranton, it seemed like a good idea. So bren takes us down there cause he wants to watch/play DDR. We pick up will on the way, and we're off. Long story didn't go well. Casey was having a very off day. Normally, he's better than me, but at this particular event, he managed to get less than five kills. And I mean in all 3 rounds combined. Each round was a race to 50. It just wasn't our day. So we headed home afterwards. Me, will, and bren drop casey off at the house and head out again, to pick our freind Amanda up from work and then take her home. We get to the Crossings(a little shopping center place, like a strip mall, but not in a strip, closer to a plaza) she's still closing up, so me and will do a lap around the building because we're bored. That does little in the way of occupy us, so we look over, and I get the greatest idea. You know how at stores like Wal mart, they take all of the snow and ice off of the parking lot, and just stack it around the vicinity, like a little ice fortress? Well, will and I decide to scale it. So we sprint across the parking lot, and at the last second, decide to try and dive into it instead. Imagine just diving into a pile of snow that is 10 feet high. Well, I'm still imagining. Because it WAS A FUCKING WALL OF ICE!!! I think I tore something in my shoulder upon impact. It got all wrenched off to the side and shit. It hurt like a mother fucker, but me and will decided that nothing could deter us, so we stuck to the original plan. We got a good running start, and went straight up it. You know how exhilirating it is, running up a wall like that? Especially one made of ice, cause its even harder to grip, but we got up there. After that, we left, went out to eat, played pool, took Amanda home, and then came back to our place, and crashed.

    That's about it for now...sorry for the rushed tone of it...I wanted to get it all down.


  • wow.... 2005-02-27 21:55:37 Holy shit...last time I posted i had 524 hits, i come back and its up to 548...jesus...

    Current Music:"Mr. Brightside"-The Killers

    Well, I've got a shitload of crazy stories to tell, so I'm gonna be posting as close as I can to daily, to make sure I don't forget any details. ^_^

    Ok, so we've arrived at TGP (just in case I didn't make this acronym yet...That Gaming Place=TGP) We walk in, and find out that the tournament isn't at 3 after's at 6. Well, that just means we have 3 more hours to fill with wacky antics, so we head over to the mall. On foot, of course. We pretty much just wander around a bit, and then stop to eat. Naturally, I steer the group towards the Taco Bell, and we all order. Shortly after eating, I notice an arcade off to the side. Video Games beckon, and I must heed their call. So I wander over, with Will in tow. We look around, and see it. This arcade is the promised land. Time Crisis 3 and DDR. These are my games. These games are my sole reason for going to arcades. I go back to the group, and inform them of my findings. Brendan, being a fellow DDR player, rises to the challenge. We go back, and play a few songs, after which Bren promptly dies. Apparently, he's not exactly in the best shape, and needed a little break. So I play a couple more songs, and then head over to Time Crisis. After that, we decide to return to TGP.

    We get some practice in, and the tournament begins. Our performance at this particular tournament was less than stellar, but that's not the point of the story. In between rounds, we've been playing Halo 2 all day long. We've had a system link going for the longest time. Finally, the tournament comes to a close, and it's time for us to leave. I bid farewell to all those that have been bowing to my greatness, and leave them with these wise words:

    "I'm out boys. Why don't you go practice or some shit like that. Later"

    So I go outside, and try to start my car. (It's actually joe's's just the one I'm in charge of at the moment.) Nothing happens. I turn the key, but nothing happens. Not even a sound. I get out and tell Brendan, and then go back to Halo while I let him work out the particulars with his parents. I'm fairly ceartain that the cold killed the battery, but I'm not going to tell him...I want as much Halo action as possible. After a while, he comes back to me, and tells me what him and his Dad decided upon. The new plan is to find a hotel and stay there, since the roads are shit anyway, due to the snow storm that has been gonig on for a few hours now. The guy that is working at the time, overhears this, and offers to let us stay there for the night. Who are we to refuse?

    They decide to hold a mini-lock in, and charge everyone at the store $10 for the next 15 or so hours of gaming. This way, we got to stay the night, and they made a profit. Not bad, especially since a hotel would have cost more. I spent the next 8 hours playing Halo 2. 8 hours of non-stop fragging. I killed more men than the entire American army in WW2...and I'm including the nukes. I wish that could happen more often. The next morning rolls around, and everybody else wakes up(i didn't sleep) and we go home. Because the car works now. Not a bad way to spend a sunday/monday, huh?

    My next couple of entries will be dedicated to the crazy shit that happened over the past couple of days...I know you guys will love's the same good fun, but with bodily injury this time!


  • I hate Scranton 2005-02-23 22:56:59 Current Music:"Trust"-Thrice

    We went to a Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament on sunday. For those of you who don't know, it's a psuedo fighting game featuring nintendo charachters, such as Link, Mario, Donkey Kong, and even lesser known charachters like Falco from Star Fox, and Mr. Game and Watch. Well, the tournament was located in Scranton. While I may be a member of the Scranton metro, I don't actually live there. I live about 45 mins away, in the poconos, as some of you may or may not already know. That Gaming Place was the store that held the tournament, and they need to invest in a sign that sits outside, so that people know where the hell it is. We took two cars, because 8 people went. Brendan drove the first one, carrying Will, Vin, and Jesse. I drove the second car, with Casey, Jim, and Dan. Well, after driving down Wyoming Avenue for about a mile, we realized that we didn't know where this place was. We pulled into a gas station, and decided to split up to find the store. Me and Will had cell phones, so we couldn't possibly get very seperated. Oh god we were wrong. (I'll tell their half first) So they drive away, and can't find the place. Brendan decides that they're going to head into the mall, and ask around. So, upon walking in, they pass by a fountain, and come across a mini-golf hole. In the mall. By a fountain.(I later came to this mall and can verify that yes...there is an 18 hole mini-golf course in the Steam Town mall...with the holes scattered throughout the place. It's like hide and go seek with a goddamned golf club) After a brief escapade here, they proceeded to ask every gaming store arond where That Gaming Place was. Eventually, they get directions that say the store is somewhere on Mulberry Street. Way to fuck us up, Mapquest. As they leave the mall, a bum walks up to them and asks them if they have any spare change. They make a deal, and will give him a few dollars if he can give them directions. Turns out, the store isn't on Mulbery street after all. The bum tells them where it is, and gets like 5 bucks in return. Now, on to my half.

    After we drove down Wyoming Avenue for a while, we come get to a point where we an either proceed into suburbia, or turn. On to a one way street. The one way street is the scariest street sign one can come across in unfamiliar territory. Each turn is unforgiving, and should you be incorrect, you must suffer through the consequences. Needless to say, we got back asswards lost. The worst part is, if I'd been able to turn right back around, I would have, because I remembered the path we took. Eventually, we get to a gas station where we get directions. As she (the clerk) is writing down the directions to get me back onto Wyoming Avenue (Where on Wyoming Avenue? she says. Anywhere. I don't care. If it says wyoming, I'll be happy, I answer) she's explaining them to me. ...And as you go down that road, It'll fork. You'll bear to the left, past the tank. I brush this comment off, assuming she means a water tower or something of that sort. After finishing the directions, she gives them to me, and releases me back into the world. As I come upon said fork, I look ahead, and I see it. There is a fucking tank in the middle of the street. WHO THE FUCK PARKS A TANK IN A ROAD!?!?!?!?!?!?

    "Oh my god, that's a fucking tank!"-me

    "Holy shit, that is so cool. We should steal it"-Casey

    "I think they'd notice a missing tank bro."-me

    "Who cares! If they say anything we'll shoot them! It's a fucking tank!"-casey

    And then we follow the directions to their end and arrive on wyoming avenue. At this point, Will has called me, to inform me that they have arrived at That Gaming Place. What Gaming Place? I ask. Asshole is his only reply. As I'm driving down Wyoming Avenue, I see Will, sitting on top of Brendan's car, waving his arms like an idiot. But it's okay, because I'm used to this sort of stuff by now. They are at the corner of Wyoming and some other street, but the name isn't important. The important part is that it's the street we came from, and turned onto wyoming from, meaning we drove right by the store on the way into town. Bren starts screaming directions from the curb, because they are on the side of the street opposite me, and I have to navigate another set of one way streets.

    "Make a right, then a left, then another left, then another left, and then park behind me!"

    I follow said directions, and thusly, we have all arrived at That Gaming Place. But alas, for this is only half of our adventure. The second half will find it's way into my next update.

Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 10:08:05