JOURNAL: ninjagoalie_39 ( )

  • It all ends now!!!! 2004-07-01 23:52:46 Okay, now that i'm distraction free, this should go fairly quickly, and will actually be finished this time! ^_^'

    We were slowly walking down the cave like path (you could not see shit, anywhere. I had my hand on joes shoulder, so we wouldnt get seperated, and i couldnt see him. I think the rain made it worse) and we see this blinking red light near the end.
    "Oh shit, what is that?"-will
    "Maybe its the devil."-Joe
    "No, itsa me, Mario!"-me (you can only understand this if you watch stand up comedy)
    "Guys, i'm serious, what is that?"-will
    "Um....could be the devil."-joe
    "Will you just walk."-me
    "I dont know if i want to. I may run into the devel."-Joe
    "fuck you joe." -will
    "What is that?"-me
    "what is what?"-will
    "i told you, its the devil!"-Joe
    "not that, that*grabs joes head and points it at the woods* that, asshole"-me

    "That" just happened to be a large object that given the darkness, was indistinguishable(the only reason i noticed it, was be cause it caught a small bit of moonlight shining through the trees) The only downside, was that it was moving.(this was marked by the loud plodding sound we heard)
    we continued along our path until we finally reached the end.
    "guys, thers a person following us"-me
    "really? oh, there is...."-will
    "you think its a cop?"-joe
    " definitely isnt."-me
    "hes going faster"-will
    "Lets get our asses home"joe
    "3 on 1 is not very good odds. especially with two wrestlers and a hockey player. we dont need to hurry, but lets pick up our pace a bit, eh?"-me
    so we picked up our pace a bit. Said person also seemed to pick up his pace, and turned the same way we did.
    "Maybe its just somebody going out for a jog?"-will
    "maybe we should wait for them and find out."-me
    "guys, i'm hungry."joe
    "shut the fuck up."-me
    "you really want to wait?"-will
    "no...i wanna get home."-me
    fast forward past the next walking we are in the driveway to brens house
    "all in all, that was a good trip."-me
    "Yeah, that was a lot of fun."-will
    "you still bleeding, doc?"
    "yeah, but it doesnt hurt anymore.*laughs*"-me
    "see, he took one for the team! His injury is a testament to his loyalty!"-will
    "its your fault i stumbled into that tree, weber."-me
    we walked in the door, and closed it. i turn and look out the sindo on the door, and see a person walking u the driveway.
    "shit. he tailed us all the way here."-me
    "hide, quick"-will
    "just get down."-me
    so we all duck down, waiting for something to happen. we sit there for about a minute, and nothing happens. just as i start to get up, i hear footsteps on the deck. Pacing back and forth, then stepping up to the door.
    "dont make a sound"-me
    he tried the door, but we had locked it. then he stepped away from the door, and off the deck. just as we started to get up again, the steps continued on the side deck.
    "shit, the back door!"-me
    I jumped up, ran through the living room, and locked the bakc door, just as he reached it. i ducked down, and shimied along the wall a few feet, when i saw the blinking red light on the wall across from me. The same one from earlier. the light started moving around, left and right on the wall, until it went out. I stayed still for a few moments, until his steps went away. i slowly got up to a semi crouched position, and went over to will and joe, who said they watched him go down the driveway, and turn back out onto the road. They asked me what happened, and i just told them that i locked the door, and he left after a little bit. we stayed up the rest of the night, but he never showed back up.

    Thats all out of me for today, i'll get back to my standard style of journaling unless something crazy happens again this weekend.


    "if you had just one moment, a split second, to prove your worth, could you do it? Would you be able to reach deep within yourself, and succeed, or will you fail just like last time?"
    "I wont fail."
    "thats what they all said, each and every one of them."
    "Then this is for them."*grips sword tightly*
    (me facing down the enemy at a LARP(live action role play))
  • Oh, what a messy sandwich: Finale 2004-07-01 18:19:42 Jesus, it really feels like its been forever since i last posted. i almost forgot what i was saying, but i'll just finish this tedious adventure, then get around to posting in my usual fashion.

    So, after the cop pulls out of wawa, we jump/dive back into the woods, where will stops suddenly,so i stumble/maneuver around him, trippng over a stick and landin onto a tree (trees were not my friends this night...) I notice that i'm now bleeding, and feel like i'm gonna puke my guts out.
    "Doc, hurry up!"
    "hang on, let me finish bleeding first."
    "Bleed on your own time, asshole!"
    Fucking Joe. Cant just let me bleed in peace. so they run, and i hobble, deeper into the woods, until we get back to the backroad on which we came from.
    "Well, at least nobody got hurt."
    "What the fuck do you call me!! I'm hurt!"
    "Its only a flesh wound"
    "Fuck you will."
    fast forward again until we get to the lake
    Were walking over the bridge, when, i notice thta somehting is moving right under us. Moveing and making hungry sounds.
    "Its just a frog"
    "Okay then, if its just a frog, why dont you go down there and make sure."
    "How about not."
    wo we continue walking down this snd bar like patch of grund, toward where brens houwe is (as soon as we get over the sand bar thing, we are on the road behind his house)
    "What the fuck was that?"
    "Probably a frog."
    "Frogs dont roar."
    "Then maybe it wasnt a frog."
    "can we just hurry the fuck up?"
    so after we get to the end of the path, we come to a part where the trees overhang, creating an expansing darkness, making it similar to walking into a cave, except for the red light and the end. A blinking red light.

    Shit, i gtg.....dinner needs to be cooked, and dishes need to be done, so i'll finish this (for real this time, there is only 10 minutes left in the journey) just remember, the ending is something you may not believe! (


    "If it's for Mao, then i'll drink it myself" 
  • Oh, what a messy sandwich #2! 2004-06-28 12:53:54 Okay, quick recap:We leave house, out after "curfew" (i put that in quotes because i'm still ont sure if there really is a curfew) and cop drives by. recap over.
    So, as he puts the brakes on, he also puts on the flashing lights on top of his car. No siren, just lights. Joe starts freaking out."Shit man, he saw us!" So i tell him,"He probably just saw someone speeding, no problem, see, he's turning" i was so wrong. He wasnt turning, he was turning around.
    "aw, damn."-Me
    "is he, like, turning?" -Will
    "RUN BITCHES!!!"-Joe
    Not an entirely bad idea. So, we dart into the woods, where me and joe lose track of will. Not exactly good. As i half-turn to see if i can spot him, i run over the back of joes foot, and stumble. In a forest. Not good. I turn back around just in time to slam my face into a fucking tree. the tree proceeds to stab me in the eye, temporarily blinding me.
    "Doc, are you OK?"
    "Dude, i've got a piece of a fucking tree in my eye!"
    "Shit, light!"
    As we walk, we notice that we are in a driveway, and just as we realize this, the motion lights go on.
    "Mother fucker!"
    So me and joe run along the house, out of the range of the lights. Just as we reach the shadows, we glance out to the road, and see the cop driving by. Very slowly, with his lights on.
    "Dude, dont move"
    "Oh man, hes gonna see us!"
    "Will you quit freaking out! I cant even see i'm not worried. Just dont move."
    So, after he made his pass, me and joe start heading away from the house, towards the road a little bit, when a car comes from the other direction, so we drop down(We were a little paranoid, can you blame us?) And lo and behold, its the cop again. Excet now the fucker is shining his flashlight inot the woods out of his window. After he passes again, me and joe start moving again, when he goes by a third time.(Fucking motion lights....) Still shining the goddamned flashlight. After this pass, we stay where we are, waiting for him to go by again. And he did. It's about now when i notice his light glances over will, him and his bright red shirt(dumbass) about 5 feet from the road.
    "Wills up there, right next to the road"
    "Yeah, look"
    "Oh shit, hes right there, man."
    After this 4th pass, we call out to will, who runs back to us, during the momentary break in activity on the road. We sit there for about the next ten minutes, and then head back deeper into the woods, towards the backroads. after we find said backroads, we take them, adding an extra 5 miles to our journey.
    "Look at these trees"-Will
    "Theyre all in a line, like they were planted by some professional."-Me
    "look, it's like a fence, we can barely get in between them. Imagine if you got stuck in there."-Joe
    "Is that a bear?"-Will
    "I hate nature"-Me
    Yeah, it was a bear. We are pretty sure that anything that big is a bear. Either that or a rhino, but we dont get many of those in Pennsylvania. So we just continue on our way, and the bear continues on his. (That could have ended up a lot worse) Fast forward-------------------------------
    We are now almost out to the 940 again, going by some bank that i never even knew was there. Creepy....
    But we get about 20 feet from the road, and another cop car goes by (WHAT THE FUCK!!!!THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!) Through the trees we see him slow down, and, we were pretty sure it was for non-related reasons, but we step back into the woods, and take cover behind some trees, but sill heading towards Wawa. just at a much slower pace. Well, we got there, ordered sandwiches, ate, and left. all in all, the trip was a success. we had accomplished our mission. But, alas, the journey was only half over.(actually, only 40% over, but i'll get to that) As we were leaving, joe found what appeared to be a lacrosse ball. So we did what came naturally and started playing soccer in the parking lot.(^_^') about 5 minutes later one of said cop cars pull into the parking lot and parks. We kinda casually move our game towards the edge of the parking lot, so we can leave. As we are heading over i notice that they are looking over at us as they head into the store. We continue to walk until we get to that road by the bank i mentioned earlier. Then, sure enough, red and blue lights on, they pull out of Wawa.
    Wow, this is getting pretty long, i think i'll finish this another time (oh dear god i'm an ass)


    "What the fuck was that!"-Me
    "I think it was a frog."Joe
    "Frogs dont roar."Will
    "Then maybe it wasnt a frog."joe
    "Can we just hurry the fuck up?"Me 
  • Oh, what a messy Sandwich!!!! 2004-06-26 17:53:27 Jesus, last night was fun. I'll fast forward to the best part....not gonna jumble up this entry with the semi-cool stuff....i'll save that for later.
    It was about 1 in the morning, and me will and joe decide to go to wawa for food, since there isnt any in the house, and we are starving.(FYI:Wawa is a gas station/grocery store, its a mini mart that sells hot pockets, for christs sake.) Well, we leave the house (covertly of course ^_^ *note the "ninja" in my username) and start heading down the road. When we get out to the highway, we start walking down, and are just talking and shit, then joe brings up the fact that we are on a major highway and technically we arent supposed to be out after 11:00(I guess its some state thing, whatever) So we just continue walking down, and numerous cars are passing by. We dont really think anything of them until a cop car drives by us. He just happens to drive by as joe is suspiciously handing me something, which i then ingest. (It was fun-dip, and the only reason we were standing that close is because the car was going by and we were kinda blinded, so we stayed close so it wouldnt spill) I look ahead, and notice his brakelights coming on.....and i've got to get off the comp now.....(oh, master of suspense am i.....heh) so i'll finish this later


    "Dude, i've got a piece of a fucking tree in my eye!"
    (Me, about 5 minutes further into the story) 
  • We all live in a yellow submarine... 2004-06-25 13:43:56 Hey there cats and kiddies, i'm just, ya know, posting and letting you all know whether i'm currently in an endless abyss of crisis and despair, or if i'm all bright and chipper.
    I'll let you guess which one it is today....*heh, heh, heh*
    I'm going out again this weekend(same old, same old) and i'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, you might be getting tired of hearing me talk about the same people, and our same "adventures" that recur every week. so, in an effort to keep you, my faithful readers,(and myself*_*) entertained i'm actually going to just go. Nowhere in particular, i'm simply going to leave my house, and come back some time on tuesday (today is during this span, i'm sure to have some crazy thing happen to me that will be incredibly amusing and fun to read about (and hopefully fun to type, too! ^_^) Anything from being mugged in a dark alley to stumbling upon something utterly amazing, i'll put it in here for you guys. Granted, i may post sometime over the weekend (My base of Operations will be brens, so i've got to get back there So i may be keeping you updated as it unfolds. YOu know, i've never just gone somewhere, not knowing where i was going, or what i would do once i got there....sounds like fun. controlled chaos(for more information on my view of controlled chaos, read my "All nighter" Journal entry.....that was fun to type....) I'm kinda in the middle of psuedo planning my weekend right now, in the form of" i'll be on this side of town at this time, etc. So i'm really still just winging it. I cant drive, technically,(I only have my permit, and dont get my license until august) so i'll be doing a lot of legwork. I'm probably gonna talk will into joining me, and you know what kind of wacky antics ensue when me and will pair up(and if you dont, read more entries) Wow, that sounded like a cheesy ploy, but anyways.... I'll get back to my AMV community work at another time, I'm out.


    P.S: Who all reads this? are there actually people whe read this regularly, or are all my hits people who just look at the new entries box? go ahead and IM me (AIM) at g0d0fire (those are zeroes, just to clear that up....) if you read this. even if you just read this from the new entries box, go ahead and talk to me.....i'm rather friendly....(in todays day and age, that can be good or bad, you decide) so ill see you around! ^_^

    "Another sunny day in Cali-for-ni-a. I'm sure back home they'd love to see it. But they dont know that what you love is ripped away. Before you get a chance to feel it" 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:23:34