JOURNAL: ninjagoalie_39 ( )

  • Ooops, my bad 2004-06-24 16:09:35 I just realized i said he went to the wrong con.......i listed the wrong one...oops...i forgot what the name, silly me.... 
  • i'm melting....i think 2004-06-24 15:29:56 got really fucking hot. Stangely enough...i also have a cold. But thats because it was raining really bad yesterday, and had to go out in it :'( ....But i think it'll clear up by this weekend.
    My good friend bruce just got back from Otakon (the bastard...he got a passport and tickets as his grad and he has so many pictures. Japan Kicks ass at night. Its such a beautiful city....and so are puite a few of the women. like the twins dressed as rikku and Yuna who were nice enough to pose with him...who was dressed as Wakka (he made a rather convincing wakka...he even had a blitzball..)but my friend, being the horny bastard he is, apparently propositoned(and was propositioned) for sex. (I'm gonna fucking kill So, while i was busy taking the SAT's and wasting brain cells, he was fucking Yuna and rikku. Mother fucker. Apparently, he had pictures of that too, but i declined to see, since i have no urge to view him "working the magic" as he calls it. I feel deprived. and empty. Like i've wasted so much. If only i had...idk....skipped out on a few things, i would have gone with him, but i had numerous things to do(look at colleges, and the aforementioned things, etc.)but i think it would have been worth it to put my Education on the line for a chance to sleep with Rikku/Yuna. That could (and probably is) My libido talking, since i'm sure other chances of this sort will pop up, but still. I've definitely decided to go conning this summer (totally unrelated to bruces Otakon experience, i made this decision before he got back) i just need to get a feel for it. Ive been told i should go as Miroku, Tidus, Keitaro, and Chi. I'm only considering 3 of the preceeding(guess which ones...shouldn't be too hard)but still aren't sure. But i've got plenty of time, so it'll al work out eventually, i'm sure of it. Well, until next time, I'm out.


    "I feel so.....I dont know...empty"
    "And yet, i feel so full"
    "fuck you, asshole."
    Me and bruce last night 
  • oh god....i'm 2004-06-23 14:10:56 Soccer season is only a few months away, and i havent worked out since.....oh god i cant even remember! I got to get out and start runnign ::starts changing clothes:: i dont care if its'll only be a bigger test! ::looks out window::
    To do List:
    Start working out again
    get to running some more
    repeat steps 1 and 2 as often as i deem necessary
    Buy the rest of the love hina manga (i have 6 of the 14...i'm this close to being halfway there!!!::pinches fingers::)
    Buy ice hockey gear.....for real this time(my school team doesn't have a goalie!!!!That means its time for me to actually start playing for the school)

    Well, the list is a lot shorter than it was a few weks ago, but thats always for the better. I'll get back to you guys either tommorow or later on today.


    "My eyes are feeling heavy but they never seem to close; the fan blades on the ceiling spin but the air is never cold; and even though you're next to me i still feel so alone; i just cant give you anything for you to call your own"

  • Its too early.....*_* 2004-06-23 09:56:08 I stayed up pretty late last night.....and then had to get up at 7:30. WHO NEEDS TO GET UP THAT EARLY OVER THE SUMMER!!!! Me. Thats who. Goddamn it. i gotta take my brothers down to this day camp thing that they do, and then take care of kids once the rest of them wake up.....ugh...I'm thinking maybe i should invest in some type of bank account thing, instead of just holding onto whatever money i have...i just have to make sure my parents are inable to get into it or they'll be the ones spending all my money, like last time i had a bank account....(grrr)
    I think i need to get a job, much as i dont really want to, i actually need money now....its not just like an extra convenince. life is starting to become complicated...but i guess it was inevitable...oh well. I just got done eating breakfast, but i'm so hungry...everythings all out of'll probably just finish this entry then go get food....sounds good...mmm....barbecued goodness.....

    "I think its time to give jesse some sherbert"
    "Yeah, well...Como estas this!"
  • Hug your neighbor :P 2004-06-22 16:35:30 Heh. You know....i never realized how little i did during the day. As soon as school got out...that opened up so much time that i didnt have before....creepy...anywho....
    You know what sucks? Predjudice. It's so annoying. People are always bitching about people of another color or whatever from them...and are too busy doing so to realize what fuck ups they are. And i'm gonna come right out and say this, (even though i am one of them) the problem is straight white people. Not all straight white people, just the ones who are too close-minded. I consider this to be when you reject other people based on their lifestyle/color (at least for this example) People can be such assholes. Walking down the streeet the other day, you wouldnt beleive how many times i heard the phrase "Fucking (racial slur towards black people)" Used to describe all the problems my communtiy has. What the fuck!!! People really piss me off sometimes. Just blaming someone else never solved anything, and neither did widespread hatred(World War two taught us that) I think it stems from a fear of change. People dont want to live in a manner they are uncomfortable with, or witness it, i guess. How could somebody dislike another person with such shallow disregard for human emotion. People get killed because they are of another color, or because they're gay, and i'm like, "what the hell?" I'd like to see an uprising of the minorities that turns the tables right back around. That would be so fucking cool. I will smile the day when people get made fun of for straight and white....even though i'm one of would be great.

    "Confucsious say, baseball is wrong! Man with four balls cannot walk!"
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