ninjagoalie_39 ( )
part 2 of #2.....which should have been named #3....god i'm an idiot....
2004-06-14 15:56:55
well, where was i? Yeah, saturday. Bren was really upset because the dog was mostly his. It was like 60% brens, and the last 40 was divided amongst the rest of us. He was really hysterical, so his mom gave him a couple of sleepy pills to calm him down so he could rest and not be so worried. Unfortunately, she gave him the wrong amount, so when he woke up he was totally trippin. I think a mix between the emotional distress and pills went him into a state where he was not in touch with anything. It was kind of funny, really, cause it was like he was stoned. he was making jokes and all sorts of things, and even for got that not only was it saturday, but that school had let out for the summer. He was twinkin out to the max. Will played him in a game of chess. Normally, brendan isnt that good at chess, but he beat the living shit out of will in like 10 moves. Will was like:"dude, you have to play him! he'll like, rape you right through your pants!!" it was at this point when i smacked will with a tambourine and revoked his speaking privelages.....good times......but anyway, i can on average beat brendan in the same amount of time he beat will in. it took me 2 HOURS TO WIN!!!! I have never played a game of chess for that long. Not a single time in my life did i take that long to either lose or win. then i said that we were getting him fucked up before every chess match next year, and will made another comment about raping and pants, so hit him again. bren just kinda sat there laughing. I stayed up all night playing final fantasy (I'm now a level 13 Elvaan warrior with 200 to my next level....score!!) and thats about all that happened then. Sunday was fun. We dicided to go mini golfing. Well, we started off just fine, having fun and shit. there was one time when i was like 10 feet away from the hole, and putted it, and the ball went straight to the hole, and turned. I shit you not. The little fucker hung a left, and then a right, making a little S-turn around the hole. God hates :P
Eventually, we got to like the 16 hole i think it was, and bren decides to try using a sand wedge. He takes a swing, and the ball hits a boundry wall, then flies out into the parking lot, and bounces out almost to the highway. Me and will were laughing so fucking much. I was crying by the time brendan got back with his ball. it was his second golf related incident of the day. the first happend while we were at the driving range. He swung the club, hit the ball, and somehow the ball landed about 30 feet behind us. When he hit it, i think it hit those little boundries around your spot that prevent the ball from hitting the person next to you. but picture that happening. it was so fucking funny. well, thats just about all that happened this weekend, so i guess i'm done.
"why the fuck did you putt with a sand wedge?"
"One day you'll know."
"You realize nothing you say makes sense."
"You leave that to me."
(me and brendan)
2004-06-14 02:23:31
Its a very unique feeling, rolling on the ground at a mini golf place, laughing hysterically because your friend just used a sand wedge, sending the ball off the property line of 940 golf'n'fun. WHO PUTTS WITH A SAND WEDGE!!!!!That was just a slight portion of today, just to give you an idea of the contents of this entry: a lot of crazy shit happened.
Well, to start off, friday was only a half a day of school. this left plenty of time to do whatever the hell we want after school is out. Will dedides that he is going to hit on some freshman who already has a boyfriend by having her stay after school, at the school, to play tennis. You do remeber me telling you about his lack of recent experience, right? Anyway...The bell rings, and me and him get our asses out of the building, then he tells me that we have to wait at the tennis courts for this girl to show up. I'm already pissed that we are stuck at the school until brendan cones to pick us up in about an hour. But its okay, i tell myself. This girl is supposedly bringing friends, i'm starting to see what may be a silver lining. Long story short, she never showed up, and i bitched at will for an hour afterwards.After arriving at the house, we spent some amount of time playing hockey in the street outside the house. Thats another thing that i help will out with. I've been slowly training him for about a year now, and hes gotten pretty good. But enough about that...
Brendans dog(really our dog too, if you think about it...we love him to death) started whimpering and was in a lot of pain for about 10 minutes, when dallas(brens dad) and bren ran him down to the vets. It turns out, he ruptured a disk in his back somehow. The doctors said they would look for a surgeon who could perform the necessary surgery, and hed be ok. About 6 the next morning, his heart gave out. Apparently, he just couldnt ake it anymore. I doubt it was the pain, since he was drugged up to the tune of$1100, but you never know.Yesterfday was a very somber day, with us finding out that comet was dead. he was a great dog, always full of life. I remember how he would open the door to the room and jump/paw all over you until you let him outside.::sigh::I dont think that its totally hit me yet. I'm still kind of in shock from it. I cant belive that hes dead. its really sad. i can like feel this little part of me that is so depressed, and so upset about it, and it just kinda sits there, fighting its way to the surface.......
i really hate to do this but i am way too tired, and now upset, to finish this...i'll finish it by friday, i promise.
"Just because nobody understands you, that doesnt make you an artist"
review #2!!!!!!
2004-06-09 19:43:18
i like J-pop. I always thought that that (whoa, same word twice...) would be a bad thing...but damn! a lot of it is better thatn most american music. I usually just listen to like yellow card, something corporate, offspring, rock and punk stuff. i've listened to it all before, but i recently got a renewed interest in it...but thats aside from the point (whatever that may have been)
I've been playing hockey like mad all week long, since friday is the last day of school, and i've got to keep my numbers up( current record of 16-4 on the year, with 5 shutouts) today was a good day, with the win in overtime. but i digress...
*ugh* the nascar race is this weekend, and i just happen to live right next to the track, so i'm gonna have to get out of the house friday night...which is not a problem or downer at all. It just gives me more time to have fun over the weekend. I of course plan on using this to my full advantage, as i'm goin to two partys over the weekend (yeah, graduation, not mine, but some friends) and so i'll be plenty occupied.
I made a new friend!!!!! She's a user on the org, and after reading her journal(jesus, that always sounds so damn creepy...)i im'ed her, and now were friends!!!!!!(for those of you who read 8-bit theatre, that was for you)
lol....well, internet acquaintances,but for all i know, or she knows, the other person could be some freaky pedophile in his 30's preying on children. Pretty fucking scary proposition.... but anyway....
It seems like the days are getting longer(which, scientifically speaking, they actually are getting longer, by just a little bit every day, until the solstice, when they start getting shorter again....thats why we have daylight savings) I've go tmore stuff to do, so its not just like when your a kid and summer is your sanctum of joy and rapture. I'm almost not looking forward to it. but then i realize that i'm still gonna be so much better off over the summer, and i immeditely forget that i ever doubted the fact that summer kicks ass.
You know whats a really kick ass game? DDr (Dance Dance revolution) We were playing it during first period today, and it was so much fucking fun. We were laughing our asses off because nobody but eric had ever played the game before, and we were doing so bad. Its a great game to play with your freinds. We had four of those mats on the floor, and we kept rotating people in. It looks a lot easier thatn it really is. especially when the music starts going faster, but some of the songs really kick ass, so its easy to get into it.
well, thats all the time for now, so i'll tty all next week!
"weve got to gaet out of this cave"
"Here it is, i found the entrance."
Weekly review............first edition
2004-06-06 05:52:30
Well, i avent been able to talk to you guys for almost a week, with the recent discovery of AMV org, my school has apparently drawn some type of line in the sand. This line seperates students(me)from an website wit "anime" in the address (oh god i almost cried) So, i guess today(and from now on)will be a long entry, since i'll be forced to update you all weekly on the trials and tribulations of my life...
I finished the final project for desktop publishing class(but, now that they blocked all the anime sites, i have nothing to do!!!!!!!!0_o) so i've just been killing time by listening to music and getting acquainted with windows movie maker (i use arcsoft showbiz 2 at my house) its a shame that it took so long for me to realize that every computer in the schol(for all you AMV'ers out there who live near me, the school is Pocono Mountain West) have the ability to create, and subsequently upload AMV's. I was pretty excited, but then i remembered i only have until friday the 11 until i'm out of school. Then i get to spend the summer soing random things, which i'm not going to go over now, since i recently reviewed all my previous entries, and found that about a third of them are me bitching about what a drag this upcoming summer may be. Anyway...
All my senior friends are gone! That means that my school will be pretty damn empty, and i'll have almost no more friends who are as into hockey as i am. I've been playing with these guys for months, every single day, just playing hockey for an hour and a half.(well, its more like a couple of weeks, but i tend to exaggerate...bare with me...any measurement that seems too outrageous probably is unless i tell you otherwise^_^) So after a couple of weeks of solid play in net, i have earned their respect as a formidable opponent and reliable teammate(i'm obsessed with hockey for a's all i do anymore!) Then, they leave. Granted, i'v built a reputation over the years as a kick ass goalie, this batch that just headed off into the sunset was without a doubt the most challenging players i've ever come up against since i moved here.(back in ninth grade, if youre curious...and if your still curious, 11th is ending right now for me...clear? good) All the gym teachers know i'm good, all of the junior class knows i'm good, most of the sophomore class knows i'm good, so now that i've.....nevermind, i'm ranting. good thing i caught that in time...that easily could have taken a turn for the worse (i get really into it sometimes...)
I took the SAT this morning, and, i swear to god i'm not trying to be impressive or anything, but it was easy as hell. I guess that thoose sat classes my scholl provides helped me out, cause i definitely learned some stuff for the math section that i didnt know before, like ceartain triangle measurements...basically an assload of shortcuts. I was rather pleased with myself when me and brendan left the test center(The old high school)
and i'm expecting a damn good score (at least an 1100...)With a score like that, it'll definitely help me get into a good school and maybe even an out of state one...since beforehand the out of state tuition was way too fucking high to attempt trying at. My first choice was boston, because they have a good writing program(i'm majoring in english with a specialization in creative writing...i write books...i actually have one done already, but i'm sure i talked about that some time before this, so back to where i was...)and after i get settled in and shit, i can play for the hockey team(my eventual goal in life is to play in the NHL...which may not be that far away, since i know a guy who got a scholarship to play hockey in college, and he's actually asked me for help on refining his technique, so that tells me i stand a pretty good chance...)
I've finally found stability in my life. well, i'm close, at least. or at least i think so. but before i second guess myself,i'm just gonna roll with it.i've kinda stopped worrying about a lot of the shit i used to worry about, just as an attempt to relieve some stress (i will, however, admit that constantly being there for all my friends was cut back a little bit, for sanity's sake.) it just feels like theres nothing there anymore...a gaping void where anxiety used to be. Thats pretty good for me, leaves my soul with that listerine fresh feeling.
i've also come to the decision that i want a girlfriend. I'm through my anti-commitment phase, (though i still standby statements made in previous journal entries)and i'm ready to actually be with one person for a period of time. whether this period be short or long, i have no clue, but that'll hammer out later. Of course, it would make sense that as soon as i reach this decisin(wedensday night) all the girls i normally talk/flirt with, have seemingly shunned me. I swear, they can smell it. as soon as you want something serious, they back out. I dont think it's gonna be an easy battle, but i'll try most anything a few times before i realize that it's a bad idea and should be avoided as long as i live. Nonetheless, i will continue on this path i have chosen and attempt to actually find a girl who isnt a complete bitch(even though most of my type seems to fall into this category once you get to know them...) but that i still like. There doesnt seem to be a lot of gray area, they are all either the worst person i have ever met due to their lack of anything resembling moral fiber, or they are just way too easygoing. thats harsh coming from me, cause i let everything slide a lot. I temd to just take life as it comes at me.If i can find you to be too laid back, sonethings wrong. But, as with every good (or acceptable) plan, there is a wrench in there somewhere. My wrench is will. Hes somewhat renounced his vow of celibacy, and wants aid in meeting and talking with women. Not that wills some clompletely non-ssocialite who is incapable of getting a date, hes just out of practice. He isnt much of the attacking type, if you know what i mean. I like to seek out, will likes to ,er, be seeked, you could say(i know thats gotta be gramatically incorrect...)SOUGHT!!!!!! Thats' the word!! Will likes to be sought after. I'm not sure how i'm going to go about aiding my good frined, but if any of you ladies out there live in the poconos and want a guy fitting his description, lend a hand? lol.....sry, i had to do it...couldnt help myself...
The part below is intended for a certain person. She knows who she is...(if she reads this...)
btw....i think you and sugokoru (i hope i got that right...) need to sit down and have a talk so that he knows right where you stand on seems almost like you two are at some sort of impass...but dont worry, if you really feel that strongly for each other, this problem will only make you guys stronger...
oh, and happy much belated 1/2 year anniv.....^_^
"Here i go; scream my lungs out, to try and get to you; you are my only one, i let go,but still theres no one, who gets me like you do, you are my only, my only one"
Jesus i'm tired...
2004-06-01 09:44:15
I woke up real late this starts at 7:38...and i rolled out of bed at 7:20...fortunately i live right next to the school, so i made it on time, but i had to skip breakfast and everything(fortunately i took a shower last night...that couldve been bad...^_^) So i woke up during chemistry, and now i'm sitting in my fathful desktop publishing class, telling all of you about my shitty morning (i think i'm gonna starve)
I've started 4 vids since i finned empty apartment. One is set to back home by yellowcard, one to hit that by the offspring, one to best of me by the starting line, and the last one is to last train home by lost prophets. That should keep me busy for a while, right? well, today is going to be a pretty short entry, because i'm tired as hell, and i've got to work on my final, so i'll get to you guys again tommorow.
"I dont know, what i was looking for when i went home, found me alone"
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