ninjagoalie_39 ( )
Final Fantasy 11
2004-05-09 15:24:15
Well, due to recent misfortunes, i havent told all of you how kick ass FF 11 is. well, my answer is very. Very Kick ass. i dont own the game myself, but i go over to my friend brendans house every w/e and play t there. i'm a level 8 Elven Warrior, and i think that the game ranks up there as one of the best. The online thing is so much fun. I met a person whose name was fish taco! that doesnt happen every day!
"find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have.......a penny"
Friday at last!!!!
2004-05-07 09:43:29
well, as much as i hate to say it....i somewhat ducked out of the funeral yesterday. I guess i just couldnt take it...oh well, my mom got kinda pissed when i told her i was going anyway. Its finally friday, and ive got a band concert tonight (yes, i'm in the school band, i play drums) and todays the eight grade orinetation. So i get to see all my eight grade friends when they come over to the soccer booth, and tell them that they suck and to go home and practice so they dont get beat like the bitches they are next season...Anyway...ive got my concept for the "tears in heaven" vid all figured out, i'm gonna just use various scenes of sadness. I'm probably gonna put a little cgi headstone in the end with Bens name on it or something....idk yet... i'll get back to you all later...i've gt get to work on my photoshop shit for this class.
"A Wise Man can see more from the bottom of a well than a Fool can see from the top of a mountain"
second of the day
2004-05-05 15:38:28
i'm on a hot streak or something...normally i go almost a week between entries, and i've logged two today......pretty cool......anyway, i'm kinda nervous. Tommorrow is Bens funeral (as some of you already know) and i have this wierd pit in my stomach about seeing one of my friends, well, dead. I'm not very comfortable around the subject when it arises anytime other than joking around, like telling your friends your gonna kill them, or other BS like that. But i digress...phils gonna pick me up tmmrw to go the the service and burial. then he said we could go bowling. Bowling. Who the fuck wants to do anything after going to a funeral! ::sigh::its just so strange... one day a persons there, and the next theyre gone.
"You don't know what you got till it's gone"
........untitled....i guess.....
2004-05-05 09:33:11
It's Wedensday. I'm sitting in second period, where were making some magazine, kinda like people or whatever, but with a little bit of everything. I've done my part, wrote three arts and turned in all my stuff as an editor.
Anyway....i'm going to Bens funeral tomorrow. Its really sad, ive never been to a funeral before, and i dont know how i'm going to respond to seeing him dead. He was a cheerleader for christs sake, can you imagine a cheerleader without excess amounts of energy! There are flyers all over the school about it and whatnot. I've been around people who had been around death, but aside from my dog dying, i've never really experinced it first hand. ::sigh::
"would you know my name; if i saw you in heaven"
2004-05-03 20:17:09
man, a friend of mine died on saturday......went through the windshield in a car crash.....not somebody i always hung out with, but if i saw him in the hall or wherever id say hi and talk to him for a bit.....i've decided that my empty apartment vid will be sort of a tribute, since its a song about loss....its actually going welll.....i believe it takes some type of intoxication for a person to be creative.....whether it be drugs, alcohol, favorite is emotion....emotion gets the mind going....pumping creativity from our hearts like the life in our that should be cherished....
"One step, can make an imprint; two steps, is commitment; three steps; i'm not done yet; draw my other leg up, and the pace is set."
R.I.P Ben---------May second, 2004
P.S.scratch the empty apartment tribute.....i'll make one to "tears in Heaven"
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