JOURNAL: ninjagoalie_39 ( )

  • i'm losing it!!! 2004-11-28 12:11:00 It's funny, because i'm not losing the "it" that typically comes to mind when somebody says that. last time i posted it for you all to see, the star average of all my videos was at its at 3.126666666666666667. due to the transitive property, i've got to put up my final fantasy video. How strange that it's my first video, yet my best one. of course, that all depends on how you like your videos. I think its the fact that final fantasy gives more big showy effects to work with than anime does. That seems to win in all the little local things we do with some of the creators in my area(we all know each other and hang out every now and then) and my flashy, actiony offspring video keeps winning. I think people just like the exciting aspect of it as opposed to something with a more artistic interpretation.....which is fine by me, because thats a much less strenuous video to make. Not taht i'm going to sell out and just make a bunch of explosion like videos, but its good to know that i can still put out videos like that that will take me a few hours to make(as my final fantasy one did) and they'll be accepted...somewhat. I suddenly want to edit again.........


    (as promised, the english version of the lyrics for that song)
    The red-stained sun has shone on everything,
    now and in the past
    In the end, will the image written in this darkness

    Something that my hands can't carry?

    More than you are now,
    get naked.
    Teach me how I can live on.

    Dirty me, just a little bit.
    That way even if I'm alone, wounded,
    having lost all those around me,
    the True Song will still flow in my heart.

    The struggle will still continue.
    No matter what, this is an important time.

    We've become reckless and lost something,
    like someone's kind smile.

    If you know eternity, any darkness-aca
    (i know there are a few holes in it....if you want to grill me for it go translate it yourself.... i didnt translate this, because i know about 4 words in japanese, so dont blame me for whatever isnt there) 
  • Tuesday on a Saturday!!! 2004-11-27 16:18:19 Well, al this suspense has been builfing up to this moment, and you'll all probably be slightly dissappointed as to the lack of action. At least, i'm taking it rather lightly, due to the overall end result of everything, but you can make your own decisions about the severity of the situation. Moving right along.....

    Music:"I want to save you"-Something Corporate
    Monumental undertaking: Making up for all that lost time during the soccer season by working out on what is seeming to be a very strenuos schedule, in an attempt to maintain/build upon my current shape over the winter months, when outside access will be limited and not worthwhile

    So, we go to this soup kitchen thing the tuesday before thanksgiving every year. (we=me and my friends/alternate family) Brens mom, dad, and aunt are in the first car. Bren, Jim, dan, casey, and joe E are in the second car. Me, liz, joe, (the one i'm normally talking about) and vin are in the last car. Our little convoy is on its way down the 115, when BAM!!! A deer jumps out in front of Eileen(brens mom) she hits the brakes, which locks up the car, and it slides off the road, hitting a rock formation and spinning around, so now its facing the rest of us. Brens car manages to stop just fine, but mine is a lower quality car, and the tail starts sliding to the left, osing traction on all the gravel and dirt and fluid sprayed onto the road from the crash. i turn into the slide, and, not being able to stop in time, i drift my car around brendan. he pulls off the road, i pull off, we get out, get them out of the car, and we have bren take the three of them to the hospital. Me and Joe E take care of all the police matters, clean up the road, and direct traffic away from the site of the crash. Finally, and about 7, an officer finally shows up, and sets up flares so that we can stop warning all the complete idiots that there's a totaled car on the side of the road. at about 10 we're finally able to go home after answering questions and getting arrangements to have the car removed to somewhere else and getting all the valuables out of it after me and joe made sure it was safe to mess around with and shut off the engine and all that other stuff(this was done over the course of the entire 4 hours)

    Everybody turned out to be okay.....mostly. Nobody was hurt really bad, just stuff for the moment, so they'll be fine. That's all, actually. What do you know, i was actually able to put the whole thing up before anything else worth noting happened. I guess that's all from me for now, so i'll get back to you later.


    I'm on fire
    And the day is feeling hopeless
    You'd see me burning but the burning's turning smokeless
    Soon I won't feel at all

    It's electric the neon hurt inside your phone call
    The letter's sadness and the madness it revolves
    Bringing down the walls where you found love

    Well, I'm willing to break myself
    To shake this hell from everything I touch
    I'm willing to bleed for days my reds and grays
    So you don't hurt so much

    And now I'm static
    As your sky is turning purple and gray
    I'm learning that the further that I crawl
    The farther that I fall, is that ok?

    And you're in pieces
    As your world becomes a rainstorm
    You've got no shelter I'm a thousand miles away
    You'll survive the day

    You say your leaving
    You say your leaving

    Well, I'm willing to break myself
    To shake this hell from everything I touch
    I'm willing to bleed for days my reds and grays
    So you don't hurt so much

    So you don't hurt so much

    Never again will we fire this gun
    No never again your the only one
    No never again but you're already gone.

    I'm willing to break myself
    I'm not afraid
    I'm willing to break myself
    I'm not afraid
    I'm willing to break myself
    I'm not afraid

    Well, I'm willing to break myself
    To shake this hell from everything I touch
    I'm willing to bleed for days my reds and grays
    So you don't hurt so much

    So much
    So much
    So much
    So much
  • You can never have too much of a good thing!!! 2004-11-26 12:28:49 I know exactly what you mean, Matt. The "Because i can" response is one of my favorite ones.....even if i'm not sure whether or not i can do it. I think we both have this wierd superiority complex where weh have to be better than everybody else at stuff. Thats actually how i started playing DDR, bren challenged me and said that i couldnt do it......boy did i show him. I think the less skill i have at something the better i am at it, because i try it like that for you too?

    Now, back to the story......

    Music: "Hurricane"-Something Corporate
    TV: My little brotheres watching one of the 735 Pokemon movies

    Well, monday i had to go to school, so i woke up, showered, all that normal stuff. Me, Bren, Liz, Joe, and Casey all head out to brens car and we're off.
    We get to school with relatively little trouble, and settle in for the day.
    (I could spend a largely unnecessary chunk of time going on about my day, but i doubt any of you are really interested in i'll skip it)
    after school, had chess practice. I can't believe i'm on the chess team. I am way too cool to be on the chess team. But, when you get right down to it it's fun to play (cause i normally win) and i'm a reliable asset to the team(I had a record of 15-9 last year, finishing in the top 10 in our conference and helping the team take 2nd in the state tournament) so i'm sticking with it. That and the only sports my team has during this season are wrestling and basketball.....neither of which i have any interest in. After chess me and brendan went to Burger King, and then home.
    I could go ahead and move onto Tuesday, but I'll either wait for tommorrow or i'l do it later on tonight.


    "You can tell i'm an artist! Nobody gets me!!"-Joe
    "Just because you're misunderstood, that does'nt make you an artist. It just means you need to work on your people skills."-me
    "See! you just dont get it!!"-Joe
    "shut the hell up cause i dont get either of you!! I'm trying to sleep!!"-bren 
  • sunday...... 2004-11-24 19:28:25 Sunday was uneventful to a fault, because i woke up, went to work, and walked back in the door for dinner 8 hours later so my day was absored by me working on roofs. I pretty much came back, ate food, and played video games for a couple hours, then crashed. with that out of the way, you know what? I"m gonna be an asshole and leave the remaining two days for friday. I'll post them some other time. Just make sure you read all the entries on this page, because if this is on top when you read it, then all the entries are from today and contain my little adventure, somewhat. see you in a couple of days!


    Fired from: Playing Guitar

    Joe Emery:alright, now just put your fingers here, and strum the strings
    Dan: What strings?
    Joe Emery:(Smacks dan across the face, and takes the guitar)
  • oops.... 2004-11-24 16:10:04 change the part where i said late may to early to mid june.....even though they still arent as long as yours, meoko......


    no quote...i've posted 3 or 4 times already today.....i'm gonna run out of material..... 
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