GraceofDarkness (Vicarious Night)
2005-09-11 17:40:42
WOAH!!! I didn't know ppl liked trigun so much, I got a lotta hits on that vid. Well since you all like it so much I guess I'll make another one. =)
2005-09-11 17:37:15
I've been seeing videos with audio voice bits from the shows, I remeber doing that with my Broly video but it was before the vid starts so I decided it might make my videos a little more interesting if I added sound clips to them, I might do it with the paranoia video or the new perfect cell video I'm working on.
2005-08-14 02:40:22
I am finally begining work on a new video, sorry I've taken so long but Iwas having PC trouble and lost all my media file from my second hard drive, so those of you that were looking forward to seeing Garra in High Quality video I'm sorry but it's gone. My new video is called Tormented, it is a Paranioa Agent AMV, it will use the song Crawling in my skin by Linkin Park(NO I'm not using Papercut) unless I can think of another song that matches they story element I'm trying to make for this AMV. So look for Tormented to premiere in a few months.
The Time HAs Arrived
2004-10-30 06:00:47
Gaara :The Duality Premieres tommorow on Halloween, finnally after all the torture I went through will finaaly be over. This damn video has been put me through hell trying to find the perfect render to support all the digital effects I put on it, so from my POV, I think the vid was worth the wait.
All New Video
2004-08-11 12:26:34
Making A New Video Called Gaara:The Duality, (No I'm not using the Duality song again don't worry). I decided since everyone else who made a Naruto video always did Naruto, Sasuke or Haku (which kind of gets boring after awhile) I decided to make a Gaara vid since I haven't seen anybody give tribute to one of the best badasses in the show.
Current server time: Jan 27, 2025 17:18:56