JOURNAL: ZeWrestler

  • I am still here 2003-11-14 13:55:41 hey all,

    I no i havn't posted much in a while. I have been so busy that it isn't even funny. Work, school, wrestling, suitemates, social life, work, physics, calc, i've just been extra busy:( i have two videos on hold that i've wanted to release a while, but i havn't had the time to complete. i am also waiting for some extra help from some members of my studio. They will be good once they are released, I am hopping that they'll be done by the end of this year. I am also toying with the idea for a new vid in my head.

    I hopefully will have more time to work on some sort of video soon. I miss making AMV's.

    Anyway, my shift is about to end at work, so I'm going to go now.

  • i'm alive 2003-08-28 19:51:10 just thought i should say that i'm alive and kicking.

    i've had a long summer. worked on two videos, hoping to release them soon. school starts sunday. been spending most of my time working. this is going to be a rough semester. i got calc 2, physics, descreate math, and assembly machine language building. its going to be tough. add a job and wrestling and im going to be a busy person. hope i can keep a social life. anyway, im off. i got to finish packin. hopefully i'll have more time to keep this updated.

  • on 5 hours of sleep and almost fully functional. 2003-04-25 09:43:30 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. too much caffine at the wrestling banquet last night. didn't fall alseep until after 3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    lots has happened latly. My b-day, I am 19 now :) got cool presents for my birthday. Hell week has started. I have a shit load of hw that needs to get done b4 the semester ends. Its going to be a long week. Oh, well. At least its almost over, then i can go home and finish up my video for Otakon. and sleep.

    can't wait. ;) if i survive today without passin out, i'll b happy.

  • long time no update 2003-04-04 10:27:30 yeah, i no i havn't written in my journal a while. sorry about that. i've been so busy here in school. its the finally month and teachers are really piling on the hw. i just finished an essay last night and got a new one today. i've written a program in java over 10 pages and for some unknown reason, it STILL WONT FIND THE SQUARE ROOT OF A COPMPLEX NUMBER!!and its due tuesday. in addition, i have to rite a keyboard class, and finish numerous comp graphics projects. *sigh*

    my video is coming along good. i havn't worked on it recently, but i got a little more than a minute left in the song. Hopefully i'll get to that soon, so i can try getting it ready for otakon.

    anyway, my shift is ending at work, so i have to go. i will try update soon.

  • good two weekends 2003-02-23 21:09:47 well i had two good weekends the past few weeks.

    2 weeks ago, during teh snow, i got a 4 day weekend due to the weather. it was nice. i come home from my bros b-day and i get an additional two days off to play in the snow. That was 2 days of fun. the only bad thing that happened bad was that i lost my keys. but they were found and returned. it was a nice peaceful and well needed weakend. that and the 3 day school week was good.

    this weekend i just lounged around and enjoyed the peace. after class friday, i quickly updated my website. following that, ro brought a friend up, and we all went ice skating friday. they slept in my room that night, and chilled all of saturday mornin until about 1. the night can be decribed as watching goldmember, and then attacking me in a pillow fight that involed me kicking their ass. lolthen i got to chill and relax teh remainder of the day. went out eventually and got the second beserk dvd.

    2day i chilled, had time to work on my video :) now the third verse is coming. its a min 30 sec. the longest section of the vid :( it might take me a while. other than that, i enjoyed an essay weekend. i'll probally catch up on what ever else i can and the remaining hours of the night. 
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