JOURNAL: Kisanzi

  • Wow...everyone I used to talk with when I started editing has "retired" 2007-09-05 07:50:26 Just out of sheer curiosity...and boredom, I went through all my old PMs and opinions given from back when I started editing in 2005 and strangely enough, all the people I used to chat with and OP exchange with have all stopped editing. Now why do you guys have to go and "retire" like that. BQA's all round. Sad times we live in nowadays. :(

    On an editing sidenote, I've just inherited a dropped track for Ayumix 2! OMG! So now I have something to edit whilst on my break from fixing my current vid, which is still technically finished...but needs alot of fixing and revision.

    Oh, and 2 cons coming up in the next couple weeks. Woot!

    NDK in 10 days! AWA in 17 Days! 
  • Editing mania...O.O 2007-08-17 07:19:18 I've been editing for 10 hours straight....>.>

    So yeah, it's been an interesting past couple weeks. I've compressed what normally might take a few months of editing into the past 2-3 weeks. Why is that...well like I said in my last entry, I want to make a couple con deadlines, which happen to be today and next week. So I've edited from 2 - 10 hours a night for the past couple weeks and my efforts have paid off. I only have 40 seconds left on my new vid before it's in a "showable" form.

    I say that because I've had to hurry a few of my ideas and will greatly revise the vid before releasing the finished version online. But at least I'm almost done with a con version, so I can at least see it on a big screen before cons next year. But yeah, it's almost technically done. It's been a lot of work and by far is the most interesting vid I've edited. Half of the time I have been editing, it felt like I was editing a short film rather than an AMV. So it's a different spin on the traditional AMV.

    But I'm glad to see that my ideas could be realized and the vid looks in the style I hoped for. So if you're going to AWA, then you'll see the debuted, test version of the vid. Otherwise, I won't be done revising and perfecting it for a month or so. Well, just wanted to keep up to date on things. And being so close to seeing a full timeline has got me excited. Look forward to it!  
  • 15 Hours into the new vid... 2007-07-17 06:01:30 ...and I almost have 50 seconds finalized. Yeah, it's slow going, but I'm doing a lot of complex effects and AE work on this one so lots of time is to be expected. The thing that I'm surprised about is that since I know how to do a lot of the FX that I have in mind, it's not very frustrating to edit. Now that doesn't mean it's not tedious and slow, but I haven't hit a difficulty yet, so yay for that.

    As for making the AWA Pro deadline? It doesn't look like it's gonna happen. I would've needed to start this project waaaay in advance to finish in time. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna get lazy. I'm dead set on having this vid finished in time for the AWA Expo deadline. So that gives me a month from today to finish. It'll be rough, but if I stay focused then I'm sure I can do it. Another thing helping me is that I'm really enjoying seeing how close I'm getting to duplicating the effects that I had in mind for this AMV. I've been able to figure out how to do everything I've wanted to so far and it really amazes me to watch. Yeah, that sounds a little self indulgent, but I really enjoy seeing my hard work develop into the right results.

    I'll keep posting the updates as they come!

  • Uh Ohesss...Someone's starting a new vid. 2007-07-07 00:55:36 Yep. Just started on my new vid tonight. It's taken me a long time to start a new vid due to the fact that I've been traveling alot lately and when I have spare time, I don't have the drive to edit. But in a commitment to make AWA Pro's deadline, I'll try my hardest to get the new vid rolling. If I miss the Pro deadline then it'll definitley be ready for Expo.

    As far as editing goes, I haven't really done anything for the "real" vid, but I made a concept tester to make sure I could do all the FX I planned on using. After a couple hours I put together a 2 second segment that used some of the new techniques and appears satisfactory to my needs. So in short, new vid = GO!

    My new concept is pretty advanced compared to any of my last vids. Dare I say, it's a "concept" vid. :P Nah's just a complex and effectsy way I want to present the anime and story rather than the usual cut for cut method. If you check the date I plan to have this ready, aka AWA Pro deadline, it's in two weeks. Yeah, this is going to require me to edit for like 8 hours a day until the last night. So if I make it, I'd be incredibly surprised. This is going to be my most technical vid by far, but I won't rush it, so if I miss the early deadline I'll have a couple more weeks to get it done. Anywho...look forward to it and wish me luck!

    Ramble Ramble Ramble...

  • Acen's over..........but so is school! 2007-05-14 18:52:06 Yep, got back from Acen last night and was utterly exhausted. Fun stuff tho. Had a great time seeing everyone again and meeting new people who decided to come this year. Plus I got to see my girlfriend Chelsey for the first time in 3 months and introduce her to everybody. Whew...its very relieving to finally be through the most hectic two weeks of my life. Everything turned out well, I finished all my finals and projects for school, at the expensive of alot of sleep. But now it's a nice beginning to what will be a fun summer. I bought some new anime at Acen so now I get to ctach up on watching stuff and begin cracking at my AMV for AWA Pro this year. ^.^

    Acen Highlights:

    - Kit's brick-like motuhful of Skittles.
    - Aerialesque's awesome win for Best Romance. VNS FTW!
    - Watching Brad's awesome para para yet again.
    - Having fun watching drunk Grace, the life of the party and Acen! :P
    - AWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwww.......... 
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