FirestormXIII (Robert X. Hill-Williams)
2003-02-25 22:12:24
Well, today the problem I was having with Avisynth seems to have righted itself (see last journal entry). I started making DVD2AVI projects for each individual episode, as I was told by Flint that i should solve my problem. Well after making a file for the first episode of Eva and loading it into Premiere, I discovered it was still no go.
Today though, I ripped the Escaflowne movie, and made a DVD2AVI project for it, and an AVS file. Lo and behold it worked when I loaded it into Windows Media Player (a quicker way to check that I'd forgotten about a couple of nights ago). So, for the sake of checking, I opened the file of Eva's first episode. It worked too :O
So finally I said, "aww, what the hell" and loaded the file for the second disc of Eva.
It worked too.
And while I was no doubt happy about everything suddenly working, I couldn't help but be a little P.O.'ed about its apparent randomness in working.
Blah, now I can start on the Star Wars Trailer project, and my own personal video which I've been wanting to do for the better part of 6 months...After I write my paper for my Sociology of Education class >_<
2003-02-22 00:14:24
Avisynth is acting retarded. There's no reason that a project saved from DVD2AVI somehow went from being an hour and a half to being TEN SECONDS when the script is written for the AVS file. I'm going to try re-saving my DVD2AVI project...
Otherwise I'm gonna be giving Avisynth a swift kick in the pants.
That is all.
For now.
Perfect Collection, perfect day
2003-02-19 22:50:57
Caution: Short story ahead
So today I'm at work, and me and a guy I work with are chatting with one of our friends who'd come in about anime as we oftentimes do. We cross some topic and I happen to mention how much I want the Perfect Collection Box Set of Cowboy Bebop and how it's impossible to find.
So what does our friend tell me?
He tells me that they still had the Perfect Collection available at Tower Records, right across from the mall, a couple of weeks ago.
So needless to say, two minutes later I'm haulin' ass over there in my car to go scoop it up.
End result: The goodness is mine. And on top of finally having my favorite anime's legit Perfect Collection Box Set, I find out that Tower had not one, but two boxes. I have been looking for the Perfect Collection for more than a year, and aside from exorbinant E-bay auctions they're nowhere to be found (because of being produced in limited quantities). So this brings up the question of how in the blue hell did Tower Records just have two sitting around for god knows how long?
But regardless, it is mine, and I can't wait to sit and watch CB from beginning to end this weekend. XD
In other good news: Today I purchased Vol. 1 of Noir and the Art Box for the set (which comes with a free t-shirt ^_^). And today I also enlisted in the SW Trailer Project, which brings my project total up to three (if I'm on for MI:2). Gotta get crackin on this stuff...
2003-02-11 23:37:26
/Me is happy Prius is happy now
/Me wonders why Prius is happy now, and why she wasn't happy before though...
/Me ponders
Later all.
Dude, that was cool...
2003-02-06 23:30:47
Phade gets the cool person of the night award for his Beavis and Butthead reference on the main page.
That is all.
Later. XD
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 00:45:13