JOURNAL: FirestormXIII (Robert X. Hill-Williams)

  • :O x2,363,109.4^10 2003-02-05 13:51:08 Rawr, ChaosAngel=teh crazy sexo masta

    I didn't know he had it in him. He makes me so proud... *wipes tear* 
  • It's official... 2003-02-03 21:57:32 My hosting service has dropped me. I probably wouldn't even care much about except for two things:

    1)I've violated no terms of service.
    2)They gave no warning whatsoever that they were dropping me.
    3)They won't respond to my e-mails. At ALL >_<

    It's just annoying to me at this point, since I didn't have a real website up anyway. It just means I have to find a new host, or just wait for the donut. I want to host my own site regardless of AMVs though, so I'll probably look for some hosting.

    Cest la vie.

    Later all. 
  • Fook fookity f00k f00k f00k 2003-02-03 13:04:52 >_< I just came back from class a couple of hours ago and was gonna start reading up for my classes tomorrow, but then I discover something has gone kooky with my hosting. I've since checked everything out and ended up e-mailing my hosting provider, and as a result have gotten no reading done.

    Now that wouldn't be such a problem in itself, except that I have work tonight until 10. That completely screws things up, and to top it off I'd honestly rather not work tonight, because I'm actually feeling motivated today to do things I haven't done in a while (among them: reading for my classes, practicing my Trombone, Piano, and Bass, and continuing to get AMV stuff done)

    I guess that's just the way things go. <shrug>

    Things to do today:
    Read for Intro to Art History and study for quiz tomorrow
    Read for Intro to Psych
    Read for Western Civ
    Get my Star Wars: Episode II DVD back so I can check out those trailer spots
    Go to work >_< (arghh)

    In other news, I finally told this girl I've been talking to for a while that I like her. I come to find out she likes me too, so I've been on cloud 9 since last night. This is probably also why I'm so damn happy and motivated today as well. Life is pretty good right now, even in all its weirdness.

    Hope it stays that way ^_^

    Later everyone. 
  • Sad... 2003-02-01 15:18:50 What happened with Space Shuttle Columbia is truly saddening, and such a tragedy. Seems the world is just filled with tragedy in recent years.

    When the world starts going to hell, it *really* goes to hell.

    So continues the downward spiral... 
  • War, WAR! What is it good for? Absolutely nothin, say it again... 2003-01-31 09:21:56 The camel's back isn't broken yet, but it's getting closer. Now there's 8 European nations who are supporting Bush's actions. The funny thing is that the only ones that get mentioned are Britain and Italy. One thing is for certain though, none of those european nations are Germany or France.
    Even Nelson Mandela has been speaking out against the President of late, and he also had some strong words for Tony Blair.

    <quote>He also condemned Blair for his strong support of the United States.

    ''He is the foreign minister of the United States. He is no longer prime minister of Britain,'' he said.<quote>

    And Iraq isn't taking Bush's threats as jokes either. I can't seem to find the article now, but representatives of Iraq aren't hiding what they can, and can't fight against. They know that they have little retaliation against air strikes, but they say that if ground troops invade (which will happen if war breaks out) that they know every corner and every street of their country, and that they will fight courageously.

    And that is no joke. Iraq may not, and probably won't win a war against the U.S., but even if they lose they're going to kill a lot of soldiers. A lot of children (on both sides) are going to be left without moms and dads if this goes down.

    That could even include me. 
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