JOURNAL: FirestormXIII (Robert X. Hill-Williams)

  • Rawr... 2002-11-22 23:33:55 Nailz just made either the best, or the most disturbing journal entry evAr.

  • Radio Espantoso. It is our little joke... 2002-11-20 19:56:30 Upon writing that quote I just thought about how it'sbeen a couple of weeks since I've played Vice City. Wacky. Here I thought it would have ended my life for the remainder of this year =P
    Oh well...

    I'm actually doing something AMV related tonight (besides surfing the forums XD ). I've decided to put aside my Metropolis project for the time being, because I have no inspiration for it. The idea is solid, and I do want to do it eventually, but the only reason I started it was because of the CSUN contest. And I missed that deadline, so there's no reason to toture myself with this right now.

    What does this mean?

    I'm gonna start my trailer :O
    I can hear the moaning of the masses already, but I feel like doing something short and fun for a change. I'm gonna get started on it tonight, I just have to read about how to extract the audio from a DVD =D

    Yep, I'm taking the trailer straight from the DVD. What DVD? You'll have to wait and see...

    Gah, too much rhyming right there. Well, I better get started.

    Night all. 
  • Rockafella died of AIDs, that was the end of his chapter/ And that's the guy you chose to name your company after?! 2002-11-20 08:57:28 Well, it's been a while. Mostly because I'm still being a lazy bum and not doing diddly squat. With anything. At all.
    I did go to class on monday however (hooray for me), but skipped on tuesday again (bad Rob, bad). The funniest thing is that there's no real reason for me skipping out on school. I don't hate any of my classes, and even if the classes aren't happy happy fun time at least I learn interesting stuff in them. And skipping out sure isn't going to help me pass my Biology and Algebra classes. =/

    I haven't been online much recently either, nor have I written any reviews, or done any work on my video. I haven't even been to the chat for days! *shock*

    I really don't know what it is. There's only one thing I think that it could be attributed to, but it can't even be attributed to it because it doesn't fit. What that thing is? That's for me to know =P

    I think I just have to get up off my butt and get un-lazy. I think I'll start by going to all my classes for the rest of this week. Then this weekend I'll get back into my AMVs and my regular online activities again.

    Well, that's about it for now. I just got Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. I must say they've done a good job revamping the franchise and yet still having it feel like Mortal Kombat. It's a pretty good game so far, and it's got a bunch of extras to give it more replayability.
    Best thing to do in the game so far: Play with a freind, bust out swords and chop each other to bits XD

    Well, I'm off to perhaps do some schoolwork, play a little Suikoden III (which is a good game), eat breakfast, and check my friends' journals.

    Later everyone.

    P.S. The title for my entry comes from a song by Nas (who I've been listening to a lot more lately). I think he's made it into a select group of rappers that I actually like. O.o 
  • -_-;; 2002-11-13 23:40:17 I keep getting online for too short an amount of time to write anything worthwhile here. I talked to my ex-girlfriend (as I said I would in my last entry) and things have been worked out. Too complicated to explain in the three more minutes I plan on being online, so I'll do that tomorrow.

    I haven't been to classes once yet this week, which isn't good, but <shrug>. I'm sure everyone has had those days where they just didn't feel like going somewhere at all. Well, I've felt that way all week. And I follow those feelings. I don't just skip out on a whim though, it has to be the kind of 'I really need a break' feelings that I got at the beginning of this week.

    In all honesty, I've been taking a break from a lot of things. I haven't really been online at all this week. I was on for a couple of hours Monday, but that's because Nailz baited me into the chatroom =P It's all good though, it was fun as usual. I haven't done any work on my vidoe either, since I missed the CSUN deadline (damn me), but there'll always be other contests. I'm probably not gonna jump right back on working on anything either at least this week, I'm just taking a break from pretty much everything.

    I suppose this week has been me getting my priorities straight, and figuring out what it is I really want to do. I know I still want to Major in Music, but I think it's partially because it's really too late for me to change my mind. I've found a real fondness for Computer Graphic Design this semester. I really enjoy creating art, and I learn techniques and such quickly. It's also just a lot of fun, and not nearly as...well I don't really know what word to use, but I enjoy it more than I enjoy/ed drawing freehand. We'll have to see if I'm able to finish it out within the two and a half years I have left of school. If I am, I may switch majors, or at least minor in Design.

    Speaking of school, everything is pretty much squared away with Rutgers. Camden County College still needs to get my transcript out to them, but that's the only piece that's missing. After that I just wait and find out in December if I'm accepted. I believe I'm going to get accepted though, as long as CCC doesn't take too long with sending my transcript. It's just one of those things you know is going to happen.

    In other news, I picked up Shinobi (for PS2), Star Wars: Episode II (DVD), and Hellsing Volume 3 (DVDuh) =P I just finished watching the Hellsing DVD and it's as cool as always, but with more f'ed up stuff going on. I have to get Volume 4 as soon as possible though, because they leave you hanging soooo bad in Order(Episode) 9. It's not fair for them to pull that and just end the Episode. Not fair at all...

    Anyway, Shinobi rocks. I read some reviews that said it was ok, but in my book it's better than ok. Up until I actually played it I had written it off as Devil May Cry without the guns, because in all honesty, Gungrave was DMC without the swords (or the speed >_<). Shinobi is the first straight action game that I've played since the aforementioned DMC that didn't feel like a lesser version of the game. Shinobi is action-filled, but it is *not* the same as Devil May Cry. It has a flair all its own, and not once did I find myself thinking 'This is what I have to put up with until January 29th?!' (Devil May Cry 2's current arrival date) That was a feat in itself, and if I didn't have class in the morning I probably wouldn't even be here, because that's what I'd be playing ^_^ It's a good game, go buy it. From Gamestop of course, cause they employ me :O

    Haven't watched the DVD of Star Wars yet, but ummm...yea, it's Star Wars (a.k.a. I watch it for the lightsabers and fun stuff, not the acting =P ) <shrug>

    Well, that's about it for now. I've got a couple of more game update/reviews for games I've gotten in the past week, but I'll hit those tomorrow with my *gasp* relationship update. Tomorrow I'm going to get Roz's new video, as well as another video I've heard was pretty good. I do owe a few people reviews, so I'll probably start on that tomorrow as well. I think I'll skim through the forums later, even though I haven't in a couple of days.

    Well, night all, see you around.

  • Today... 2002-11-11 22:51:24 Today I realized what I've taken for granted.
    Today I realized what I had to lose.
    Today I realized the person I want to be.
    And who I want to be that person with.

    I don't really have anything else to say right now. More to come tomorrow after I have a somewhat long overdue discussion with someone.

    Night all. 
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 23:12:27