JOURNAL: jodark

  • Notice the three faced evangelon project will be post poned 2004-03-22 13:41:19 the three faced evangelion project will be post poned until further notice due to computer problems. i hope to have these problems resolved soon for updates e-mail me at 
  • Big Prob 2004-02-21 15:34:55 Cant open My movie maker program it just shuts down the computer. Production of the full and edited for amv versions has been very badly delayed. depending on how the next week goes will decide if the project is post poned or just delayed for a few weeks 
  • Vid upload 2004-02-16 12:06:52 the three faced evangleion part two will be uplaoded today in just under an hour. part one is at about 20% complete and part three is at 23% and will be released soon after compleation.  
  • Th3 Thr33 Fac3ed 3vang3lion 2004-02-15 18:05:38 Update part two is complete but due to technical difficultys it wont save so production on parts one and three have been delayed. 
  • update 2004-02-08 13:46:45 Video specs so far
    Name Th3 thr33 fac3d 3vang3lion
    A three part video of each of the main charictors Shinji, Asuka and Rei

    Part one specs
    Artist linkin park
    song Krwling
    Charictor Shinji
    status started about 10% done

    Part two specs
    artist not yet known
    song not yet known
    charictor Asuka
    Status started about 10% done

    Part three specs
    artist not yet known
    song not yet known
    Charictor Rei
    status started about 10% done 
Current server time: Jan 23, 2025 17:24:37