The worst thing about love....
2004-06-10 22:53:15
Love, I'm sick of it!! Want to be out of it completely... and the worst thing is all my popular videos are about love...
My favorite new video for all to see...
2004-06-10 01:31:25
'Under my skin' took me 15 minutes to make only after I listen to the song about 3000 times... and I love it... This is to my twins 'Imaginary' video... Who is better? The world may never know...
2004-06-05 21:44:03
I'm on like a whole lot of sugar.... SUGAR!!!!!!!
I got another one up!!
2004-05-31 22:51:01
I got my Under a blood red moon video one up today!! Yeah for me!! I hope people like it better then the second one.... My silly fan fic isn't even online yet... but I've made two videos on it... *sigh* I hope people like it....
The Dumb things you say when your under pressure....
2004-05-30 22:00:36
Stupid me... I had to metion death in sunday school today... on death and funeral story after another... God I hate old people...
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